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J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 1: religious elements in the army. (search)
the same denomination, and another regiment had in its ranks five ministers of the gospel. I well remember that the first time I ever saw the famous old Rockbridge Artillery—on the 4th of July, 1861, when we were drawn up in line of battle at Darksville, in the lower Valley of Virginia, expecting an attack from General Patterson—it contained seven Masters of Arts of the University of Virginia, fortytwo other college graduates, nineteen theological students, others (including a son of General R. E. Lee) who were among the noblest young men of the South, and a proportion of Christian men as surprisingly large as it was highly gratifying. When the news of the secession of Virginia reached the quiet little town of Lexington, Virginia, nestled among the Blue mountains, some of the students of Washington College at once raised a secession flag on the dome of the college building. (They had done the same thing some days before, but the faculty had unanimously voted that it must be take
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 2: influence of Christian officers. (search)
is counsel and the guide of his life. General R. E. Lee, the great commander of the Army of Nort863, and a battle was momentarily expected, General Lee, with a number of general and staff officern public prayer would do well to ponder. General Lee was emphatically a man of prayer. He was ac written, in his characteristic chirography, R. E. Lee, Lieutenant-Colonel United States Army. Howed the Appeal above referred to, written by General Lee's own hand, of which copies were at the tims, R. E. Lee. The friendship between General Lee and the venerable Bishop Meade, of Virginiahave heard you your catechism too often. General Lee was deeply affected by the interview, and wherishing in their hearts his many virtues. R. E. Lee, President. The above was written, currd your children had the heartfelt sympathy of Mrs. Lee and myself, and that you were daily rememberehe thought and love of your devoted father, R. E. Lee. Mrs. Wm. H. Fitzhugh Lee. Colonel Walt[62 more...]
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 3: influence of Christian officers—continued. (search)
tion and moist eyes as the preacher delivers his message, is our loved Commander-in-Chief, General R. E. Lee; that devout worshipper who sits at his side, gives his personal attention to the seating the salvation of my soul before, it would have been too late then. He dictated a letter to General Lee, in which he congratulated him on the great victory which God has vouchsafed to your arms. But before this note was sent, the following came to him from General Lee, in response to a previous note which had been sent by Jackson: General: I have just received your note informing me thcongratulate you upon the victory which is due to your skill and energy. Most truly yours, R. E. Lee, General. Jackson seemed deeply touched at the generous letter from his chief, but said, after a brief pause: General Lee is very kind: but he should give the glory to God. Afterwards, in talking about this great victory, he said: Our movement yesterday was a great success; I think th
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 4: influence of Christian officers—concluded. (search)
m the depths of his soul, praised, and thanked, and blessed her, for the happiness and joy which her love had brought to his heart and life. He charged those who ministered to him with pious messages to the absent. Tell General Jackson and General Lee, said he, they know how Christian soldiers can fight, and I wish they could see now how a Christian soldier can die. In communicating this message to General Jackson, Dr. Coleman wrote: I doubt not, general, that the intimate acquaintance I received and wrote it at the time from the lips of eyewit-nesses. On the night before the last day's battle at Second Manassas, Friday, August 29, 1862, Colonel W. S. H. Baylor (I ought really to call him general, for Stonewall Jackson and R. E. Lee had both recommended his promotion, and his commission had actually been made out when news of his lamented death reached Richmond), one of the most widely known and loved young men in the State, was in command of the famous old Stonewall Briga
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 6: hospital work. (search)
need be, in defence of such noble women —fresh vigor would have been added to her zeal in providing comforts for our suffering braves. How much more comfortable and sweet would have been the slumber of that mother could she have seen her patriot boy, who had lain upon the bare ground, warmly wrapped in the coverlet or carpet-blanket she had sent for the suffering soldiers. After the battle of Sharpsburg we passed over a line of railroad in Central Georgia. The disabled soldiers from General Lee's army were returning to their homes. At every station the wives and daughters of the farmers came on the cars and distributed food and wine and bandages among the sick and wounded. We shall never forget how very like an angel was a little girl; how blushingly and modestly she went to a great, rude, bearded soldier, who had carved a crutch from a rough plank to replace a lost leg; how this little girl asked him if he was hungry, and how he ate like a famished wolf. She asked if his wou
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 7: work of the chaplains and missionaries. (search)
present his own peculiar doctrines. Yes, said the chaplain, that is true; but Brother Jones has in no way violated this tacit agreement. He has not preached his peculiar doctrines. Well, no; he has not exactly preached them, was the reply; but then he read to the crowd all of them Baptist Scriptures. Of course, my good Brother Witherspoon replied: Why, I do not admit that those are Baptist Scriptures. Rev. W. S. Lacy, in a series of admirable papers on the Religious Interest in Lee's Army, written in the New York Watchman soon after the war (a series of such rare merit, that I have urged him to put them into more permanent form), tells a joke which his Methodist Brother Webb, chaplain in the same brigade, got off on him. It so happened that Brother Lacy's regiment came from a strong Baptist community, and that a large proportion of the converts insisted upon going down into the water, and he never failed to send for me or some other Baptist chaplain, and to show every
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 8: eagerness of the soldiers to hear the Gospel. (search)
st pass them by at present. The morning that Early's Brigade was relieved from its perilous position on the north bank of the Rappahannock near the Fauquier White Sulphur Springs, where for twenty-four hours we faced the whole of Pope's army with an impassable river, swollen by a sudden storm, in our rear, one of the largest congregations I ever saw promptly assembled on an intimation that there would be preaching. I never saw the army massed within as small a space as at that point. General Lee had purposed crossing his whole army over at the Springs, and by a rapid march on Warrenton and the railroad to plant himself firmly on General Pope's line of retreat. General Early was thrown across as the advance guard, but the severe storm made the river unfordable, and as we had no pontoon-bridges the movement had to be abandoned. So men from many other commands as well as our own came to our service until, when I stood up to preach, I seemed to look on a solid acre of eager listene
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 9: State of religion in 1861-62. (search)
ond Manassas, and The first Maryland campaign; and there were a number of professions of conversion, while backsliders were reclaimed and careless professors awakened to their duty. But when we came back from Sharpsburg to rest for a season amid the green fields and beautiful groves, and beside the clear streams of the lower Valley of Virginia, there began that series of revivals which went graciously and gloriously on until there had been over fifteen thousand professions of conversion in Lee's Army, and there had been wrought a moral and religious revolution which those who did not witness it can scarcely appreciate. A South Carolina chaplain writes, from camp near Richmond, to the Southern Presbyterian: I am both astonished and I trust grateful to see how attentively officers and men listen to the preached word, and how eagerly they read the tracts which I have been able to supply. It would gladden the heart of many a pious friend at home if they could be permitted to listen
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 10: revivals in the Lower Valley and around Fredericksburg. (search)
s, and manifested the deepest concern for the salvation of his men, and the liveliest hope that we were about to be blessed with a general revival. But soon tidings came that Burnside had relieved McClellan and was moving on Fredericksburg—that Lee, with Longstreet's Corps, was hastening to confront him—and that Jackson was needed on the Rappahannock. The order to move is at once given, and the foot cavalry march, with their swinging stride, through the mountains and down through Madison,bor which may not be written here, but whose record is on high. Carefully compiled statistics show that, in the fall and winter of 1862-63, and spring of 1863, there were, at the very lowest estimate, at least 1,500 professions of conversion in Lee's army. I must omit a vast amount of material which I had collected concerning this period, and insert only the following: Headquarters, Forty-Fourth Virginia Regiment, April 15. Revivals of religion are contagious. There are times in th
J. William Jones, Christ in the camp, or religion in Lee's army, Chapter 11: the great revival along the Rapidan. (search)
am still yours affectionately, A. Broaddus. Kingston, North Carolina, July 28. I am now assisting the chaplain of the Forty-second North Carolina Regiment, General Martin's Brigade, in a series of meetings every night when the weather permits. The congregations are very large and attentive. Many come forward and ask God's people to pray for them. I am very much pleased with my new field of labor thus far. The soldiers appreciate kindness. G. W. Camp. By the first of August General Lee's army was camped along the line of the Rapidan (from Liberty Mills, above Orange Court House, to Raccoon Ford, below), and God blessed us with seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord in nearly every camp. A large volume would scarcely suffice to record the details of this great revival, and I can only give here a few illustrations as specimens of the whole character of the work. From the 1st of August to the 1st of October I averaged two sermons every day, besides other