Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 17, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John H. King or search for John H. King in all documents.

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n danger. Hustings Court, October 16th --Present: Senior Alderman Sanxay; James Bray, C. B. Anderson, N. C. Lipscomb, and John F. Regnault, Aldermen. John H. King was set to the bar for examination on the charge of having stolen a negro boy, belonging to Algernon S. Bradley, of Richmond. King, who formerly was a residenKing, who formerly was a resident of Caroline county, Virginia, met the boy there several weeks ago, and inferring whether correctly or not, that he was making his way to the Yankees, he captured him, and constituting himself both judge and jury in the case, he ordered the darkey to be sold for his own benefit. In bringing the boy to Richmond the latter made an effort to give King leg bail, and was shot in one of the useful members he employed on the occasion. Being brought to Richmond he was sold for a trifling consideration to a man who wan taking him South, when his true master see him by in the had him concealed himself and was in by enough to remain perdue for some time; tu