Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 31, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for King or search for King in all documents.

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ing is dead! George II. is dead! He expired suddenly on the 25th of October! Oh! what a calamity, ye nations. A King die! say the young. We never beard of a King's dying before. We thought it was impossible. A King die! say the old. Such a thing has not happened for the last thirty-three years, to us, at least. True, my tell you so, if you will only attend his church, in the county of Hanover. Listen to his eloquence almost inspired, most prodigally lavished, upon that dirty old King, who has just gone to his long account, summoned so suddenly that he had no time to prepare, dying in an instant, before he could even know that his spirit was demny but Dresden, and now he may sleep in peace. The danger of invasion has passed over, and England is busy only in worshipping her new sovereign. George III. is King. How long is he to reign? what is to happen.? Alas! the veil of futurity is not to be lifted. Could the men of 1860 have looked forward, and seen the long trai
quarterly. We also attend promptly to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce, Basement Metropolitan Hall. Franklin street. References.--S. McGruder's Sons, Duke & Hutcheson, Charles C. Elett. Thos. D. Quarles, Richmond; Richmond T. Lacy. E. Ball. New Kent; Rev. Jas. H. Christian, E. Waddill, Col. John L. Walker, Charles City; E. R. Coke. Col. Wm. Bush, Allen Richardson, James City; Oswald Kemp, P. H. Fitzhugh, Gloucester; Robt. Healy, Joseph Christian, Middlesex; Muscoe Garnett, E. M. Ware Essex; Dr. S. S. Henley; Turner & Acre, King and Queen; I. B. Edwards. Dr. F. Gregory. P. H. Slaughter, King William; Wm. O. Winston, Jas. H. Lipscomb, Hanover; P. Woolfolk, E. S. Motley, W. P. Catlett, Caroline; R. M. Kent, Louisa; R. L. Coleman, Jas. W. Goes. J. L. Brady, Albemarle; Dr. Geo.S. Newman. Col. B. F. Nale, Wm. H. Chapman, Orange; Dr. Joseph Norris Charlottesville; T. A. Crenshaw. Amelia; I. P. Spencer. I. N. N. Porter. Powhatan; Jno.S. Wilson. Lunenburg. de 31--3t
ge, comfortable apartment, connected with his office, where those servants who are not provided with places to stay at night during the hiring, may remain, with a good fire, free of charge. Negroes for hire the coming year, had better be sent in to me as early after Christmas as possible. To those at a distance to whom I am personally unknown, I beg to refer to the following persons: Dickinson, Hill & Co., Richmond; Dr. Thomas Latane, Arthur Temple, John Lumpkin. Thomas Fauntleroy, King and Queen county; Dr. F. D. Wheelwright, Rev. Thomas E. Locke, Westmoreland county; John L. Latane, W. C. Latane, Dr. John Lewis, King William county; Geo. Turner, Richard Turner, F. Maginniss, Thomas Lee, King George county; Ro. Hudgin. dr. John D. Butler, Caroline county; N. J. B. Whitlock, Dr. James H. Latane, Ed. F. Noel, Bev. D. Roy, J. Roy Micon, Wilsey Fogg, Geo. T. Wright, Essex county; Dr. Thomas C. Clopton, Jefferson Stubbs, Jasper C. Hughes, Gloucester county; Parkes Slater, James
1861. Negro Hiring. 1861. Abner W. Richardson Gives his personal attention to the Hiring of Negroes, Renting Out Houses, and selling Country Produce generally. Refers to Major Roderick Bland, King & Queen; Thomas Garrett King William; D. W. Marston, James City county; Col. Theo. Lacy, New Kent; Joshua Garrett, Gloucester; Geo. P. Richardson and Jno. S. Rogers, Halifax county de21--2w*