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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Electrical torpedoes as a system of defence. (search)
et or army; and this had reference only to the defences of Richmond. In fact when the system was nearly completed and inspected in person by President Davis, General Lee, and Secretary Mallory, it was immediately decided to withdraw large numbers of troops from that quarter for offensive operations elsewhere, it being well underme when under a flag of truce during the war, that if I came down to his squadron again in a certain boat, (in which I had made the first successful attack with the Lee — Spar-torpedo ) he would not respect the flag, as he did not acknowledge that I was engaged in civilized or legitimate warfare. This glanced from my armor as manyt the admiral took up my torpedo mines as the territory was conquered, and turned them against us; and certain it is that his squadron was soon after armed with the Lee-Spar-torpedo. To those who know me, I trust that this letter is unnecessary, but then there is the world beside, and who knows how many in it to set up a claim w
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The relative strength of the armies of Generals Lee and Grant. (search)
d by your recent articles upon the death of General Lee, has awakened a deep sense of gratitude in Grant's total, or Grant's present for duty with Lee's present for duty. But besides this, in ordero make out Grant's army three times as large as Lee's, Grant's two forces in the Valley of Virginiastimate of his strength; while the troops which Lee had in front of these separate forces of Grant where correct, show the actual force which General Lee carried into the field. These returns are e north of James river. So that in reality General Lee's entire force with which he had to confrone that the first reinforcements received by General Lee, after the beginning of the campaign in theington had been made during the winter, and General Lee's army was, at the time of the evacuation, most abundant supplies of all kinds. Yet, General Lee conducted his retreat in the face of his enage 44, the tens of thousands also belonging to Lee's army who General Badeau says afterwards came [11 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Memorandum of information as to battles, &c., in the year 1864, called for by the Honorable Secretary of War. (search)
with a loss of 700. Confederate loss 35. July Battle of Monocacy, in Maryland. General Early defeated enemy under General Wallace. September 16 General Hampton, at Sycamore Church, captured 2,486 head of cattle, with rout of Gregg's cavalry, taking 300 prisoners and a number of horses. September and October Recent operations of General Forrest in Tennessee, resulting in the capture of three towns and 3,200 prisoners. May 5 to August 1 Battles between forces under General Lee and the enemy under General Grant, viz: Wilderness, Spotsylvania Courthouse, Po River, Jericho Bridge, Cold Harbor and Petersburg. In none of these battles were the Confederates defeated or forced from the field. No official reports have been returned. The losses on both sides cannot be accurately stated, but a recent statement of a Federal general (Naglee) has been published, which states that General Grant's losses in killed, wounded, prisoners and missing, amounted to 150,000 men. T
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. (search)
General Lee's final and full report of the Pennsylvania campaign and battle of Gettysburg. GeGeneral Lee's report was originally printed in the Historical magazine of New York, for February, 186at Morrisania, New York, there is a copy of General Lee's report of the Pennsylvania campaign and tat it chanced to be on the person of one of General Lee's staff-officers at the time of the destrucin possession of it. In a conversation with General Lee, in April, 1869, I was informed by him thatp by some straggler or other person. After General Lee's death I received a copy of the number of nce, and that the copy only was returned to General Lee, he (Colonel Marshall) retaining the rough nently worthy of preservation as containing General Lee's own account of a campaign which has been his document, in the shape of a Ms. copy of General Lee's report, found among the papers of Mr. Micoubtless either the original copy sent from General Lee's headquarters, or a correct copy of that m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Patriotic letters of Confederate leaders. (search)
States Navy. To H. I. H. the Grand Duke Constantine, Grand Admiral of Russia, St. Petersburg. The following correspondence went the rounds of the press several months ago, but it should by all means be put in more permanent form: General Lee's letter offering to Resign--Mr. Davis' reply. Secret history.[From the Mobile (Alabama) Sycle, January 29.] Scribner's monthly for February has an article entitled A piece of secret history, by Colonel Charles C. Jones, Jr., of the late , General. His Excellency Jefferson Davis, President Confederate States. It so happens that we have in our possession the reply of President Davis to the above letter. Although its publication at this time was not contemplated, yet, since General Lee's letter has been made public, there is no reason for withholding the answer. We append it with the omission of only one sentence, which does not affect its general significance. The correspondence will illustrate the relations which prevail
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in February, 1865. (search)
e War Department, calling on them for information of the state of the service in their respective branches. Similar letters were addressed at the same time to Generals Lee and J. E. Johnston, asking for authentic reports of the status of their armies and the prospects before them. Responses were made, which were kept together ville, to be forwarded to headquarters at Richmond. I never knew whether this was done or not, but from the interesting character especially of the letters of Generals Lee and Johnston, I expected to see some mention of them, which I have never seen. The copies I retained. In October, 1865, having occasion to visit Lexington, Virginia, and having heard that General Lee was engaged in preparing a Memoir of the Army of Northern Virginia, and supposing that the copies I had of his own and General Johnston's reply to the letter of the Secretary would be useful to him in that work, I took them with me to Lexington, and gave them to him. The Reports of th
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Resources of the Confederacy in February, 1865. (search)
allowed on South Carolina road. Sending stores to Washington. As I have no means of shipping, I will reduce prices down to the schedule soon. Leave to-day for Washington, to arrange warehouse room. Return here Wednesday. I have no idea that Lee's army can get anything from here. (Signed) R. J. Moses, Major and Chief C. S. for Georgia. No. 8. Office Chief Commissary for Alabama, Mobile, 25th January, 1565. Colonel L. B. Northrup, Commissary-General, Richmond, Virginia: Colunt shipped by Major Allen, at Columbus, Georgia, and that received by Major Claiborne, at Richmond, which up to this time has never been accounted for. Early in December I advised you that we were not receiving corn enough for the wants of General Lee's army, regardless of other and equally pressing demands upon us for subistence, and stating that there was an ample supply of corn in the country, if it were rendered available, by reforms in the management of transportation. On the 17th D
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General George H. Steuart's brigade at the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
ysburg. The simple facts, as we have narrated them, can be substantiated by a number of soldiers who were actively engaged in this part of the field. Very respectfully yours, William P. Zollinger, Lieutenant Company A, 2d Maryland Infantry. Lamar Hollyday, D. R. Howard, Privates Company A, 2d Maryland Infantry, C. S. A. General O. O. Howard, in an article in the Atlantic Monthly for July, entitled Campaign and battle of Gettysburg, says: It was Ewell's effort on our right to assist Lee's main attack after Williams' and a part of Geary's division had been withdrawn, and ordered off to reinforce the right. [Left.] The enemy's troops took quiet possession of the points vacated, and really slept within our lines, but the ground was rough and the woods so thick that their generals did not realize till morning what they had gained. General Edward Johnson's division (composed of a Louisiana, Jones', George H. Steuart's and the Stonewall brigades), arrived and formed line of ba
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
t Fund, the Board of Managers will send by mail, to any college, school, lodge, club, military or civic association, which shall contribute $10, a lithograph of General Lee on Traveler, 18x14 inches. A small weekly contribution will secure a handsome ornament for the school, lodge, club room or armory. These lithographs might be riginal photograph from which this lithograph is made, was taken in Lexington by Miley, and is one of rare excellence. The shading of his hat somewhat obscures General Lee's features, but his form and manner of sitting his horse are perfect. The likeness of Traveler could scarcely be improved, and many veterans of the Army of Northern Virginia will give it a delighted recognition. We remember hearing General Lee say the day after the photograph was taken, I do not care for a likeness of myself, but I am very much gratified to have so good a one of Traveler. The lithograph makes a really beautiful picture, which we hope will adorn a very large number of
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 2. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Bodes' report of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
came up, which he failed to do, because of the reported approach of the enemy in strong force. The result was that most of the property in that place which would have been of service to the troops, such as boots, hats, leather, &c., were removed or concealed before it was reoccupied. From this date General Jenkins was directly under the orders of the Lieutenant-General in effect, as the latter was thenceforth constantly with the advance guard of infantry. At Greencastle the orders of General Lee regulating the conduct of troops and officers of all departments whilst in the enemy's country were received, but they had, in substance, been anticipated by orders, first from division and then from corps headquarters. The conduct of the troops of this division was entirely in accordance with those orders, and challenged the admiration of their commanding officers, whilst it astonished the people along the line of march. These latter, very generally, expected to be treated by us with t