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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 5, 1864., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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ely; Third Lieutenant Sylvester Richardson, in face, slightly; private Daniel Robins, in foot, slightly. Company C. Killed: none. Wounded: privates J. C. Destin, in leg, severely; N. G. Weaver, in head, slightly. Company D. Killed: Corporal W. T. Johnson. Wounded: Elkana Clements, in thigh, slightly. Company E. Killed: none. Wounded: Sergeant William R. Barker, in arm and hip, severely; Corporal William A. Pollard, in face and shoulder, slightly. Company F. On detached service. J. H. and J. R. Hockaday, and privates S. B. Sweeney, R. H. David, T. J. Elliott, at Malvern Hill. Company C. Sergeant R. B. Bradshaw, Corporal W. S. Weaver, and privates J. C. Desdine and C. J. Weaver, at Malvern Hill. Company D. Corporals W. T. Johnson (killed) and R. Clemens; privates Pollard, Ashby, Ellet, and Kelly, at Malvern Hill. Company E. Privates William Bowers and G. J. Green, killed in the skirmish of the eighteenth; Sergeant Barker, wounded at Malvern Hill; Corporal Will
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C., under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st, 1864. (search)
rzill, 11th Ark. inft., Little Rock, Ark. Capt. T. E. Castine, 8th Ky. cav., Lexington, Ky. 1st Ord. Officer P. D. Harten, Tenn., Nashville, Tenn. Capt. Henry Baker, 3d C. S. cav., Mississippi. Officers sent from Hilton head to Beaufort, S. C. Lt. Col. Evan Rice, 53d Va. mil., chronic diarrhea. Maj. A. A. Lawder, 7th Va. mil., loss of both legs. Capt. E. Carter, 8th Va. mil., wound in right leg. Zzz=Capt. J. B. Fitzgerald, 8th Va. mil., disease of mind. Zzz=Capt. W. T. Johnson, 18th Va. mil., wound in right leg. Zzz=Capt. Geo. Hopkins, 10th Va. cav., loss of eye. 1st Lt. N. A. Hoskins, 25th Va. cav., erysipelas. Capt. E. D. Camden, 25th Va. cav., erysipelas. Zzz=Capt. R. L. Elam, 22d Va. bat., loss of left leg. 2d Lt. C. D. Chaddock, chronic diarrhea. Zzz=2d Lt. C. R. Darracott, steward at Hanover, wound left arm. Zzz=2d Lt. G. P. Chalkley, 14th Va. inft., loss of right leg. Zzz=2d Lt. G. B. Long, 11th Va. inft., wound in shoulder.
ed under the enemy's fire upon Morris island had been sent to Fort Pulaski, General Hardee having given notice that the Union prisoners under fire in Charleston had been removed. The Fulton carried to New York one hundred and ninety men of the Fifty-second Pennsylvania volunteers, en route to their homes to be mustered out of service. Among the sick prisoners at Beaufort are the following from Virginia regiments; Lieutenant- Colonel E. Rice, Fifty-fifth. Captains E. Carter, Eighth; W. T. Johnson, Eighteenth; George Hopkins, Tenth cavalry; E. D. Camden, Twenty-fifth; R. S. Elam, Twenty-second. Lieutenants Chadduck, Thirty-third; G. P. Chalkley, Fourteenth; G. Lang, Eleventh. The election "frauds"--Heavy sentence of the Victims. Lincoln will not be bothered much by forged or genuine Democratic votes on Tuesday next. The little trap he set to be sprung and frighten the McClellanites has worked admirably. Ferry, who "confessed," and was the decoy duck, is sentenced, with