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were impatient for action. Mr. Goode proceeded to give the Inaugural Address of Lincoln a raking broadside, and drew a vivid contrast between the Illinois politician and Jefferson Davis, the "bright Saladin of the South." Virginia would resist coercion to the death. The first at tempt on the part of Lincoln, in that direction, would light up the fire of civil war in every portion of the Commonwealth. He thought the only way to preserve the peace was for Virginia to speak at once. Mr. Johnson, of Richmond, next addressed the Convention. He thought gentlemen exhibited too much of passion, and were indisposed to do deliberately what could not well be done hastily. His own position was a peculiar one, subjected as he was to much outside pressure; but if he could not act with calm deliberation on questions so momentous as those before the Convention, it would be useless for him to attempt the performance of his trust. He thought the resolution was a reflection upon the-committe
lway--A communication from the House was read, announcing the passage of various bills — among them a bill amending an act passed March 20, 1860, authorizing the Council of Richmond city to construct railroads in its streets. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the rules were suspended, and the bill read a third time and passed. Bills Reported.--By Mr. Logan, incorporating the Oxford Cotton and Woolen Company; by Mr. Brannon, for the relief of John Ferguson, Sheriff of the county of Wayne; by Mr. Coghill, authorizing the sale of certain church property in the town of Moorefield. Mr. Johnson offered the following resolution: Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns to-day, it will adjourn to meet at half-past 10 o'clock tomorrow, and take a recess at half-past 1 o'clock till 7 o'clock P. M., and so on from day to day until otherwise ordered. On motion of Mr. Thomas, of Fairfax, all after the words to-morrow was stricken out. Pending the proposed amendments, on mot