Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Jane Johnson or search for Jane Johnson in all documents.

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ington was charged with being disorderly in the street, and was found not guilty and discharged. John Lewis, negro, was charged with the same offence, found guilty and sent to Castle Thunder for ten days. Samuel Pleasants, negro, was charged with stealing groceries from M. F. Burton. There being no evidence against him, he was released. Harrison Banks, negro, was charged with petit larceny, found guilty and sent to Castle Thunder for sixty days. Charles Read, negro, was also before the Court on the charge of petit larceny. He plead guilty and was sentenced to the Castle for sixty days. Henrietta Johnson and Jane Johnson, colored, vagrants, thirty days each in Castle Thunder. Isabella Banks, colored, entering the house of Mr. Simons and attempting to steal, thirty days in Castle Thunder. Henry Woodson, colored, assault and battery on Mary Cooper, three months in Castle Thunder. John Wilson, colored, stealing iron, sixty days in Castle Thunder.
ollowing unscrupulous statement of Rev. Dr. Bacon, of New Haven, as published in the New Haven Palladium. In his visit to Richmond, he found no middle class in Richmond! "There are some white mechanics"--"but they occupy miserable shanties, generally." This veritable Doctor says: "There were two hundred and fifty white children, as poor and ignorant as the blacks, attending at the Laboratory School, and they need the aid of the people of the North. When I mentioned this fact to President Johnson, his answer was, 'I am very glad to find that anybody knows that there are white folks at the South!' We must do much for the poor whites. Many of these children were barefooted, and all poorly clad. The dwellings of Richmond are all either very large and imposing, or small and squalid. There are none for the middle class, for there is no such class. There are some white mechanics and workmen there, but they occupy miserable shanties generally — very unlike the New Haven mechanics.
ces, cannot have been written without full deliberation: "The object of General Schofield's visit here is, as we have already said, altogether conciliatory, and has in view only certain explanations of a passage which will be found in President Johnson's message. The presence of General Schofield among us is, therefore, only an additional proof of the excellent disposition of his Government towards France. After this complacent explanation, utterly inconsistent with the asseverations of Boniface that the General has no mission at all, the Pays goes on to adopt the stale and absurd story that General Logan is merely accredited to Juarez because President Johnson, having the patronage of a salary already voted, wished to give it to a personal friend. [from the London Pall Mall Gazette, December 9.] It is a singular coincidence that the General has come to France just at the moment when the rumor of a counterpart of the September Convention having been arranged bet
Associated Press dispatches. Arrival of the Steamship Australasian at New York. New York, December 29. --The steamship Australasian, from Liverpool 16th instant, has arrived. The message of President Johnson was favorably received, and was regarded as friendly. United States bonds improved after its reception. Financial and commercial. Liverpool, December 16. --Cotton — The sales of the week were eighty thousand bales, including twelve thousand to speculators and twenty-two thousand to exporters. The market opened dull at a decline of ½d., but recovered, closing with an advance of ½ d. on the week. The quotation of Middling Orleans is 21 to 21¼d. The sales on Friday were eight thousand bales, the market closing quiet. The stock in port is three hundred and forty-eight thousand bales including one hundred and twenty-seven thousand bales of American. The Latest. Liverpool, Saturday, P. M. --The sales to-day were ten thousand bales, in
By Johnson's Independent Agency. Additional European News by the Australasian. Sandy Hook, December 29. --The steamships China and Louisiana arrived out on the 15th instant. Liverpool, December 16.--The steamships Caledonia, St. Patrick and Glasgow have arrived from New York. The Paris Bourse closed firm at 63£. 40 for rentes. London, Sunday, December 17.--It is stated that the health of the Queen of Spain is still improving. The King of Belgium was buried yesterday Strong precautions have been taken to maintain peace in Cork. The Cork Herald alludes to the recent departure of skilful pilots for America as an evidence of contemplated naval operations by the Fenians. The Times says the passage in President Johnson's message which concerns England ought to be read in a friendly spirit. The Morning Post says it evinces a desire to keep on good terms with those they acknowledge to be their friends. The Telegraph is very eulogistic, and says th
Cynthiana, Kentucky, consisting of four white men and two negroes, recently made their escape from that institution, leaving behind them a written request to "clean up the prison by the time they returned from their holiday excursion. " The New Bedford Mercury says "nothing is wider from the truth than the charge that the Republican party is more anxious for power than it is to hasten the reconstruction of the Union." The Mercury will have its joke. --Prentice. Sumner called President Johnson's message in relation to the South "a whitewashing document." Use a ton of whitewash upon Sumner's political character and the whitewash would turn black, not the character white.--Prentice. Eleven negroes have been recently sentenced to the penitentiary from Montgomery county, Alabama, and seven from Tuscaloosa county. At this rate, the penitentiary of that State will be soon filled with this class of prisoners. General Howard asks the modest sum of eleven millions and thre