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atagem to gain an advantage in numbers at the point of contact was ever more admirably contrived or more successful than that by which General Grant got the bulk of Lee's army over at Deep Bottom at the time when this assault was to be made; but it was a great failure not to seize resolutely, what this advantage placed within our row to be in progress in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and the Shenandoah Valley, it is an unpleasant truth that the late attempt by the Army of the Potomac has served General Lee in the light of an experiment. It seems to have given him a great and valuable piece of information as to how few men can hold the Petersburg defences. Three divisions held those lines when the assailants had the assistance of a mine that had cost a month's labor, and it follows that Lee could have reinforced Early with a great many men if he had only known it. He knows it now, and it is not too late to act upon the knowledge. We shall soon, in all probability, have larger operations n
, black, about 28 years old, raised by Walter Coles, of Pittsylvania county, has rather a down look, and very stout. Jack, about 18 years old, black and slim, bought of P. J. tern, of Raleigh, N. C. Jim, black, about 21 or 22 years old, raised in Maryland; is tall and very likely. William, a brown-skin boy, about 20 or 22 years old, raised in or near this city; once owned by F. J. Sampson, an agent at the Richmond and Danville depot. Elijah, of brown complexion about 35 years old, raised near Charlottesville, and is a No. 1 cook; both of his legs were swollen and sore at the time he left. Sally, a mulatto girl about 25 years old, raised in Loudoun county; was purchased of N. M. Lee; tall and slender, with long black hair. Harrlet, 15 or 16 years old, brown skin, with a bushy head of hair. They left my farm in Lunenburg, about the last of June, with the Wilson raiding party. I will pay the above reward for all of them, or $500 for any one of them. E. H. Hokes [au 5--4w]
500 Dollars reward. --Attention of officer called — Ran away, in May last, my servant Claiborne mulatto; about 5 feet 8 inches high; very stout built; heavy head of hair and generally dresses very fine. Has been in the service with me for 3 years is well acquainted with camp life, and a fine officers' servant. I suspect he is with the army of Gen. Lee. The above reward will be given for his security so that I get him. He wears a Yankee overcoat. J. Peyton, Richmond. au 1--cod 8t
500 Dollars reward --Ran away from the subscriber about the 1st of February last boy John, about 14 or 15 years old, light copper color, with short, straight hair; had on when he left a new suit of cotton clothes, dyed snuff color. John was purchased of Dr. Wright, of Alabama. I have no doubt he is with our army. The above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery to Lee &Howman, Richmond, Va. or secured in any jail so that I get him. Wm. H. Gwin. jy 14--1m
Confederate earthworks, these enterprising gentry never fail to frustrate the mystery. And they always, in advance, attribute to it the greatest possible degree of success. They know it must succeed, and they know why it must succeed. "It all lies in the bow," and they have found out how the bow is to be handled. They cannot tell — no, no, the secret is so awful that it will not bear telling. They can only deal in hints and innuendoes, sufficiently expressive to let all the world, and General Lee besides, into the secret of the manner in which the bow is to be handled. They know all the details so well that they could teach all Yankeedom how to do it as easily as the planter taught his darkey how to handle the bow like Ole Bull.--Doubtless that great instructor in the art magical was greatly disappointed when he failed to make his pupil handle the bow like Ole Bull, but not more than the Yankee instructors in the art military usually are, when their last piece of strategy follows