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The Daily Dispatch: May 13, 1862., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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Revedy Johnson has written a letter proving the unconstitutionality of the act of abolishing slavery in the district of Columbia. The North Carolina Convention is busily apposed is debating amendments to the State Constitution !
of the session on Wednesday, the 14th, to the 1st December, unless source convened by the Governor. Mr. Neeson moved to lay on the table. The reasons for this Medon were that there was a proposition for the organization of a State army, and other important business claiming its attenden. The motion was put and carried. Mr. Ball offered the following: Resolved, That the President of the Senate be requested to invite the reverend clergy of the city to open the daily sessions of the Senate with prayer. Mr. Nesson offered the following joint resolutions which, the rules being suspended for that purpose, were adopted: Resolved, by the General Assembly, That the Governor re authorized, during the recess of the General Assembly, to re-arrange or charge the offices of the Government, in the b sem of the Capital, so as to provide additional and more suitable accommodations for the Auditors of the Commonwealth. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Senate adjourned.
R A Bookers Killed Sergeant A M Hughes. Wounded: Privates A L Faris, dangerously: R P Mayon slightly.--Missing: Private B J Haney. Company G, Capt. Richard Irby--Wounded: Corporal John H. Gill, slightly in arm, Company H, Capt. Wm. T Johnson — Wounded: Sergeant Jos. O Milton, slightly in head Missing: Private John L L Fore. Company I, Capt. E. D Oliver — Killed: Private Jon. T. Lewis. wounded: Lieut. Geo. W Jones, in head; Sergeant Isaac N. Dodson, in knee; Sergeant Wm. T. Hubbard, in head; Sergeant Jas. Jennings, in thighs; Corporal P D Owen, in head; Privates Wm. R Barksdale, in arm; Jackson, Evans, in arm. Missing Privates Miles O Abbott, Enoch R Johnson, E O Wade. Company K, Capt Matthew Lyle--Wounded: Corporal C A Keesee, dangerously; Privates J. M Danson, in face, C R Hudson, is thigh; J H Jeffries, thigh broken; T M Jones, in face; T Price, in back; B W Spencer, in arm; W S Spencer, in shoulder; R H Taylor, in thigh; C. H. Wilkes, slightly in breast.