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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—eastern Tennessee. (search)
the left, brings to the right of Croxton's men King's regular brigade, which soon renews the fight.rt struggle drive them in the utmost disorder. King, who finds himself a little behind on the left,on Brannan. The latter, no longer supported by King, sees his line broken in the centre and Van Derthe north than Van Cleve, and shortly after him King's brigade and Turchin's are with him. Reynolds goes to relieve Hazen, whose ammunition is out; King and the division batteries remain near the artiReynolds hastily despatches the greater part of King's brigade to aid Van Cleve. Grose unites with e enemy, has engaged him on the right of Polk. King's regular troops, reduced to a handful of men, ed, had commenced to move according to orders. King's and Turchin's brigades advance in two paralleeynolds attacks Liddell with his two brigades. King's brigade takes Govan in flank; Turchin's brigapasses on the left side of Gist, and falls upon King's brigade, which was getting ready to follow Re[7 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 4. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Addenda by the Editor. (search)
1st WisconsinLieut.-col. George B. Bingham. 21st WisconsinLieut.-col. Harrison C. Hobart. Third Brigade. Brig.-gen. John H. King. 15th United States, First BattalionCapt. Henry Keteltas. 16th United States, First BattalionMaj. Sidney Cooh Pennsylvania1212 Indiana Light Art., 4th Battery11 —————————————— Total Second brigade1313 Third Brigade. Brig.-gen. John H. King. 16th United States3115 18th United States21315 19th United States55 ——————— Total Third brigade331925 ———arles H. Walker. Third Brigade. for the composition of the battalions see return of casualties, p. 620. Brig.-gen. John H. King. 15th United States, 1st BattalionCapt. Albert B. Dod. 16th United States, 1st BattalionMaj. Sidney CoolidgeCaptured or missing.Aggregate. Officer.Enlisted Men.OfficersEnlisted Men.Officers.Enlisted Men. Third Brigade Brig.-gen. John H. King 15th U. S., A, C, E, F, G, and H, 1st Battln., and E, 2d Battln9247696