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r capture, and had full command of the railways, word was sent to General Price at Lexington to hurry along with his recruits, so as to form a junction with Jackson's small force, and, by common consent, both little wings met and joined in Cedar County, July third. Information was now received that Sigel had been despatched from St. Louis with over three thousand men by the south branch of the Pacific Railroad, and was actually in Carthage, not many miles distant in our front, while Lyon, Lane, and others were rapidly approaching on the flanks and rear! For a little army of not over three thousand badly equipped men, this was a sad situation, and all began to prepare for the worst; nevertheless, on the fifth of July, at two A. M., we boldly began our march towards Carthage. After a march of seven hours, word was brought by our scouts that Sigel was in front, with the number of troops first reported, and eight guns. Still we moved on, until between ten and eleven A. M. we came in
attack it, but was informed that large bands of outlaws from Kansas, under General Jim Lane and others, were devastating the whole country on his left flank, and thre; and so secretly was the expedition conducted, that they unexpectedly came upon Lane at a creek called Drywood, and after. a confused fight of some hours, drove thece crossed with Saunders, Atcheson being left in charge of the remainder. General Jim Lane, however, was also approaching in the same direction with a heavy force ofrder fight, and, taking to the woods, they maintained such a murderous fire that Lane was soon routed, with a loss of more than two hundred, while Atcheson lost but teffected a junction with Price, and instilled new ardor into the whole army. Lane was defeated, but now it was known that Sturgis was approaching, also, on the no loss of the enemy being very considerable. Seeing his boats captured, and that Lane and Sturgis, instead of fighting their way to him, had skedaddled in all direct
unacceptable to you. The fall of Lexington was an unexpected and heavy blow to the Union party throughout the whole North. Fremont was so exasperated that he instantly began to muster every available man, intending to surround and capture us. Lane had been reenforced, and was advancing from the west; Sturgis was moving from the north; while Fremont, with a heavy command, began to advance from the east, thinking to cut off all retreat by the south. Our victory, however, had aroused a spiritn thousand men, and as the foe were closing in upon him from different directions, started the baggage and provisions southward, together with most of the infantry; at the same time ordering the cavalry to make demonstrations calculated to deceive Lane, Sturgis, and Fremont. The cavalry acted their part so well that the different columns of the enemy thought themselves threatened, and halted, while Price's main army had stolen several long marches upon them, and were making rapidly towards the
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary, XXIX. August, 1863 (search)
in the field (if we could put them there), there would yet remain a reserve for home defense against raids, etc. in the Confederate States, of not less than 250,000 men. Gen. Winder sent to the Secretary of War to-day for authority to appoint a clerk to attend exclusively to the mails to and from the United States--under Gen. Winder's sole direction. Major Quantrel, a Missouri guerrilla chief, has dashed into Lawrence, Kansas, and burnt the city-killing and wounding 180. He had Gen. Jim Lane, but he escaped. Gen. Floyd is dead; some attribute his decease to ill treatment by the government. I saw Mr. Hunter yesterday, bronzed, but bright. He is a little thinner, which improves his appearance. Gen. Lee is in town-looking well. When he returns, I think the fall campaign will open briskly. A dispatch received to-day says that on Tuesday evening another assault on Battery Wagner was in progress — but as yet we have no result. Lieut. Wood captured a third gun
, 3. Ketland, Thomas, I, 3. Keyes, Erasmus D., I, 250, 253, 284. Kilpatrick, Judson, II, 8, 17, 23, 26, 65, 94, 100, 126, 130, 169, 170, 191, 267. King, Charles, I, 253, 254. King, Rufus, I, 256, 259, 262. Kingsbury, Mr., I, 313. Kinzie, David H., II, 98. Knapp, Joseph M., II, 99. Knieriem, Gen., I, 286, 288, 289. Kuhn, James Hamilton, I, 220, 222, 227, 228, 235, 244, 274, 298, 300, 315, 345, 365. L Lambdin, Lieut., II, 399. Lane, James H., II, 52. Lane, Jim, I, 246. Lander, Fred'k W., I, 253. La Resaca de la Palma, battle of, May 9, 1846, I, 78-81, 84. La Vega, Gen., I, 89. Law, E. M., II, 60, 70, 81, 83, 100. Law, Judge, II, 165. Ledlie, James H., II, 346, 348. Lee, Mrs., II, 135, 136. Lee, Bishop, II, 258. Lee, Custis, II, 270, 278. Lee, Fitzhugh, II, 22, 94, 101. Lee, H. T., II, 324. Lee, Robert E., I, 196, 218, 273, 282, 286, 319, 340, 346, 361, 380, 383, 385-387; II, 4, 8, 11, 12, 20-24, 26-29, 37, 42,
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, X: a ride through Kansas (search)
life—and though death for freedom is all very fine, when it comes to dirt for freedom, the sacrifice becomes unexpectedly hard. Here he encountered General Jim Lane, commanding the Free-State Forces of Kansas, but then retreating by order of Governor Geary. From the supplies sent from the East, Mr. Higginson helped to re-clot General's band, and was amused at receiving from the guerrilla leader a position on his staff with the title of Brigadier-General, an honor liberally conferred by Lane on sympathizers with the Free-State cause. To his mother he wrote:— A new and important town in Kansas is threatened with the name of Quindaro, which meang men, whom I had seen go from prosperous homes, well clothed and cared for. I had since heard of them performing acts of heroic courage in this summer's battles. Lane had praised them to me, and declared that there never was such courage in the world as that of the Free-State men of Kansas. I saw one of them, said he, ride up al
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life, XI: John Brown and the call to arms (search)
lert, converted Montgomery to the same opinion. Thus the bold scheme of rescuing the two doomed men was reluctantly abandoned. After returning home Mr. Higginson wrote to one of them—Stevens—the following letter, March 12, 1860:— Dear Friend, As I cannot see you in the body I feel a strong wish to stretch out my hand to you once and say God bless you. You may not remember me, but I saw you in September, 1856, at Nebraska City when you were coming out of the Territory with Gen. Lane .. Death is only a step in life and there is no more reason why we should fear to go from one world into another than from one room into another. . . . The world where John Brown is cannot be a bad one to live in. . . . My wife would have been willing that I should risk my life to save yours had that been possible. Recalling these events in October, 1860, Mr. Higginson wrote in his journal:— Last year at this time I was worn and restless with inability to do anything for John
. Huxley, T. H., 335, 34o; Higginson meets, 324. Jackson, Rev. A. W., on Higginson and his black regiment, 216-18, 223. Jackson, Helen Hunt, literary success, 258, 259. Johnson, Rev., Samuel, 50, 101; and Higginson, 78, 82; letter to, about resignation, 104, 105. Kansas, troubles in, 166, 167, 180, 181; Higginson in, 169-80; people of, 174-77. Kidner, Rev., Reuben, and Higginson, 358, T 359, 375, 376. Kossuth, described, 97, 98. La Farge, John, described, 259. Lane, Gen., Jim, 172, 174. Larger History of the United States, 417, 427: Higginson at work on, 301. Le Barnes, J. W., on kidnapping project, 106. Leigh ton, Caroline Andrews, letter to, 154. Leighton, Celia, account of, 109. See also Thaxter, Celia. Lind, Jenny, account of, 09, 100. Littlefield, Col., on colored troops, 229. Livermore, Mrs. Mary A., in London, 340. Livingstone, David, 341, 342. Long, Governor John D., and Higginson, 296, 299. Longfellow, Henry W., 26,37,50; v
nt joined the main body, General Price moved into Lafayette county, Lexington being his objective point. En route, on the Salt Fork road, Shelby's command met Gen. Jim Lane of Kansas, who had come down from Leavenworth in force to annihilate Price's army. There was no commander in the Federal army whom Shelby was more anxious to meet than Lane, and his officers and men were as anxious as he was. Gordon's, Hooper's, Crisp's and Elliott's regiments of the old brigade, and Jackman's brigade, joined in the charge and vied with each other in the fierceness of their assaults. Shelby led the charge in person, and it was a running fight almost from the first. LLane was driven through Lafayette county and Lexington, and did not consider himself safe until he reached Independence, in Jackson county. On the advance from Salt Fork, Gen. Jeff Thompson, with Shelby's brigade, made a detour to Sedalia to take in Col. John F. Philips and his command, who held the town. Thompson took the town,
t about the result of the recent battle at Lexington, Missouri, (not Kentucky, as incorrectly quoted from a Hessian journal.) The Louisville Journal, of the 20th inst., contains a telegraphic dispatch from St. Louis, reporting a hard-fought battle at Lexington, Mo., between the Missouri forces, under Gen. Mulligan, on the 17th. The last dispatch reports that Gen. Price occupied the town of Lexington, from which it is fair to infer that Gen. Price was victorious. Reinforcements from Gen. Jim Lane were expected during the battle, but did not arrive. Lexington has been designated, by Gov. Jackson, as the future seat of government of Missouri, and its possession, by the Southern troops, at this time, is very important. The Fort Smith (Ark.) Times says: We learn from Henry Minehart, bearer of dispatches from Gen. McCulloch's camp, who arrived here last night, that the Jayhawkers, under Jim Lane and Montgomery, are becoming very troublesome. They have several thousand m