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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 120 8 Browse Search
Col. Robert White, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 2.2, West Virginia (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 46 4 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 26 0 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 24 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 11. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 16 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 16 0 Browse Search
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.) 15 1 Browse Search
Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II. 14 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 12 0 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 11 3 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for W. E. Jones or search for W. E. Jones in all documents.

Your search returned 64 results in 11 document sections:

liaferro'sJones'42d Virginia12526 Taliaferro'sJones'48th Virginia 77 Taliaferro'sJones'Raine's BaJones'Raine's Battery 11 Taliaferro'sJones'Caskie's Battery 33 Taliaferro's3d, Col. Warren48th Alabama 55 Taliafenth, and remained all day in the advance. Major Jones's battalion, of my division artillery, was Archer Anderson, Adjutant-General's staff; Major Jones, commanding battalion of artillery; Captain of Hill's division, and held Taliaferro's and Jones's brigades in reserve. In the evening I orderrigade relieving General Pender's on the left; Jones's, Taliaferro's, and Paxton's occupying the rasion. I would particularly mention Brigadier-Generals Jones and Paxton, Colonel Warren, (Tenth Vi of artillery, and of Captain Wooding and Lieutenant Jones, Wooding's battery, and Lieutenant Lambieg the Fifty-fourth, ably assisted by Lieutenant-Colonels Jones and Murchison, handled their commandhite's cavalry, December 24, 1862. Brigadier-General W. E. Jones, commanding Valley District: Ge[4 more...]<
ur number got down below, and Colonel Powell got a chance to send a slip of paper to us, saying, I am here in a cell; I have nothing to read; I have only a few leaves of Matthew, which I have got by heart. I can hear you pray and sing up there in the officers' room. Pray louder and sing louder: I want to hear you. Well, we began to inquire how he came to be in this cell. Finally, we asked General Winder why he was in the cell. The General replied that he did not know why it was, and General Jones knew nothing about it; and said he had given no such order. Our government, after a time, got word of it, and they informed the rebels that unless Colonel Powell was released from that cell, an officer of equal rank would be put in the same condition; and then Colonel Powell came out of the cell, having been put there simply upon Turner's authority, and because he had the power to do it. A truer, better, and nobler man never lived. A better soldier never drew a sword in battle. His re
ing to circumstances. The order to advance will be given by the Commander-in-Chief. Second division. 2d. Brigadier-General Jones's brigade, supported by Colonel Early's brigade, will march via McLane's Ford, to place itself in position of at or to move in the direction of Fairfax Court House, according to circumstances, with its right flank towards the left of Jones's command, more or less distant, according to the nature of the country. The order to advance will be given by the Coms will be distributed as follows: To Brigadier-General Ewell's command, Captain Walker's six pieces. 2. To Brigadier-General Jones's command, Captains Alberti's and Stanard's batteries--eight pieces. 3. To Brigadier-General Longstreet's comalry, will detail to report immediately, as follows: To Brigadier-General Ewell, two companies cavalry. To Brigadier-General Jones, two companies cavalry. To Brigadier-General Longstreet, two companies cavalry. To Brigadier-General Bonha
ouri River. Colonel McPhail, with his regiment, was ordered to fall upon their of the retreating foe, supported by Lieutenant-Colonel Marshall with the Seventh, Captain Edgerton's company, and one six-pounder and a section of howitzers, under Captain Jones. The pursuit was continued until dark, the infantry following the mounted men at double-quick. An order from General Sibley to Colonel McPhail, to bivouac at nightfall, was by mistake given as an order to return, so that these wearied men, Lake, and there being neither wood nor water for a long distance ahead, it was deemed advisable to give the men and animals rest here. Indians soon began to menace the camp. Captain Chase, with his pioneers, (Company A, Ninth regiment,) and Captain Jones, with a section of his six-pound battery, were thrown forward about six hundred yards to an excellent elevation, and were joined by Colonel Crooks, with two companies of the Sixth, (A and B.) The enemy at that point far outnumbered this force
ossible. You must be the sole judge of that. The telegraph operator must remain at his post as long as possible, say until your main forces move to the rear, for at any moment we may be called upon to move forward. I am glad to hear of the sham balloon. I hope it is so, for I fear that more than their artillery at this moment. Your obedient servant, G. T. Beauregard, General, commanding. P. S.--You must not forget to obstruct thoroughly the road across Clear Creek, near General Jones's lines. You or Hardee must keep a strong guard of infantry and two pieces of artillery at the Clear Creek railroad bridge, until the last cars shall have left the depot here. Please arrange this matter distinctly with him. Would it not be prudent to send one regiment, two pieces of artillery, and some cavalry to protect your train? I think I would keep Price back in best position to move either to the rear to protect the train, if necessary, or to the front, in case of battle. G
orks behind which the enemy's artillery was posted. Three times were these works carried, and as often were the brave assailants compelled to abandon them — twice by the retirement of the troops on their left, who fell back after a gallant struggle with superior numbers, and once by a movement of the enemy on their right, caused by the advance of General Anderson. The left being reenforced, finally succeeded in driving back the enemy, and the artillery, under Lieutenant-Colonels Carter and Jones, being thrown forward to occupy favorable positions, secured by the advance of the infantry, began to play with great precision and effect. Anderson, in the mean time, pressed gallantly forward, directly upon Chancellorsville, his right resting upon the plank road, and his left extending around the furnace, while McLaws made a strong demonstration to the right of the road. As the troops advancing upon the enemy's front and right converged upon his central position, Anderson effected a junc
urth Mississippi, Lieutenant-Colonel Morgan, Twenty-ninth Mississippi, Major Pegram, Thirty-fourth Mississippi, Major Staples, Twenty-fourth Mississippi, Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, Twenty-seventh Mississippi, Major Johnson, Thirtieth Mississippi, and Lieutenant-Colonel Reynolds, Thirtieth Mississippi, were wounded, the last mortallth several of their officers, who covered my front in the field. Colonel J. J. Scales, commanding Thirtieth Mississippi regiment, was captured here, and Lieutenant-Colonel Jones, Twenty-seventh Mississippi regiment, then acting as field officer of the day, was wounded. He, however, returned to duty next morning. With the three and treatment of the wounded by Dr. Jackson, of the Forty-fourth Tennessee, acting Brigade Surgeon; Dr. Plummer, of the Twenty-third Tennessee; Dr. Harris and Dr.. Jones, of the Seventeenth Tennessee; and Drs. Fryar and Jackson, of the Twenty-fifth Tennessee. Also, I return my thanks to Dr. John Gannaway, who volunteered his servi
an, division commanders, are herewith inclosed. Accompanying General Johnson's report, you will find the reports of the brigade, regimental, and battery commanders, carefully prepared. I have been thus particular on account of the commanding General's dispatch to the General-in-Chief, and also from erroneous reports sent to the public by newspaper correspondents. The attention of the General commanding is particularly called to the reports of Colonels Gibson and Dodge; also, to Lieutenant-Colonel Jones' report, who commanded the pickets in front of Willich's brigade. Captain Edgarton, commanding battery of Kirk's brigade, certainly was guilty of a great error in taking even a part of his horses to water at such an hour. He is in the hands of the enemy, and therefore no report can be had from him at present. In a strict compliance with my orders, and the knowledge I possessed of the position of the enemy, which was communicated to my superior and the Generals under my comman
Third Missouri infantry; Moore, Forty-third Mississippi, and McLean, Thirty-seventh Mississippi; Lieutenant-Colonels Pixler, Sixteenth Arkansas; Hedgespeth, Sixth Missouri infantry; Serrell, Seventh Mississippi battalion; Lanier, Forty-second Alabama; Hobson, Third Arkansas cavalry; Matthews, Twenty-first Arkansas; Campbell, Fortieth Mississippi, and Boone; and Majors Senteney, Second Missouri infantry; Keirn, Thirty-eighth Mississippi; Staton, Thirty-seventh Alabama; Timmins, Second Texas; Jones, Twenty-first Arkansas; Russell, Third Louisiana, and Yates; and McQuiddy, Third Missouri cavalry. For other casualties in officers and men, I beg leave to refer to lists enclosed. I cannot close this report without recognizing the eminent services and valuable assistance of Brigadier-Generals Maury, Hebert, (whose services I regret to have lost on the morning of the fourth, by reason of his illness), and Green, commanding divisions. I bear willing testimony to the admirable coolness, und
ry captured on the seventh, had been previously taken from the enemy by Hays' brigade by actual assault, and the other was brought off from Sharpsburg by the men of the battery, after the enemy had been compelled to abandon it, by one of the brigades of this division, it being the only piece of artillery captured by our troops at that battle. Accompanying this report are the reports of Brigadier-General Hays and Lieutenant-Colonel Tate, with a statement from Captain Carrington, commanding Jones' artillery battalion. Respectfully, J. A. Early, Major-General, commanding division. Endorsed. headquarters Second corps, army no. Va., November 13, 1863. Respectfully forwarded. Brilliant as have been the services of this division and its gallant commander during the past campaign, it is but justice to the other troops engaged, to say that the capture of the artillery at Winchester, to which I suppose General Early refers, was due in great part to the presence and handsome