in, P. C. Cabell, Sergeant T. R. Martin, Corporal R. N. Dunn, W. H. Duerson, Privates W. B. Mosby,* J. H. Daniel, W. N. Anderson,* Sol. Banks,* R. E. Dignun,* F. Faison,* E. Fizer,* W. R. Kilby,* Thomas Maring, J. J. Sinnott, S. Smith, W. C. Hite;* prisoners, Privates Mat.
Lloyd and Robert Lloyd.
Company I—Sergeant W. F. Terry, Corporal C. L. Parker,* Corporal J. T. Ayres,*Corporal T. E. Traylor, Privates R. O. Meredith,* G. W. Shumaker,* S. S. Neal,* C. A. Wilkes* and C. H. Chappell,* Sergeants John T. Crew, E. C. Goodson, and W. T. White, and Privates S. Clarke and W. C. Taliaferro.
Killed and died of wounds, twenty-three; wounded and prisoners, eighty-seven; prisoners and wounded left with enemy, marked *forty seven.
From all information obtainable it may be stated that the First Virginia Regiment lost in killed, wounded and prisoners, not less than 125 men out of about 160 that went into the charge.
General remarks.
Pickett's men could have gone into battle on the pr
Assumption Bill, The, 15.
Baldwin, Colonel John B., 175.
Banks, Defeat of General, 252. obert L., 3.
Dana, C. A., 340.
Daniel, Hon. John W., 174, 183, 223.
Daves, Major Graham, 2, 224.
Early, J. Cabell, 222.
Echols, General John, 174.
Ellis, Governor John W., 275, 291.Governor John W., 275, 291.
Embargo Act of 1807, 17.
Engineer Troops, Parole list of, 51.
Erlanger & Co., Proposition of Virginia, Defences of, 347.
Hoffman, Captain John S., 204.
Holze, Henry, 115.
Hood, GenLafayette, Prisoner at Olmutz, 344.
Lamb, Hon. John, 1, 195.
Lee Camp, Confederate Veterans; ryland, Lee's Invasion of, 5, 255.
Mason, Hon. John M., 108.
Masonic Sign of Distress in War,Retreat from, bridges burned, 67.
Pettus, Governor John J., 58.
Pickett, General G. E., his poC. J., his mission to France, 364.
Pope, General John, Retreat of 77, 251, 333.
Preston, Colonrgeon Alfred, first killed, 200.
Slidell, Hon. John, 108, 110.
Smith, Captain B. H., wounded,[2 more...]