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The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1864., [Electronic resource] 12 0 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I. 9 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 6 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: November 8, 1864., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 3 1 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: December 14, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 28, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
A Roster of General Officers , Heads of Departments, Senators, Representatives , Military Organizations, &c., &c., in Confederate Service during the War between the States. (ed. Charles C. Jones, Jr. Late Lieut. Colonel of Artillery, C. S. A.) 2 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 2 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, chapter 45 (search)
ving them toward Millen. Young's command has just arrived, and will go forward to Wheeler, who will, I hope, be able to mount most of them from his captures. Devastation marks the enemy's route. Hear nothing from the movements of the enemy's infantry, since Wheeler left their front. I fear they may cross the Savannah, and make for Beaufort. It is perfectly practicable. The number of deserters, under General Order 65, received here and sent to Abingdon, Va., is 1224 men. Senator Waldo P. Johnson, Missouri, told me he would move, to-day, to allow the civil officers, etc. to buy rations and clothes of government, at schedule prices. This would be better than an increase of salary. No movements below, to-day, that I hear of. Gen. Jos. E. Johnston was at the department to-day, and was warmly greeted by his friends. If Sherman's campaign should be a success, Johnston will be a hero; if the reverse, he will sink to rise no more. A sad condition, for one's greatness to
.--(Doc. 12.) The First Kansas regiment, which was sent from Sedalia, Mo., arrived at Lexington and arrested several of the most prominent and active rebels of the town, captured and destroyed about fifteen hundred hogs, which were being packed for the use of General Price's rebels, and took possession of a good deal of other valuable property.--National Intelligencer, January 16. In the United States Senate, the reports of the Judiciary Committee, in favor of the expulsion of Waldo P. Johnson and Trusten Polk, Senators from Missouri, were taken up and unanimously adopted. A copy of the resolutions for their expulsion was ordered to be sent to the Governor of Missouri.--New York Times, January 11. The first auction sale of confiscated cotton from Port Royal occurred in New York, under orders of the Government. There were seventy-nine bales in all, and the cotton sold at an average of nearly sixty cents per pound, with the exception of two out of the ten lots, (a very i
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 10: Peace movements.--Convention of conspirators at Montgomery. (search)
lina.--George Davis, Thomas Ruffin, David S. Reid, D. M. Barringer, J. M. Morehead. Tennessee.--Samuel Milligan, Josiah M. Anderson, Robert L. Caruthers, Thomas Martin, Isaac R. Hawkins, A. W. O. Totten, R. J. McKinney, Alvin Cullum, William P. Hickerson, George W, Jones, F. E. Zollicoffer, William H. Stephens. Kentucky.--William O. Butler, James B. Clay, Joshua F. Bell, Charles S. Morehead, James Guthrie, Charles A. Wickliffe. Missouri.--John D. Coalter, Alexander W. Doniphan, Waldo P. Johnson, Aylett H. Buckner, Harrison Hough. Ohio.--Salmon P. Chase, John C. Wright, William S. Groesbeck, Franklin T. Backus, Reuben Hitchcock, Thomas Ewing, V. B. Horton, C. P. Wolcott. Indiana.--Caleb B. Smith, Pleasant A. Hackleman, Godlove S. Orth, E. W. H. Ellis, Thomas C. Slaughter Illinois.--John Wood, Stephen T. Logan, John M. Palmer, Burton C. Cook, Thomas J. Turner. Iowa.--James Harlan, James W. Grimes, Samuel H. Curtis, William Vandever. Kansas.--Thomas Ewing, Jr., J. C.
herein. This was rejected by the following vote: Yeas--Messrs. Breckinridge, Bright, W. P. Johnson, of Mo., Kennedy, Latham, Nesmith, Polk, Powell, and Saulsbury--9. Nays--Messrs. Anthony,fifth article of the Constitution. The House refused to suspend: Yeas 41; Nays 85. Mr. Waldo P. Johnson, Who, with his colleague, Trusten Polk, openly joined the Rebels soon afterward. of Mo.,a. He says this proposition would be inopportune. I say it would be intensely cowardly. Mr. Johnson's proposition was rejected by the following vote: Yeas--Messrs. Bayard, Breckinridge, Bright, Johnson, of Mo., Latham, Pearce, Polk, Powell, and Saulsbury--9. Nays--Messrs. Baker, Browning, Carlile, Chandler, Clark, Collamer, Cowan, Dixon, Doolittle, Fessenden, Foot, Foster, Grimes, Hwing vote: Yeas--Messrs. Allen, Ancona, George H. Browne, Calvert, Cox, Crisfield, Jackson, Johnson, May, Noble, Pendleton, James S. Rollins, Sheil, Smith, Vallandigham, Voorhees, Wadsworth, Ward
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Civil War in the United States. (search)
because of alleged treacherous. acts. Fortifications at Bolivar Point, Galveston Harbor, Tex., destroyed by the United States frigate Santee.—9. The Confederate Congress passed a bill admitting Kentucky into the Southern Confederacy.—20. Confederates destroyed about 100 miles of the North Missouri Railroad, with its stations, bridges, ties, fuel, water-tanks, and telegraph-poles.— 30. The banks of New York, Albany, Philadelphia, and Boston suspend specie payments. 1862.—Jan. 10. Waldo P. Johnson and Trusten Polk, of Missouri, expelled from the United States Senate.—11. Bridges of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad burned by the Confederates.—16. The Ohio legislature authorized the banks of that State to suspend specie payments.—17. Cedar Keys, Fla., captured by Union troops.—30. the Monitor launched.— Feb. 3. Confederate steamer Nashville ordered to leave Southampton (England) Harbor; the United States gunboat Tuscarora, starting in pursuit, stopped by the Bri
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Missouri, (search)
sJan. 31, 1885 Albert G. MorehouseactingDec. 28, 1887 David R. Francis (Dem.)term beginsJan., 1889 William J. Stone (Dem.)term beginsJan., 1893 Lou V. Stephensterm beginsJan., 1897 A. M. Dockeryterm beginsJan., 1901 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Term. David Barton17th to 21st1821 to 1831 Thomas H. Benton17th to 31st1821 to 1851 Alexander Buckner22d1831 to 1833 Lewis F. Linn23d to 27th1833 to 1843 David R. Atchison28th to 33d1843 to 1856 Henry S. Geyer32d to 34th1851 to 1857 James Stephen Green34th to 36th1857 to 1861 Trusten Polk35th to 37th1857 to 1862 Waldo P. Johnson37th1861 to 1862 John B. Henderson37th to 40th1862 to 1869 Robert Wilson37th1862 B. Gratz Brown38th to 39th1863 to 1867 Charles D. Drake40th to 41st1867 to 1870 Francis P. Blair, Jr41st to 42d1871 to 1873 Carl Schurz41st to 42d1869 to 1875 Lewis F. Bogy43d to 45th1873 to 1877 Francis M. Cockrell44th to—1875 to — David H. Armstrong45th1877 to 1879 George G. Vest46th to—187
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Senate, United States (search)
tack on Charles Sumner occurred in the Senate chamber after the body had adjourned, and the offending party was not a member of the Senate. The Senate has exercised its power of explusion five times. William Blount, a Senator from Tennessee, was expelled July 8, 1797, for complicity in a scheme to transfer New Orleans and adjacent territory from Spain to Great Britain. John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, was expelled Dec. 4, 1861, for participation in the Rebellion. Trusten Polk and Waldo P. Johnson, Senators from Missouri, were expelled Jan. 10, 1862, for aiding and abetting the Rebellion. Jesse D. Bright, of Indiana, was expelled on Feb. 5, 1862, for disloyalty in writing a letter to Jefferson Davis introducing a man who wanted to dispose of what he regards a great improvement in fire-arms. In connection with these expulsions for disloyalty it may be stated that the Senators from Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texa
sonGeorgiaSecond Congress. Hon.Henry C. BurnettKentuckyFirst and Second Congress. Hon.William E. SimmsKentuckyFirst and Second Congress. Hon.Thomas J. SemmesLouisianaFirst and Second Congress. Hon.Edward SparrowLouisianaFirst and Second Congress. Hon.Albert G. BrownMississippiFirst and Second Congress. Hon.James PhelanMississippiFirst Congress. Hon.J. W. C. WatsonMississippiSecond Congress. Hon.John B. ClarkMissouriFirst Congress. Hon.R. L. Y. PeytonMissouriFirst Congress. Hon.Waldo P. JohnsonMissouriSecond Congress. Hon.L. M. LouisMissouriSecond Congress. Hon.William T. DortchNorth CarolinaFirst and Second Congress. Hon.George DavisNorth CarolinaFirst Congress; afterwards Attorney Gen. Hon.William A. GrahamNorth CarolinaSecond Congress. Hon.E. G. ReadeNorth CarolinaSecond Congress. Hon.Robert W. BarnwellSouth CarolinaFirst and Second Congress. Hon.James L. OrrSouth CarolinaFirst and Second Congress. Hon.Gustavus A. HenryTennesseeFirst and Second Congress. Hon.Landon
n of his term to elect his successor. Mr. Green was nominated for re-election by the Southern Rights men, but the submissionists refused to vote for him on the ground that he was a pronounced Secessionist. Finally, on the 12th of March, Judge Waldo P. Johnson was elected, in part by the votes of the submissionists. But when war became inevitable Judge Johnson resigned his seat in the Senate, entered the Southern army and fought for the Confederacy until the close of the war, while Mr. Green rJudge Johnson resigned his seat in the Senate, entered the Southern army and fought for the Confederacy until the close of the war, while Mr. Green retired to private life and never spoke a word or struck a blow in behalf of Missouri or the South. But if the submissionists in the legislature could not be brought to antagonize the Federal government they had no hesitation in opposing the Republican party, particularly when it was constituted, as it was in St. Louis, mostly of Germans. Consequently the bill to create a board of police commissioners in St. Louis, thereby taking the control of the police force of that city out of the hands
The Daily Dispatch: March 21, 1861., [Electronic resource], Twenty-six days at Sea in open boats. (search)
not extravagant. Lieutenant Colonel Latour, Vice President of the National Swiss Council, and formerly Minister to Naples, is dead. This distinguished man was but thirty-four years of age. The Pennsylvania papers are opposed to an extra session of Congress, fearing that the Morrill tariff bill would be repealed or modified. A large tree, supposed to be over seven centuries old, near the city of Mexico, is said to have been struck by lightning more than 200 times. Hon. Waldo P. Johnson, the newly-elected Senator from Missouri, is a Virginian, and son of Ex-Gov. Joseph Johnson. The Mr. Thayer appointed Consul General to Egypt, is at present connected with the New York Evening Post. The American farms on San Juan Island are flourishing, and farmers cheerfully pay taxes to the Sheriff and Whitcomb Company. The late dreadful storms in England were announced three days in advance by the London Meteorologist. The Union party of Tennessee have called a