Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Mary Johnson or search for Mary Johnson in all documents.

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Larceny. --Two negroes, named Eliza Jenkins and Mary Johnson, were arrested Tuesday night by Constable Cole, of Henrico, for stealing a pocket-book containing twenty-seven dollars, a white dress valued at ten dollars, and one gold locket, from Johnson Sands. They were committed to jail to be examined to-day before Justice Wade.
ast New York Herald says: "Ordinary men, they come from their country villages to the seat of government with all the passions, prejudices and narrow views of local politicians. They are full of the ideas and feelings of the war after it is over and fast becoming a matter of history. Events, with mighty strides, rush on like railroad cars, and leave them gazing in wonderment behind.--They are bewildered, and flounder about in uncertainty, first one way and then another, not knowing rightly where they are. It is a pity they cannot be sent back to their constituencies to find out the change that has taken place. A year or so, however, is not long in the life of a nation, and the time will soon come round when they will be taught an impressive lesson. In the meantime we do not despair of the progress of the country; for President Johnson has the wisdom, power and firmness to carry us safely through, in spite of the unrepresentative Congress with which he may have to contend.
The Daily Dispatch: December 28, 1865., [Electronic resource], The railroad projected by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad company in the Valley of Virginia. (search)
Is there any prospect of a War with France? This question may be better answered by W. H. Seward than by any one else; and he does so, we take it, in the following editorial article in the New York Times. That paper argues earnestly in declaring: "Neither in the message of President Johnson, in the diplomatic correspondence of Secretary Seward, in the War and Navy Department reports, nor in any of the other official documents recently given to the country, do they find the least encouragement given to any one of their schemes, or the least prospect held out of their being treated with anything but reprobation. In treating of our controversies with other Powers, the President was careful to adopt a tone at once vigorous and conciliatory. So far as was necessary, our relations with other Powers were commented upon; but in regard to none of them was a word used indicating that any of our controversies were of such a character as to require war or menace for a solution. He
everal of the New England Republican newspapers disclaim any responsibility for Mr. Sumner's white-washing speech — among them the Hartford Courant, warmly. The issue joined. We have the programme announced simultaneously at New York by Mr. Greeley, and at Washington by General Banks, that the coercive power of the Government is to be exercised upon the Southern States until they shall concede the elective franchise to the negro. We may regard the issue [between these men and President Johnson] as fairly joined after these announcements. Henceforth the policy of conciliation towards the President by Mr. Greeley, and those whom he represents, means that conciliation which shall constrain the President to abandon the bulwarks of the Constitution, for the defence of which he has arrayed himself; and it does not at all mean a conciliation which looks to any abatement of their demands.--Sun. Reconstruction. The Provisional Governor of Florida will be ordered to surrende
Associated Press dispatchesGeneral Grant's visit to the Rio Grands — pardon warrants — reception, by President Johnson, of General Talgar, Minister from Columbia. Washington, December 27. --It has been stated that General Grant is about to visit the Rio Grande. This is not true, however, as he will not extend his visit beyond New Orleans. For the first time since the surrender of Lee's army, no pardon warrants were issued by the Attorney-General to-day. Very few applications are now presented. The President is energetically engaged in disposing of all cases. General Talgar was to-day received by the President as Minister from Columbia. He stated that his Government was solicitous to foster and encourage friendly relations, binding it to the United States. The President reciprocated the expressions of friendship by him expresse
By Johnson's Independent Agency.from Washington-- preparing for Congressional action--General Grant's trips to the Rio Grande — Secretary Appointees who refuse to take the oath, &c. The Secretary of the Treasury is preparing bills in conformity with his recommendations to Congress, which he will soon send to the Ways and Means Committee for their consideration. A paragraph from Washington, published in a paper of yesterday morning, states that General Grant will sail immediately after the holidays, in the flagship of the Gulf squadron, for the Rio Grande, and that Commodore Winslow has sailed in the Champion, vies New Orleans, leaving his flagship behind for the General. This is one of a class of a paragraphs sent from here from time to time, which, taken together, are intended to create an impression that the Lieutenant-General intends to go at once to the Rio Grande, with special reference to Mexican difficulties, and an ulterior purpose of driving Maximilian from M