Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. You can also browse the collection for Robert E. Lee or search for Robert E. Lee in all documents.

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foot-notes, they consume little space, and do not interrupt the flow of the narrative. The reader who does not value need not heed them; while the critical student will often find them of decided use. Should any one demur to this, I urge him to examine thoughtfully the dates of the dispatches received and sent by McClellan between his retreat to Harrison's bar and Pope's defeat at Groveton; also, those given in my account of his movements from the hour of his arrival at Frederick to that of Lee's retreat from Sharpsburg across the Potomac. I trust it will be observed by candid critics that, while I seek not to disguise the fact that I honor and esteem some of our commanders as I do not others, I have been blind neither to the errors of the former nor to the just claims of the latter — that my high estimation of Grant and Sherman (for instance) has not led me to conceal or soften the lack of reasonable precautions which so nearly involved their country in deplorable if not irremed
cape. Gen. Jackson makes his total loss in these engagements, 133 killed, 929 wounded, and 34 missing--in all, 1,096; or, since he left Winchester, 1,167, with 1 gun; while he had captured, including wounded in hospital, 975 men and 7 guns. Considering the perils he braved, and the odds which ought to have been, but were not, brought to bear against him, his campaign was one of the most brilliant of the war, and stamps him a true military genius. Confidential letters, unpublished, from Lee and Jackson to Johnson and Ewell, show that the movement was suggested, and in fact directed, from Richmond: Jackson and Ewell being ordered to combine their forces and strike a blow at Banks or at McDowell, as circumstances should render advisable. The detachment of Shields from Banks, and sending the former to McDowell at Fredericksburg, in order to enable the latter to advance to the aid of McClellan before Richmond, determined the direction of the blow. Both Fremont and Shields, bein
grumbles and hesitates Stonewall Jackson joins Lee A. P. Hill attacks our right at Mechanicsvilleusetts, Lt.-Col. Kimball, 20th Massachusetts, Col. Lee, 7th Michigan, Maj. Richardson, the three for you reenforcements whenever I can. Gen. Robert E. Lee, having succeeded to the chief command oe relief of A. P. Hill, who was being worsted. Lee's whole force being thus brought into action, aas abundantly able and willing to meet and beat Lee's entire forces in fair battle; or it might havndants, to fall into the hands of the enemy. Lee was evidently puzzled with regard to McClellan'eat — being now fully comprhended by the enemy, Lee ordered Longstreet and A. P. Hill to recross ths farther up, or to the right of Jackson, where Lee in person, with Jefferson Davis, accompanied Lot, and were again repulsed with heavy loss. Lee, more plausibly though not quite fairly, says: led. The inaction thus vaunted was mutual. Lee did not see fit to repeat at Harrison's Bar his[5 more...]
was appointed on the very day July 26. when Lee's designs against McClellan's right wing were dthe 17th--a day after Ewell, with a division of Lee's army The area of Pope's Virginia and of Mc and barely 40 rounds of cartridges per man. Lee, who had by this time nearly his whole army on rched through the Gap that day and been sent by Lee to the relief of Jackson, now clearly outnumbert. His aim had been to overwhelm Jackson before Lee, with Longstreet, could come to his assistance;he forces of Longstreet; and that the army of Gen. Lee would have been so crippled and checked by th no pursuit across Bull Run being attempted. Lee, in his official report, says: The obscuracked next morning in this strong position; but Lee, not unmindful of the still recent and sore expnd, and was succeeded by Gen. McClellan. Gen. Lee officially claims to have captured, during hits, and camp equipage, must have been immense. Lee's Medical Director makes the Rebel losses in th[1 more...]
00 men, to Stonewall Jackson McClellan follows Lee to the Antietam battle of Antietam or Sharpsbu soon prepared to resist the enemy, but whither Lee had no idea of following them. Having been joipments, to procure wood, &c. By command of Gen. R. E. Lee. R. H. Chilton, Assistant Adjutant-Generallable force, 60,000 strong, commanded by Gen. Robert E. Lee in person. And this seems to be the moreir artillery, this might seem improbable. But Lee (writing his report on the 6th of March followimy during these battles. And the reports of Lee's corps or division commanders give the followiregg, of S. C., R. Toombs and Wright, of Ga. Lee, of course, did not care to renew the battle onntil next day, and then quietly disappeared. Lee moved westward, with the bulk of his army, to ter, two days later, occupied Harper's Ferry. Lee soon retired to the vicinity of Bunker Hill andunopposed down the east side of the Blue Ridge (Lee's army being still in the Valley, but moving pa[7 more...]
n swelled by conscription to some 45,000 men, organized in three corps, under Hardee, Bishop Polk, and Kirby Smith respectively, whereof the last was sent to Knoxville, while the two former sufficed to hold Chattanooga against any effort which Buell was likely to make. McClellan's Richmond campaign having proved abortive, while conscription had largely replenished the Rebel ranks, Bragg was impelled to try a bold stroke for the recovery of Tennessee and the liberation of Kentucky. As with Lee's kindred advance into Maryland, the increasing scarcity of food was the more immediate, while fond expectations of a general rising in support of the Confederate cause, afforded the remoter incitement to this step. Louisville, with its immense resources, was the immediate object of this gigantic raid, though Cincinnati was thought to be also within its purview. Crossing Aug. 24. the Tennessee at Harrison, a few miles above Chattanooga, with 36 regiments of infantry, 5 of cavalry, and 40
ew, and our overpowered men, after a brief resistance, surrendered; but not till Wainwright had been killed, and Lt.-Com'g Lee mortally wounded. Lee's father was a Rebel Major, engaged in the attack, and one of the first to recognize his dying son.Lee's father was a Rebel Major, engaged in the attack, and one of the first to recognize his dying son. The Owasco had been coaling below the town, but had got under way soon after the fight commenced; engaging the Rebel batteries until she observed the cotton-boats in conflict with the Harriet Lane; when she steamed up to assist her; grounding rea and Georgia might supply a fresh force adequate to the raising of the siege and the rout of the besiegers; add to which, Lee — so recently victorious at Chancellorsville — might dispatch a corps of veterans by rail for the relief of Gardner and hifor a time, than all who could be rallied to resist it. With Vicksburg proudly defying Grant's most strenuous efforts, and Lee impelling his triumphant legions across the Potomac, the chances were decidedly against the undisturbed prosecution of thi
ommand in Virginia crosses the Rappahannock attacks Lee's army, strongly posted on the Southern Heights is ra Burnside gives place to Hooker Stoneman's raid on Lee's rear Hooker crosses the Rappahannock, and advancesrmy recoils Sedgwick storms Marye's Heights strikes Lee's rear is driven across the river Hooker recrosses a few days, by menacing an advance on Gordonsville. Lee soon Nov. 15. penetrated his real design, and commo that they did not reach Falmouth till after most of Lee's army had been concentrated on the heights across thppi brigade, sharp-shooting from behind houses; while Lee's engineers pressed the fortification of the heights n approaching it, now on one side, then on the other, Lee decided that he could not prevent its Fredericksbued by Burnside, was known to be very considerable. Lee's army, fully 80,000 strong, was stretched along and tching the battle from the heights, and writing front Lee's headquarters, says: To the Irish division, comm
urnside without a struggle; Johnson had been drawn upon for a strong division under Walker on one hand — matters being now quiescent in and about Mississippi--while Lee, having satisfied himself that Richmond was in no danger from Meade, had dispatched Longstreet's heavy corps of veterans from the Rapidan; and every thing in the shbeen before him. Instead of being warned, as he should have been, by Meade and Halleck, had their spies been worth a rush, that a heavy corps had been detached from Lee's army and, probably sent against him, he had very recently received advices of an opposite tenor. He had been favored, just before, with the following dispatch;it will be decided whether your army shall move farther south into Georgia and Alabama. It is reported here by deserters that a part of Bragg's army is reenforcing Lee. It is important that the truth of this should be ascertained as early as possible. H. W. Halleck, Commander-in-Chief. Minty, commanding our cavalry on the lef
been committed, may be illustrated by a few notable examples. Gen. John C. Breckinridge, Gen. Robert E. Lee, Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, Gen. John B. Magruder, Gen. William Preston, Gen. Simon B. Bucknin Middle Tennessee. At this hour of national peril and depression, when the early appearance of Lee's victory-crowned legions in the streets of Philadelphia and New York was confidently, exultinglyevil counsels, incompetency, and corruption, have overwhelmed our country. Considering that Gen. Lee, at the head of a formidable Southern army, composed in good part of the Virginians like himselnders in the field. They are, in purpose and in essence, a diversion in favor of Jeff. Davis and Lee. Listen to the yells of the mob, and the harangues of its favorite orators, and you will find thepoint; and this one--which would almost certainly have broken out on the 4th, but for the news of Lee's defeat at Gettysburg — was now prosecuted under the heavy discouragement of the full tidings of