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t not a particle of difference could be noticed between the sections-both were deep in grief. . . . I should say that few events of our time have brought out our essential unity more clearly than his assassination. The justice of Professor Trent's observation is apparent from a dramatic episode of the next year. When General Charles Francis Adams, a veteran of the Union armies, a New Englander, and the descendant of a long line of distinguished New Englanders, delivered his eulogy on Robert E. Lee, in 1902, it was a sign that extremes had indeed been reconciled. More expressive of popular feeling was an incident almost unnoticed at the time. On February 24, 1905, a bill for returning the Confederate flags was passed in Congress without a single dissenting vote, without even a single moment's debate. This action was the result, not of careful prearrangement, but of spontaneous unanimity among the representatives of an harmonious people. With this impressive proof of the complet
with an unscathed brow, Rest in the strong arms of her palm-crowned isles, As fair and free as now? We know not; in the temple of the Fates God has inscribed her doom: And, all untroubled in her faith, she waits The triumph or the tomb. To the South O subtle, musky, slumbrous clime! O swart, hot land of pine and palm, Of fig, peach, guava, orange, lime, And terebinth and tropic balm! Land where our Washington was born, When truth in hearts of gold was worn; Mother of Marion, Moultrie, Lee, Widow of fallen chivalry! No longer sadly look behind, But turn and face the morning wind, And feel sweet comfort in the thought: “With each fierce battle's sacrifice I sold the wrong at awful price, And bought the good; but knew it not.” Cheer up! Reach out! Breathe in new life Brood not on unsuccessful strife Against the current of the age; The Highest is thy heritage! Leave off this death's-head scowl at Fate, And into thy true heart sink this: ‘God loves to walk where Freedom is!’ Th
y concur in the commendation of the living. R. E. Lee, General.’ All Virginia concurred in these s West Virginia, and attracted the notice of General Lee in 1861. Lee's affection for it was very dLee's affection for it was very deep and strong. On it he rode from Richmond to Lexington to assume his duties as president of Washat is the whole time since we parted. Robert E. Lee The notable feature of this poem is tief and satisfaction at hearing of the death of Lee, even as I did draw it at hearing of the death rences of opinion may exist as to the course of Lee when his choice was made, of Lee as a foe and tto the National, Government. After the war General Lee made small effort to recover the property, sons have kept the terms accepted there by Robert E. Lee, and turned defeat into victory. day, demt, from his letter, I extract the following: Lee was essentially a Virginian. His sword was Virks. After the war he resumed his studies under Lee's presidency; and, on one occasion, delivered a[22 more...]
and plashing. All quiet along the Potomac to-night— No sound save the rush of the river, While soft falls the dew on the face of the dead— The picket's off duty forever! Ethel Lynn Beers. A message The battle of Malvern Hill here referred to was the fierce concluding engagement of the Seven days battles around Richmond which terminated McClellan's Peninsula campaign. It was that battle on July 1, 1862, that saved the Army of the Potomac from destruction by the desperate onsets of Lee, but the New England poet preserves a scene which has a human, not a military significance. Was there ever message sweeter Than that one from Malvern Hill, From a grim old fellow,—you remember? Dying in the dark at Malvern Hill. With his rough face turned a little, On a heap of scarlet sand, They found him, just within the thicket, With a picture in his hand,— Off to the war—embarkation of ninth army corps at Aquia creek landing, in February, 1863 Elizabeth Stuart Phelps' poem A
remarked before, That I was with Grant,—in Illinois,— Some three years before the war.’ Then the farmer spake him never a word, But beat with his fist full sore That aged man, who had worked for Grant Some three years before the war. Francis Bret Harte. Gay and happy still The ex-confederate of twenty-four, just released from Point Lookout prison, put into the passage quoted (from his novel, Tiger Lilies) the kind of humor which appears in the familiar song and which had sustained Lee's ragged veterans during the preceding four hard years. (see page 188) Imposing officers and foreign attaches who unbend between battles—Falmouth, Virginia, April, 1863 Lest the reader suppose the life of the Civil War soldier was unrelieved by any sallies of playfulness, these photographs of 1863 are reproduced. No schoolboys in their wildest larks could engage in a struggle of more mock-desperate nature than that waged by these officers of the Army of the Potomac, with the Englis
ad of one is pillowed upon the other's breast. As if two loving brothers, wearied with work and play, Had fallen asleep together, at close of the summer day. Foeman were they, and brothers?—Again the battle's din, With its sullen, cruel answer, from far away breaks in. Benjamin Sledd. Music in camp The setting of this poem is immediately after the battle of Chancellorsville, May 1-4, 1863. for some three weeks the armies were encamped on opposite banks of the Rappahannock, before Lee's invasion of the North ending in the battle of Gettysburg. Historically, the intercourse between the soldiers had been much freer during the preceding winter and spring, between the battle of Fredericksburg and the opening of the Chancellorsville campaign. Apart from the thickest fray—a scene of 1865 Confederate and Union dead, side by side, in the trenches at Fort Mahone This spectacle of April 3d, the day after Grant's army stormed the Petersburg defenses, is a strikingly real ill
greatest battle in American history. It ended Lee's second invasion of the North, and, together wit well in worthy fight— The sword of Meade and Lee! James Jeffrey Roche. John Burns of Gettas in July, sixty-three,— The very day that General Lee, Flower of Southern chivalry, Baffled and b. He took his duties very seriously. When General Lee's troops entered the place in June, 1863, Bl was the scene of a contest on the second day. Lee's plan on that day was to attack the right and thunder pealed. Then, at the brief command of Lee, Moved out that matchless infantry, With Picketwas present, Arthur J. Fremantle, will describe Lee's share in the record of nobility. General LeeGeneral Lee's conduct after the charge, writes the English colonel, ‘was perfectly sublime. He was engaged in, almost crying, the state of his brigade. General Lee immediately shook hands with him and said, entire Federal position along Cemetery Ridge. Lee's tactics on the second day were to drive back <
nor Junkin, was the first wife of Stonewall Jackson, and that to another at the close of the war fell the honor of providing a home in Lexington, Virginia, for Robert E. Lee, entitled her to speak here for the South as a whole. The poem appeared in 1866, in Beechenbrook. We do accept thee, heavenly Peace! Albeit thou comest in a gd clock in the corner Ticks on with a steady drone. William Winter. The conquered banner This most popular Confederate poem was written when the news of Lee's surrender was still a fresh sorrow in the heart of its author, father Ryan, who had served through the war as a chaplain. Surcharged with emotion, this poem has ere passed the most famous army of all that had fought for The conquered banner This tragic still-life near Stony Creek, Virginia, is a witness to the turmoil of Lee's retreat. The caisson of a gun that tumbled into Chamberlain's Run on March 31, 1865, and was there abandoned, remains to tell of the last great battle. Through
street, doorway, and window gazed after the unfortunate President of the Confederate States on May 10, 1865. Davis had left Richmond on the night of April 2d, upon Lee's warning. In Danville, Virginia, he remained for a few days until word was brought of Lee's surrender. At Greensboro, North Carolina, he held a council of war wiLee's surrender. At Greensboro, North Carolina, he held a council of war with Generals Johnston and Beauregard, in which he reluctantly made provision for negotiations between Johnston and Sherman. He continued the trip south on April 14th, the day of Lincoln's assassination. At Charlotte, North Carolina, he was called forth by a group of Confederate cavalrymen, when he expressed his own determination ne Spanish War period, a portrait of ‘Fitz’ Lee has been selected, taken many years after his days in the saddle as a Confederate cavalry leader. The nephew of Robert E. Lee was likewise a graduate of West Point, and was instructor in cavalry there from May, 1860, to the outbreak of the war. In nearly all the movements of the Army