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Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 4: military operations in Western Virginia, and on the sea-coast (search)
rn Virginia, and on the sea-coast Robert E. Lee in command in Western Virginia dispositiosubordination of Wise, 97. Reynolds's command Lee plans for seizing and holding West Virginia Reteenth, and Fifteenth Indiana Regiments, Robert E. Lee. the Third and Sixth Ohio, detachments ofd reached the Summit at dawn. At the same time Lee advanced in heavy force upon Elk Water, with thposition both armies remained until night, when Lee withdrew still farther under cover of the darkns Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Washington, of General Lee's staff. He was the former owner of the maemains were tenderly cared for, and sent to General Lee the next morning. Washington was about fore says: There is reason to believe that, if General Lee had not allowed the immaterial part of his ed his forces near the junction of the rivers. Lee, too, was then recalled to Richmond, Lee's cattle in Western Virginia was blindly lost, General Lee making no attempt to follow up the enemy, w[24 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
Jordan, Beuregard's Assistant Adjutant-General. He says the works were constructed under Captin Lee, whose battery and a long 32-pounder rified gun were there. The latter had been sent there by Gey. To the latter Stone sent a battalion of the Twentieth Massachusetts, under its commander, Colonel Lee, a section of Vaughan's Rhode Island Battery, and Colonel Cogswell's New York (Tammany) Regimson's Island with five companies of his regiment, and proceed at dawn to surprise that camp. Colonel Lee was also ordered to cross from the Maryland shore with four companies of his regiment and a f On inquiring, I learned that two of General Scott's family had great influence with him, Col. Robt. E. Lee and Capt. Chas. P. Stone. I do not know what induced me to select Captain Stone in preference to Col. Lee, but I did so, and called on the Captain at his quarters. We conversed freely in regard to the impending trouble, and especially of the danger in which Washington stood. I informed
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
that despotism. That control was really of essential service in carrying on the war, for the National authorities could never find any reliable information concerning the Confederate forces in the Southern newspapers. So early as May, 1861, General Lee requested the press of Virginia to keep silent on the subject of military movements. but vied with each other in giving early revelations of military and naval movements. Through these channels the Confederates had obtained very accurate knowUpton, in line, with the Twenty-third Massachusetts, Colonel Kurtz, for a support. With musketry and cannon he opened the battle, and was hotly answered by musketry and cannon. The fight was severe, and soon the Twenty-seventh Massachusetts, Colonel Lee, came to the aid of their fellow New Englanders, by falling upon the sharpshooters in the woods, on the left of the Confederate line. To relieve the Twenty-third Massachusetts, the Tenth Connecticut, Colonel Russell, came up to the support of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 12: operations on the coasts of the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico. (search)
or assist the other two brigades. Foster began battle at eight o'clock. His troops consisted of the Twenty-third, Twenty-fourth, Twenty-fifth, and Twenty-seventh Massachusetts, commanded respectively by Colonels Kurtz, Stevenson, Upton, and Lee; and the Tenth Connecticut, Colonel Drake. At the same time Reno pushed on toward the Confederate right flank, while Parke took position on their front. Foster was supported on his left by the boat-howitzers, manned by Lieutenants McCook, Hammondnk of the river they built heavy earthworks, and greatly enlarged and strengthened Fort Jackson, about four miles below the city. Among the most formidable of the Chevaux-De-frise. new earthworks was Fort Lee, built under the direction of Robert E. Lee, after his recall from Western Virginia, in the autumn of 1861. Soon after the heavy reconnaissance of Rogers and Wright, the Nationals made a lodgment on Jones's Island, and proceeded, under the immediate direction of General Viele, to er
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 14: movements of the Army of the Potomac.--the Monitor and Merrimack. (search)
a force to protect the Baltimore and Ohio Railway. He had a wily and energetic opponent in Stonewall Jackson, who was endeavoring to gain what Floyd, and Wise, and Lee had lost, and to hold possession of the Shenandoah Valley. Lander, with a force of about four thousand men, made a series of rapid movements against him. With onlyls. This was by the division of General Smith of the Fourth Corps, who attacked the Confederates at Dam No. 1, on the Warwick April 16, 1862. between the mills of Lee a nd Winn. The movement was gallantly made, but failed. The vanguard of the Nationals (composed of four Vermont companies, who had waded the stream, waist deep, unt was developed, put his army, then on the Rapid Anna, in motion for Richmond, and there kept it well in hand for the defense of the Confederate capital. General Robert E. Lee was then Jefferson Davis's Chief of Staff, and both he and Johnston considered the Peninsula, with the probability of the York and James rivers on each fla
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 15: the Army of the Potomac on the Virginia Peninsula. (search)
vis and two of his so-called cabinet, and Generals Johnston, Lee, and Magruder, held a council at the Nelson House, This wn of Washington, and wife of the Confederate Commander, Robert E. Lee. It stood on or near the site of the dwelling known as. It was occupied, when the war broke out, by a son of Robert E. Lee. The wife and some of the family of Lee, who were therLee, who were there, fled from it on the approach of the National army, at the time we are considering. The first officer who entered the houstry Members of the Second regiment of cavalry, of which Robert E. Lee was Lieutenant-colonel when he abandoned his flag, weres watching Banks closely, with orders to hold him, while General Lee, with a strong column, should push beyond the Rappahannotion between Winchester and Alexandria, On the 5th of May Lee wrote to Ewell that he had ordered North Carolina troops to etween Winchester and Alexandria. --Autograph letter of Robert E. Lee. This was precisely such a movement as the Government
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. (search)
ns the Confederate Army near Richmond General Robert E. Lee in command, 414. public expectation d97. so that these forces were yet withheld from Lee. But already McClellan had telegraphed June 10ions were to be begun in the Shenandoah Valley, Lee sent Whiting's division in that direction, in aabsent on furlough, or sick, and under arrest. Lee's troops, it has been since ascertained, numbere Chickahominy. On that field, where Grant and Lee fought so desperately two years later, Porter wneral Porter and his subordinates; also, of General Lee and his subordinates, contained in volume Iintrenchments, preparing for another attack. Lee was deceived. He supposed McClellan might at o late. When Longstreet (who was accompanied by Lee and Jefferson Davis) found himself confronted t on the James; and on the 8th, what was left of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was behind the defeierceness of the battle there between Grant and Lee, to be described hereafter. Over the plain bet[23 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 17: Pope's campaign in Virginia. (search)
alry, and columns of infantry pushed forward by Lee. These found the National army too strongly poseavily in that direction; and the withdrawal of Lee's army to Richmond, on the day of the Presidente almost hourly giving information to Davis and Lee of the aspect of affairs in the National camps n the third of August, when it was evident that Lee was preparing for a movement toward Washington r, and in a characteristic letter he instructed Lee to communicate it to the Commander-in-Chief of nd to another, in the dark, was made prisoner. Lee, in his report (Reports of the Army of Northerne belligerents. Reports of Generals Pope and Lee, and of their subordinates. Pope specially comrom them positive information was obtained that Lee was about to throw his whole army with crushings person was found an autograph letter from General Lee, dated the 15th, in which the intended movement was mentioned.--See Lee's Report accompanying the Reports of the Army of Northern Virginia, pa[7 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
yland! My Maryland! See page 555, volume I. Lee declared it was the wish of the people of the Snfederate rear-guard, and found there a copy of Lee's general order issued on the 9th. It revealede reported accordingly. It is stated, he said, Lee gives his loss at 15,000, and added, We are fol Hill came up just in time, apparently, to save Lee's army from capture or destruction. Experts sas army, he might easily have captured or ruined Lee's army that day. But there were grave consideraBarnes's brigade, to cross the Potomac to carry Lee's batteries. It was done, and four of their gue city, and its left six miles above the city. Lee's engineers had been very busy, and had construworks then, that a direct attack in front, with Lee's main force behind them, would be almost like successfully make a sudden crossing, and attack Lee's front and fatally penetrate it, while his armich the city stands, while the heights on which Lee's batteries were planted were from three-fourth[56 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 19: events in Kentucky and Northern Mississippi. (search)
d produce a useless sacrifice of life. At two o'clock in the morning Sept. 17, 1862. Wilder surrendered, and his troops marched out at six o'clock with all the honors of war. Report of Colonel J. T. Wilder, September 18th, 1862. Wilder reported his entire loss during the siege at thirty-seven killed and wounded. The enemy, he said, admit a loss of 714 killed and wounded on Sunday alone. Bragg was greatly elated by this event, and, counting largely on the usual tardiness of Buell, as Lee had done on that of McClellan, he felt assured of soon making his Headquarters in Louisville, or, at least, of plundering rich Kentucky as much as he desired. On the 18th he issued a proclamation from Glasgow, in which he repeated the declarations of his subordinates, that the Confederate Army had come as the liberators of Kentuckians from the tyranny of a despotic ruler, and not as conquerors or despoilers. Your gallant Buckner, he said, leads the van; Marshall [Humphrey] is on the right;