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The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], Southern representation — a Gleam of hope. (search)
o stop to inquire whether the late insurrectionary States, in seeking again the constitutional right of representation, are prepared to comply with all their constitutional obligations. But all this can be learned without any great delay. President Johnson doubtless has abundant information, derived from his provisional governors, and from agents deputed to make special inquiry, which he will cheerfully impart. If that information is not enough, any deficiency can easily be supplied by an inWhatever the motive, the act is one of infatuation. The South is now in its most impressible stage. All Southern men are waiting to see how Southern submission will be treated by the North. Of the fair and conciliatory disposition of President Johnson they are well satisfied. Yet he is but a single man. Of the spirit of the Northern people toward them they are still in doubt. Any unfriendly manifestation by Northern Senators and Representatives will be taken as proof that the Northern
The Daily Dispatch: December 16, 1865., [Electronic resource], A Washington Judge and a Lawyer at Loggerheads. (search)
porate the Snowville Woolen Factory of the county of Pulaski. Taken up and passed. A bill to incorporate the Catawba Coal and Iron Company was passed. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the joint resolution establishing the State Guard was taken up and passed unanimously. A bill authorizing the trustees of the town of Manchester to build a bridge across James river at Richmond was read a third time and passed. On motion of Mr. Gilmer, the joint resolution that Virginia prays President Johnson to grant a general amnesty to the citizens of Virginia was taken up and passed. The bill incorporating the Virginia Porcelain and Earthenware Company was read a third time and passed. A bill amending and re-enacting the act incorporating the Southern Express Company, and incorporating the National Express Company, was read a third time and passed. By Mr. Mitchell: "Resolved, That the Committee on Banks be authorized to inquire into the disposition made by the indepe
By Johnson's independent agency.from Washington. Washington, December 15. --The disarming of the black troops in Mississippi arises, probably, from the fear of trouble, now that the holidays are so rapidly approaching. It is a fact that women and children are now in the Northern States whose homes are in the South, but prefer to remain where they are until the dreaded Christmas times have passed. The fears of trouble are stronger in Mississippi than in any other State, though in certain portions of Alabama serious misgivings exist. When General Canby mustered out the blacks in Louisiana recently, he ordered them all to be disarmed; and this action, I am informed, was based almost solely on the fear that a collision might occur should the negroes be permitted to retain their arms. What Governor Humphrey has done in Mississippi is no more than General Canby has done, though in the one case it was by Government action and in the other by States. There is no
The United States Supreme Court to-day was crowded with attorneys to hear the important argument of Mr. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, advocating the re-admission of Mr. Garland to practice on the ground that the President's pardon restored the petitioner to all his civil and political rights. Although he (Carpenter) sustained the President in suppressing the rebellion, now that the war was over, he was perfectly willing to take by the hand his "re-constructed" brethren. He contended that the test oath was unconstitutional. Attorney-General Speed, replying, argued that Congress has the right to fix the qualification for office, and that though a pardon removed the consequences of crime, it was not a key to unlock the Government offices. Mr. Garland was no more restored to pardon than were those who took part in the rebellion to the offices they previously occupied under the United States Government. Reverdy Johnson will continue the argument next Friday for the petitioner.
The Danville Lycenm met last Friday night. There was a large attendance. The labor question was under discussion. Besides the regular members who spoke, the audience was addressed by Messrs. W. T. Sutherlin, George W. Read, S. S. Bryant and Colonel R. E. Withers.-- Danville Times. Mr. Wilkins Bruce has paid thirty thousand dollars in gold for a tract of land near Danville. Mr. William Mosely has been selected as Judge of the Freedmen's Court at Danville. Lynchburg. Governor Johnson, of Georgia, arrived in Lynchburg on Tuesday morning, by the Orange and Alexandria railroad. Next morning he went westward on the Virginia and Tennessee road. The remains of the late Doctor A. Russell Meem have been brought from their place of temporary interment, at Harrisonburg, to this city, and will be buried at the Presbyterian cemetery to-day.--Virginian Loudoun county. The December Court assembled on Monday last — Newton Keene presiding. Mathers, charged with felo