Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 3, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for N. M. Lee or search for N. M. Lee in all documents.

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General Lee Commander-in-chief. The appointment of General Lee to the Command-in-Chief of the Armies is tGeneral Lee to the Command-in-Chief of the Armies is the Confederacy will give universal satisfaction, and inspire fresh confidence in every bosom. The President haay nothing of the great qualities which recommend General Lee to his present position. They have been tested it he never gave such proof of military ability as General Lee--a soldier who, with limited means, has successfuss, we appreciate so strongly the difficulties of General Lee's position; that we feel constrained to invoke thies which may be needed before this war is over. General Lee, great man that he is, is neither infallible, omnt us not waste all our breath at the beginning of General Lee's new career, but retain a portion of it to sustaal aid to the cause.--The Government has given us General Lee as the Commander-in-Chief--now let the people do their part and give General Lee the public spirit and unselfish patriotism of 1861. Then, with the blessing of
prospects of the national cause. He said that he was prepared for more endurance, more strife in the service of the country. If at any time in the future the country needed his services, it would be freely rendered, as it had been in the past. Whatever mistakes may have been committed by men at the head of affairs, we should not spare our efforts. Do not, he said, be carried away by any delusive ideas of peace. The time for peace has not come, and to talk of peace until the army of Lee is either captured or whipped is vain. See that the Union armies are kept filled up, that recruiting goes on. Of our ultimate success there could be no doubt. A lasting peace would be finally established, provided we dealt fairly and justly with all men, black and white; but on no other terms. Do everything you can to sustain the Government, and the President at the head of the Government. He is honest, patriotic and capable, and he will do all that he can. General Butler said he would hav
First-rate House Girl for sale at auction. --On Friday, the 3d of February next, at 10 o'clock, I will sell, at the auction-house of N. M. Lee, one Girl, about eighteen years of age, accustomed to house work and nursing, and of good disposition. Edward Sydnor, Commissioner. ja 30--td