Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Johnston or search for Johnston in all documents.

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egiments. This brigade, by the personal direction of General Johnston, was marched by the Holkham House, across the fields regiments collected together by the Staff officers of General Johnston and myself. Early's brigade, meanwhile, joined bth six companies Virginia cavalry was also ordered by General Johnston to cross Bull Run and attack the enemy from the direcrly spirit. After the rout, having been ordered by Gen. Johnston in the direction of Centreville in pursuit, these brigavance upon Centreville, in the afternoon was ordered by Gen. Johnston to bring up his brigade into battle then raging on the South Carolina regiments. Under the instructions of General Johnston, these officers reached the field at an opportune, crhere to record my profound sense of my obligations to General Johnston, for his generous permission to carry out my plans, we he rendered valuable services, until the arrival of General Johnston, on the 20th of July, when he was called to the place
of July, of the movement of Gen. McDowell--Gen. Johnston was immediately ordered to form a junctione advance to the attack of the enemy. Gen. Johnston arrived here about noon on the 20th July, ies of the battle. About 8.30 A. M., General Johnston and myself transferred our headquarters tatched by staff officers, at 11.30 A. M., General Johnston and myself set out for the immediate fiels and Cumming's regiment. As soon as General Johnston and myself reached the field, we were occ had lost their cohesion. It was now that Gen. Johnston impressively and gallantly charged to the to ensure the success of the day. As Gen. Johnston departed for Portico, Col. Bartow reported Cocke's brigade by my orders and those of Gen. Johnston, had opportunely reached the ground. Thesrcements pushed forward, and, directed by General Johnston to the required quarter were at hand justed by railroad at noon, Directed person by Gen. Johnston to the left, then so much endangered, on r[9 more...]