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Margaret Fuller, Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli (ed. W. H. Channing) 10 0 Browse Search
An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps. 8 0 Browse Search
John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army 4 0 Browse Search
Lydia Maria Child, Letters of Lydia Maria Child (ed. John Greenleaf Whittier, Wendell Phillips, Harriet Winslow Sewall) 4 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 34. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 4 0 Browse Search
Wendell Phillips, Theodore C. Pease, Speeches, Lectures and Letters of Wendell Phillips: Volume 2 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
Elias Nason, The Life and Times of Charles Sumner: His Boyhood, Education and Public Career. 4 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Poetry and Incidents., Volume 4. (ed. Frank Moore) 2 0 Browse Search
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s, said another, the Federals are much in the situation of a man who bought an elephant at a sale because it was cheaply they do not know what to do with Sambo. They make him work incessantly at breastworks and feed him indifferently; but, as yet, we have done all the ditching ourselves, and Nick yonder laughs when we return to camp wet and hungry. Of the two, he is by far the better off. Do you know that these boys charge ten cents per piece for washing clothes, and without soap? By Jupiter, they are making money, and I have serious thoughts of entering that business myself. But jokes aside, old Alick, who was offered his free papers for a three hundred dollar bill, has made fifteen hundred dollars this past year, and now does business with a horse and cart, charging his master five prices for every thing, the old rogue! “What the Federals will do with the darkeys is difficult to say. When peace is declared they will nearly all return home; some of them have already escap
, humiliated McClellan, and lost but one man — brave Captain Latane, who commanded in the last combat. Singular as it may seem, our chief officers in this excursion had fought against the very companies and squadrons commanded by them when in the United States service; and among the first prisoners captured was the trumpeter of Colonel Lee's old company of dragoons. Many of the prisoners took the affair good-humoredly, mounted on mules as they were, but several doctors were apostrophizing Jupiter and all the gods about the cruelty of placing them on saddleless animals with sharp vertebrae, and swearing roundly against riding sixty miles without rest or food! But grumbling availed them nothing; ride they must, and the chap-fallen, wretched appearance of these sons of Galen was ludicrous in the extreme, and their horsemanship wonderful, under the circumstances. The appearance of our gallant troopers was certainly very unprepossessing. The men were dusty, dirty, and looked more
usiness, and not allowing us an opportunity. Did you ever hear what Featherstone said of us? At Beaver Dam Creek, there were twelve pieces playing against twice as many of the enemy, and Featherstone, commanding, anxiously watched us, to cover his infantry. We fired very accurately and deliberately, our shot and shell chipping their embrasures in beautiful style, and slicing off the parapets in large cakes, rapidly silencing their pieces. Featherstone was in raptures, and exclaimed: By Jupiter, that beats all! Just look at our boys tumbling the breastworks about! Who would ever believe it of raw volunteers? Why, sir, the regulars could not beat them! Gentlemen, I must confess, I entertained poor opinions of our artillery till now, and looked upon them as fit for little else but to waste ammunition, but the manner in which they fought and defeated Porter's regulars, convinces me that we are a superior stock altogether. Highly complimentary, wasn't it? The boys deserved such
eved that Burnside had no serious intention of attacking, regarding this movement as a harmless display of force to divert our attention from his real designs. On the seventeenth, however, all surmise was banished from our minds. General Sumner appeared before the place, and demanded its immediate surrender. The Mayor politely refused to recognize such a demand; and the town being filled with our troops, the municipal authorities were extremely valiant on the occasion, and apostrophized Jupiter and all the gods in fine style. Women and children, for the most part, were conveyed from town, and active preparations set on foot for fiercely disputing the passage of the river, by the construction of field-works on the hills and bluffs which ran parallel with the stream south of the city. All was done in secrecy, however; and, from the apparent quietness of our lines, the enemy were unable to form any conjectures of our position and force. The left wing under Jackson had not arriv
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Stonewall Jackson and his men. (search)
who had been at the Institute: It seems to me, Terrill, I'd like to know Major Jackson better; there is something about him I can't make out. Nobody can; but it wouldn't pay, replied Bath. Old Jack's a character, genius, or just a little crazy, or something of that sort. He lives quietly, and don't meddle with people; but he is as systematic as a multiplication table, and as full of military as an arsenal. Stiff, you see, and never laughs, but kind-hearted as a woman; and, by Jupiter, he teaches a nigger Sunday-school. But, mind what I say, if this John Brown business leads to war, he'll be heard from. Well, it did lead to war, and Jackson was heard from, and Colonel Terrill fell fighting under him. I have referred to Major Jackson's ill-health. It took the form of dyspepsia, and once, during the war, he told me he had suffered with it for twenty years, and he knew of no misery which attacked a man as it did, physically, mentally, and morally, and was as likely
Niobe and Latona. we remember that when we were the reporter of a respectable country newspaper, we were sent to take notes of the doings of a Whig meeting, and of the speech of a certain Southern orator who had been sent for to come over and help us. After he had finished his nonsense, he approached our humble table with the front of Jupiter. Sir, said he, do you intend to report my speech? Certainly, was the response. Sir, he returned, you cannot do it. You might as well try to report red-hot balls. We took him at his word; wrote a respectable speech for him and printed it, and thereby, we then did flatter ourselves, saved for the Whigs at the election a very pretty handful of votes. We have been reminded of this little incident by reading Cause and contrast, which is a highly peppered pamphlet, the parturient pangs of which were borne by Mr. Thomas W. McMahon, now of Richmond, in the United States, Territory of Eastern Virginia, but formerly private secretary of the Hon.
Colonel Theodore Lyman, With Grant and Meade from the Wilderness to Appomattox (ed. George R. Agassiz), chapter 8 (search)
nt, as far as I can hear, thinks everything of General Meade, and it is said will have him promoted like the others. I believe it will turn out that Sherman is our first military genius, while Sheridan is most remarkable as a field fighter, when the battle is actually engaged. Bless my soul! quelle lecture on my commanding General! Never mind, variety is the spice of life. November 18, 1864 Warm it is this morning — too much so; I would prefer it frosty, but remember the farmer whom Jupiter allowed to regulate the weather for his own farm, and who made very poor crops in consequence. As Albert The servant, whom he had brought from Brookline, who had been absent on sick leave. came last night, I honorably discharged the ebony John this morning, giving him a character, an antique pair of trousers and a dollar or two extra wages, whereat John showed his ivory, but still remarked, standing on one leg: Er ud like Er pass. What do you want a pass for? asked I, in that fatherly
, and return when it favors interest; or they can alternate like migratory birds with the seasons, hatching Disunion in the Confederacy and rearing it without, and as thus far its managers have, in most instances, generously relieved the people of participation in the matter, the destruction of old governments and the erection of new ones would occasion little inconvenience. Minerva, according to mythology, and that is an authority not easily refuted, leaped fully armed from the brain of Jupiter; but stranger still, the founders of the Government of the Southern Confederacy leaped fully armed with high-sounding titles of official station from their own, and brought their government with them; an emanation neither suggested nor approved by the popular voice, but the creation of those who, like the renowned Peter Brush, wanted something to have rather than something to do, and almost universally repudiated wherever opportunity has been afforded. A Government purporting to be of the
t-fruits of mother earth in sweet spring flowers opening their buds amid the green grassblades. But as night approached the sun sank in the red horizon, and before midnight there came on a most terrific thunder-storm. The lightning blinded you by its brightness, and left you bewildered, while the thunder put to blush the puny columbiads that had all day jarred upon our ears. Amid this storm our men stood to their posts, and moved still nearer to their enemies. Amid the same storm, while Jupiter hurled his thunderbolts with such fury, the evacuation of fort and barracks took place; for lo! as daylight appeared, not an enemy was seen upon the works. Our flag was soon floating at both forts, and as I write the sound comes to me from a band, with Hail Columbia and Yankee Doodle, while the boys catch the song, and loud, prolonged cheering is taken up camp by camp. Gen. Pope and staff rode over the ground this morning, and were astonished at the great strength of the works and the
The Albert Pike who led the Aboriginal Corps of Tomahawkers and Scalpers at the battle of Pea Ridge, formerly kept school in Fairhaven, Mass., where he was indicted for playing the part of Squeers, and cruelly beating and starving a boy in his family. He escaped by some hocus-pocus of law, and emigrated to the West, where the violence of his nature has been admirably enhanced. As his name indicates, he is a ferocious fish, and has fought duels enough to qualify himself to be a leader of savages. We suppose that upon the recent occasion, he got himself up in good style, war-paint, nose-ring, and all. This new Pontiac is also a poet, and wrote Hymns to the Gods in Blackwood; but he has left Jupiter, Juno, and the rest, and betaken himself to the culture of the Great Spirit, or rather of two great spirits, whisky being the second. New-York Tribune, March 27.