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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 21, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for N. M. Lee or search for N. M. Lee in all documents.
Your search returned 11 results in 4 document sections:
For Hire, a negro man, twenty-five years old, a good house servant, washer, tolerable good cook, and a good hand with horses, Apply to N. M. Lee, Franklin street, near Exchange Hotel.
fe 17--4t*
The words of General Lee, upon assuming command-in-chief of the armies of the Confederate States, are worthy the man and the occasion.
We especially call the nciting his countrymen to persevere in an unnecessary and hopeless war.
General Lee declares his belief that, with the blessing of Heaven, we shall have Peace long years, have been confronting danger, death and every human privation.
General Lee may rely upon them while one of their honest hearts continues to beat.
Will ill do theirs.
The requirements of that Patriotism of the People upon which General Lee relies demand that croaking should cease, that speculation should come to an in a common vessel and have a common destiny, that Congress should place at General Lee's disposal the means he requires.--If this is done, the day is not distant w uggled, and the Sun of Peace and Incidence emerge at last from the horizon.--General Lee only says, what the military organ of the United States has conceded, that t