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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for N. M. Lee or search for N. M. Lee in all documents.
Your search returned 7 results in 5 document sections:
Military Matters.
--Major Jno. C. Porter, having been appointed Provost Marshal of Richmond, Capt. Godwin has been placed in charge of the eastern half of the city and Jno. C. Maynard the western half.
The passport office has been removed to Gen. Winder's old office, corner 9th and Broad streets, and the General's office to the house next to the Mechanics' Institute 9th street.
Lee's Rangers.
(now Virginia Rangers,) Capt. Beverly B Douglas, advertises for 20 recruits.
This is an admirable company, the material being of the best description.
The members of the Hanover Artillery now absent on furlough are required to repair to camp immediately.
Attention is called to sundry regimental and company orders appearing to-day.
Parties interested may save themselves annoyance and trouble by a prompt obedience.
Fifteen men having deserted from Captain Wm. J. Dabney's company, he offers rewards for each, the amount of which is duly specified in another part of t
Hustings Court, March.
--Present: Aldermen Sauxay, E. A. J. Clopton, James Bray, N. M. Lee, and N. C. Lipscombe.
The City Sergeant was ordered to discharge from jail Thos. Ogle, committed by the Court, 13th January, for twelve months, for failing to give security to keep the peace.
Harry, slave of Watt Tyler, was tried for stealing $200 in bank notes from Persons Walker, February 16th, and ordered thirty-nine lashes.
Joseph Nicholas Baratta, minister of the Roman Catholic Church, was authorized to celebrate marriages and officiate as minister in accordance with the usage of that Christian society.
Case against Perry Moses for letting his slave go at large, was dismissed.
Rule against Jno. J. Walker, for the same cause.
Rules were awarded against John Jaiser, Wm. A. Barnett, and Jim Webster, for failing to appear as witnesses against Cyrus, a slave, charged with felony.
James Phillips, a soldier, was examined for making a lascivious attack on Mar
The Daily Dispatch: March 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], One hundred and twenty-five Dollars reward. (search)