Browsing named entities in Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories. You can also browse the collection for Johnston or search for Johnston in all documents.

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Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Alabama Volunteers. (search)
e Carolinas January to April, 1865. River's Bridge, S. C., February 7. Williston February 8. Near White Post February 8. Aiken February 11. Gunther's Bridge February 14. Rockingham, N. C., March 7. Monroe's Cross Roads March 10. Averysboro, Taylor's Hole Creek, March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Faisson's Depot March 30-31. Roachland April 1. Mount Pleasant April 11. Occupation of Raleigh April 13. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his Army. Ordered to Dept. of the Cumberland May. Duty in District of Northern Alabama and at Huntsville, Ala., till October. Mustered out October 20, 1865. 1st Alabama Regiment siege Artillery (African Descent). Organized at LaGrange, LaFayette and Memphis, Tenn., and Corinth, Miss., June 20, 1863. Attached to District of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, Dept. Tennessee, to November, 1863. Post of Corinth, 16th Army Corps, to January, 1864. Fort Pickering, District of
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Colorado Volunteers. (search)
kansas to September, 1865. Service. Organizing Regiment at Benton Barracks, Mo., till January, 1864. Companies F, G, H and K on duty in Colorado at Fort Lyon and other points till November 26, 1863. March to Fort Riley, Kansas, November 26-December 25, thence to Kansas City, Mo., January 6, 1864. Regiment moved from St. Louis, Mo., to Dresden January 16, 1864, thence to Kansas City February 15-20. Assigned to duty in 4th Subdistrict of Central Missouri, consisting of Cass, Johnston, Bates and Vernon Counties, Mo., and engaged in protecting borders of Kansas and operations against guerrillas, with almost constant fighting by detachments, till October, 1864. Operating from Kansas City, Independence, Westport, Hickman's Mills, Pleasant Hill and Harrisonville. Skirmish at Dayton, Mo., April 27. Skirmishes in Johnson County April 28-30. Skirmish at Sni Hills April 29 and May 21. Affair at Blue River May 21 (Detachment). Pleasant Hill May 28. Scout on t
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Connecticut Volunteers. (search)
Near Cheraw March 3. Averysboro, N. C., March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand review May 24. Mustered out (old members July 22, 1864) July 19, 1865. Regiment lost during service 6 Officers and 104 Enlisted men killed and mortal Reconnoissance to Silver Run Creek, N. C., March 14. Averysboro or Taylor's Hole Creek March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24, and of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Camp near Fort Lincoln till June 13. Mustered out June 13, 1865. Regiment lost during service 4 Officers and 76 Enlisted men killed
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Illinois Volunteers. (search)
h. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston, and his army. March to Washington, D. C. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., [40 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Indiana Volunteers. (search)
Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty in the Dept. of North C Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Charlotte and Raleig[31 more...]
18-July 4. Engaged in outpost duty against Johnston between Big Black and Yazoo Rivers. Mechanic Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., [7 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Kentucky Volunteers. (search)
ll April 15. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Mount Olive, Lexington and Durhall April 15. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Lexington, N. C., and in the Depll April 15. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Mustered out May 3, 1865. Regiment loApril, 1865. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmondgh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Greensboro, N. C., till July. gh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Greensburg, N. C., till July. gh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmondgh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Saulsbury, N. C., till July.
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Massachusetts Volunteers. (search)
Cheraw, S. C., March 3. Averysboro, N. C., March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 9-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 19. Grand Review May 24. Provost duty at Washington till July. Mustered out July 11, and discharged at Boston, Mass., July 26, 1865. Regiment lost during se Fayetteville, N. C., March 14. Averysboro March 16. Battle of Bentonville March 19-21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-13. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Duty at Washington till June 11. Mustered out June 11 and discharged from service July 2, 1865. Regiment lost during service 7 Offi
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Michigan Volunteers. (search)
Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Concord, N. C., May Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Raleigh, Greensboro Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty in District of Raleigh,[3 more...]
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories, Minnesota Volunteers. (search)
21. Occupation of Goldsboro March 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 30. Grand Review May 24. Moved to St.h 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 30-May 19. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louh 24. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. March to Washington, D. C., via Richmond, Va., April 29-May 20. Grand Review May 24. Moved to Louh 21. Advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. Bennett's House April 26. Surrender of Johnston and his army. Duty at Raleigh, Greensboro and Charlotte, N. C., till July. Mustered out July 11, 1865. Regiment