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Your search returned 46 results in 12 document sections:

lled: H C Patton. Wounded: Capt G J Green, in the leg; Lieut W Peyton Monroe, in the thigh; Privates a J Patton, slightly; B H Garrison, slightly; Company B, Capt John S Talliaferro — killed: none. Wounded: Capt John S Talliaferro, slightly; Privates J W. Grillin, badly; W Alien, slightly. Company C, Capt E L Wharton — kilCapt John S Talliaferro, slightly; Privates J W. Grillin, badly; W Alien, slightly. Company C, Capt E L Wharton — killed: none. Wounded: E L Wharton; Privates Wm P Sanford and Jas Bartlett, wounded by shell on the 27th, but remained on the field; a J Barrack, mortally; F S Sisson, slightly in leg. Company D, Capt W N Ward — killed: none. Wounded: Capt Ward, badly in shoulder; Privates Thos Cannon, slightly;--Reynolds, badly. Company E, Cy by shell. Company G, Capt L Wright — killed: private Rufus is. wounded: Capt Luther Wright, in the month; Lieut Geo. W Marshall, badly in foot and leg; Privates John J Miller, in shoulder; Geo M Farrar severely in side; H W Brooke, in leg. Company H, Capt Thos R Dew — killed: none. Wounded: L B Andrews, badly; Thos
The Daily Dispatch: December 27, 1862., [Electronic resource], One of the enemy's "Rams" destroyed by torpedoes on the Yazoo river. (search)
ivates Thos H Brently, Jno G B S P and E J Daniel, co I Lieut A E Wilston, privates H. Beavar and J F Thompson, co K. Killed, 4, wounded, 27. 14th North Carolina Troops — Wounded Private M Turker, co A, slightly; Corp'l H J Davis, co E slightly privates Bowman and Threadgill, co C, slightly, Serg't Avail, co E, slightly; Serg't slightly; privates Reil, Champton, and Candle, co K slightly. Montag; Private Harris, co H, Wounded 10, missing 1. North Carolina Troops — Wounded; Privates John C Hattle, co C dangerously in face by treatment of privates Bilas G Allen, co D, secretary, through both thighs; privates W L Lumlyand Elijah Wilkine, co D, slightly; private J L Picket co H, slightly on knee; privates Jesse Little and James Mayo, co F, slightly; private D McDonald, very badly through both legs — amputation of one leg performed; private Alley M Joyner, co L, very slightly in arm; private H L Hood, co R slightly in thigh; A L Dearmond, co K, slightly in arm, and W D Russ<