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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Terry's Brigade, formerly John M. Jones's. (search)
s'n O. Alexander, W. W. Alexander, Jasper Alexander, J. W. Brown, I. T. Frazer, W. F. Frazer, Mus'n R. J. Frazer, Js. N. Frazer, J. P. Hawkins, J. F. Hawkins, J. T. Kerr, J. W. Reid, J. W. Sterling, A. A. Taylor, W. J. Thompson. Co. A. 1st Sergeant J. M. Jones, 3d Sergeant W. H. Roberts, 1st Corporal R. T. Fitzgerald, Private R. F. Clark, W. L. Cook, J. N. Gillespie, H. T. Hensley, A. J. Hooper, J. T. Ferguson, Lea Jeffreys, Private J. G. Jeffreys. H. M. Jones, R. C. Massie, S. A. Moore, F. M. Neal, J. C. Pettigrew, M. Robertson, J. L. Roberts, H. L. Roberts, D. G. Womack. Co. B. 3d Sergeant W. A. Freeman, 4th Sergeant J. A. Gallant, Mus'n J. A. Frazer, Private S. W. Crowell, H. Cathey, A. R. Erwin, W. L. Gallant, J. Logan McLean, Private S. H. Marks, W. A. McGinn, N. C. McGinn, W. J. Poag, G. W. Sloan. W. T. Watt, J. C. Wiley. Co. C. 2d Sergeant W. T. Farley, 3d Sergeant J. W. McCain, 4th Sergeant J. A. B
Courtesies of War. --The Selma (Ala.) Reporter states that H. M. Jones, of that place, recently applied to Gen. Fits John Porter, the Federal commander, for permission to enter his lines to attend his son, who was wounded at Sharpsburg. He received the following reply: Shepherdstown, Va.Oct. 25, 1862.Headq'rs, 5th army Corps Sir: --In reply to your communication of yesterday, I deeply regret having to convey to you the sad intelligence of the death of your son, R. T. Jones, 44th Alabama regiment volunteers, on the 7th instant, from the effects of a gunshot wound received at the battle of Antietam. Sympathizing with you in this your hour of affliction, I am your ob't serv't F. J. Porter, Major-General.
The Broad street accident. --In our notice of the accident in Broad street, published yesterday, we unintentionally committed two errors. The name of the youth killed was Geo. W. Rose, and not Joseph Rows. --His funeral expenses were paid by Mr. H. M. Jones, with whom he lived, and not by the Fredericksburg Railroad Company.
Two hundred dollars reward. --Ran away on Monday night Mulatto Woman, about twenty years old, and a child nine months old. The woman very likely, and named Mary; her child William. I believe she is in the H. M. Jones. oc 26--3t*