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, General-in-Chief: General Palmer reports Johnson's division, Fourteenth corps, surprised A. P.nd were driven by these troops in the face of Johnson's division of Palmer's corps, by whom they weajor-General Palmer: First division, Brigadier-General Johnson, 46 killed, 258 wounded--aggregate, escape along the ridge, ran into the arms of Johnson's division of the Fourteenth corps, and were with the enemy, General Carlin's brigade, of Johnson's division, came to their support. This was orning, crossed Chattanooga Creek, and joined Johnson's division upon the right of our position. was on the extreme right; then Geary's; then Johnson's; then Sheridan's; then Wood's; then Baird's them upon the left flank of the enemy, while Johnson charged this portion of their line in front. erhaus's division, the latter on the right of Johnson's. As Osterhaus swept round upon the left flank of the enemy — Johnson at the same time attacking them in front — the lines met, and nearly five[2 more...]<
aster offered two hundred dollars for his capture, and he was obliged to hide. The morning of our arrival at the Court-House, he was lying asleep in the woods, and a little boy came and woke him up, and said that the Yankees had come. He said: Go ‘way, chile; what you want to fool dis nigga for? But just then he heard the firing, and raising up, saw the blue coats of our troops on the hill. I was so glad, dat I come right away, and left all my things. The following is a list of the killed and wounded in the Mounted Rifles: Sergeant Wood, company H, killed; Corporal Smith, company H, killed; Captain L. B. Gregory, wounded severely in thigh; Sergeant Hendrickson, company H, wounded in three places; private Stoppelbein, company H, wounded; private Johnson, company H, wounded slightly; guide, wounded in arm. The rebels had three men wounded. This raid has developed some interesting facts, which I would like to impart, but forbear, on account of their military importance. C.
twenty-second, information was received that Johnson's and Morrow's brigades, of Roddy's command, via Pulaski, twenty-seventh, that he engaged Johnson's brigade near Florence, routed them, killed instructions, every thing being in readiness, Johnson's and Baird's divisions moved out from Chattathe latter on the left. Carlin's brigade, of Johnson's division, was stationed about midway betwee precipitous, and is a very strong position. Johnson's division of the Fourteenth corps was advancng the enemy at Buzzard's Roost, supported by Johnson's division, posted a short distance west of Tis right and rear, whilst Davis, supported by Johnson, attacked him in front. In the mean time, Hawn of Tunnel Hill, to cover the retirement of Johnson's and Davis's divisions from Buzzard's Roost;ufficient time to establish his picketlines. Johnson was ordered to take post at Tyner's Station wlton. In accordance with these instructions, Johnson withdrew on the night of the twenty-sixth to [2 more...]
he time we reached the top of Nobby Mountain, within seven miles of New-Creek, the weather became so intolerable that we turned back, and coming on through Romney, thence through gorges and over mountains of ice, toiling for several days, we reached the valley. The object of the expedition was, I believe, to get cattle. Six hundred of these and about three hundred horses, thirty wagons, and three hundred and twenty mules — not to mention about one hundred Yankees — were the fruits of this expedition. When it is remembered what natural obstacles were encountered and overcome, what a Siberian icebergian spell of weather reigned during the whole trip, it will be a matter of surprise that the trip was made at all, without considering the importance of its results. Dr. Johnson said: The wonder is not that bears dance so well, but that they dance at all. So it may truly be said of this expedition, that the wonder is not that it was done so well, but that it was done at all. Brutu
Doc. 58.-re-organization in Tennessee. Governor Johnson's proclamation. Nashville, January 26, 1864. whereas, in consequence of the disloyalty of a large majority of the persons filling the offices established by the constitution and laws of Tennessee, and of the majority of the people of the State, and as part of thof State. All other steps will be taken looking to the election of the other officers, Federal and State, as soon as practicable. In testimony whereof, I, Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of the State of Tennessee, do hereunto set my hand, and cause the Great L. S.Seal of the State to be affixed, at this Department, on the oon as practicable. In testimony whereof, I, Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of the State of Tennessee, do hereunto set my hand, and cause the Great L. S.Seal of the State to be affixed, at this Department, on the twenty-sixth day of January, A. D. 1864. Andrew Johnson. By the Governor, Edward H. East, Secretary of State.
M. M. Brien presided, assisted by Colonel Pickens, of East-Tennessee, and Joseph Ramsey, Esq., of Bedford, as Vice Presidents. The meeting was addressed by James S. Fowler, Esq., Colonel Edwards, of East-Tennessee, Captain E. C. Hatton, and Governor Johnson. A lengthy preamble and the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, 1. That we recognize the authority and duty of the Executive of the United States, or such agents and instruments as he may constitutionally appoint, and employ, iennessee will be best secured by committing the restoration and permanent establishment of civil government to a constitutional convention, to be chosen by the loyal citizens of the State; and having implicit confidence in the integrity of Hon. Andrew Johnson, Military Governor of the State, we submit that he may call such a convention of the State at any time, when in his judgment the State can be represented from all her parts. Resolved, 3. As slavery was the cause of all our trouble, and
hen General Thomas is out of the way. His troops marched that night, and before daylight the Twentieth corps started, Johnson's division leading, and when it reached headquarters it was immediately ordered to Thomas. Johnson's and Davis's divisiJohnson's and Davis's divisions and one brigade of Sheridan's were heavily engaged on the nineteenth, Davis losing one brigade commander, (killed,) and Sheridan one, (wounded.) But I need not delay the Court with any resume of the operations of the nineteenth. My fieldorde security. Let us inquire how the plan of battle clanged. My proper command was the Twentieth corps, consisting of Johnson's, Sheridan's, and Davis's divisions, and to these were added all the cavalry --a formidable force truly. With it the rpresent to engage, will be shown in a little while. General Thomas had his own four divisions, and to strengthen him, Johnson's, of McCook's, by far the strongest, and Palmer's,of Crittenden's, the strongest of that corps, had been sent the day b
ds, and eight prisoners, and how many wounded were taken off in their ambulances it is impossible to say. A negro at whose house General Polignac staid, represents him as saying, that he was very much disappointed at the failure of the rebels on this side to cooperate with him; that the plan had been well laid, and all means taken to insure an attack on both Natchez and Vidalia at once; that he considered himself fortunate in coming off so easily, and that he fully expected to capture or drive into the river every Yankee at Vidalia. If the attack had been simultaneous, they would have caught a tartar, for Colonel Johnson, commanding here, contemplating such a move, had made all arrangements to meet it. Thus again has the black soldier of the Republic vindicated his manhood and added new glory to our flag. He has proved his value as one of our nation's defenders, and developed a new element of strength. Will not his slanderers soon acknowledge that a nigger will fight ? Ace.
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 87.-the campaign in Florida. (search)
B, Ind. battery, killed; Captain A. W. Bartlett, Co. A, Ind. battery, since dead; Richard Burns, Co. C, Ind. battery, since dead; E. Pasho, Co. C, Ind. battery; arm; Geo. W. Hankins, Co. C, Ind. battery, hand; Geo. Hutchinson, Co. C, Ind. battery, arm; Geo. E. Fernand, Co. B, Ind. battery, thigh; Sergeant F. Blaisdell, Co. B, Ind. battery, scalp; F. P. Howland, Co. A, Ind. battery, arm; Charles Pierson, Co. A, Fortieth Massachusetts, thigh; C. E. Lee, Co. D, Fortieth Massachusetts, arm;----Johnson, Co. D, Ind. battery, neck;----Wormwood, Co. D, Ind. battery. The bivouac of Henry's command Thursday night was any thing but pleasant. It commenced raining in the afternoon, with every prospect of continuing to rain through the night. The men were weary and hungry, and there was nothing in the shape of provisions in the vicinity. The horses, too, were very much jaded. We succeeded in getting some forage at a farm-house not far off. This the poor animals disposed of with avidity. At
ces, we would in all probability have sunk into the quiet and obscurity of good old Union times. Our military commanders appear to have also, taken this view. General Crocker and his brigade were withdrawn, leaving only two regiments under Colonel Johnson, and the Second and Sixth Mississippi, of African descent, as a garrison. But hardly had the forces been disposed off by the Colonel, so as to meet any probable contingency, or the last echoes of the steamer bearing off General Crocker fairhe Louisiana side, evinced their mettle, and the spirit and dash which characterize their commanding officers. Colonel Farrar, commanding at Vidalia, learned one afternoon, through a lady, that a military ball was to be given that night at a Mr. Johnson's plantation, on Black River, thirty-three miles distant. Unfortunately, the Colonel's mounted force was on the Natchez side, having been scouting, and it was then too late to cross them to the Louisiana side. Determined not to let such an o