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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.33 (search)
no command and knew no Fear—Old Hines of the Second Howitzers—a most unique Character—The poorest soldier, the greatest plunderer, and one of the bravest of men. Lee's immortal army contained many heroes, but only one Old Hines, and he was a member of the Second company of Richmond Howitzers. Old Hines was unique, a separate annnock the grandest battle-scene ever witnessed on this continent was revealed. The broad plain, level as a floor, stretching from the river to the position held by Lee and extending for miles to the right and left was literally blackened by the advancing lines of battle of Burnside's splendid army. In our front, covering the leftted, and the earth rocks and trembles to the hoarse bellowing of artillery. On our left the long, rolling volleys of musketry told that Burnside was grappling with Lee's matchless infantry, to be hurled back again and again in defeat and death. And then that crashing, deafening sound—like the roar of some mighty conflagration—
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.34 (search)
ew articles they could carry with them, and leaving the city, located wherever they could find shelter within the lines of Lee's army, back of the town. Well do I remember with what cheerful resignation the female portion of the refugees accepted tld plainly see that Warren's portion of the battle-field where Warner's corps of Federal troops made the charge to capture Lee's position at Hamilton's Crossing. The Fredericksburg battery of artillery, commanded by Major Carter Braxton, occupied ahe streets of Fredericksburg, demoralized and panic stricken, and it was at this time that General Jackson proposed to General Lee to turn the coats of his men inside out, so that they could distinguish each other, enter the town, and drive the Federals into the river. General Lee's consideration for the women and children that were compelled to remain within the Federal lines prevented this movement, and during the night Burnside withdrew his defeated army to the north side of the Rappahanno
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.38 (search)
s of Appomattox, the scenes of the surrender of Lee to Grant April 9, 1865, came vividly to mind. norama to stir the soul to its deepest depths. Lee, with his grand army of Northern Virginia reduc, while our men were resting on the ground, General Lee rode forth with some members of his staff, . E. Tayloe, formed a part of the rear guard of Lee's army. Before noon near Farmville, Va., the e Important dispatches from General Grant to General Lee. Major Moffett replied: Stand where you arrried to brigade headquarters and thence to General Lee. This dispatch, it was afterward developed, was the demand from General Grant to General Lee, for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virgialion (Second Georgia) resting on the road, General Lee passed to our front to meet General Grant aattalion passed the demand for the surrender of Lee's army, Friday, April 7 (about night), and Sunday, April 9 (about noon), General Lee passed to the front by the same command for negotiating terms
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General R. E. Lee's war-horses. (search)
formation of these and other horses used by General Lee has been furnished by a member of his family, as follows: Soon after General Lee went to Richmond, in the Spring of 1861, some gentlemenhich was afterward known as The Roan. When General Lee returned to Richmond, in the Autumn of 1861ith him to the South. In February, 1862, General Lee bought from Captain Joseph M. Broun, quartety-five dollars in gold. The price paid by General Lee, (his own valuation, as Major Brown offeredthe horse to him,) was two hundred dollars. General Lee himself gave the name Traveller. When he r. At the second battle of Mannassas, while General Lee was at the front reconnoitreing; dismountednd easy to mount, and her gaits were easy. General Lee rode her quite constantly until toward the ntlemen of South West Virginia presented to General Lee a fine large sorrel horse whom the General e for him. Several years after the death of General Lee, Traveller, who was turned out for exercise[6 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Joseph E. Johnston. (search)
t arm of Jackson, and launched by the genius of Lee, was the thunderbolt to rive asunder McClellan'. He should have fought, his critics say, as Lee and Jackson fought at Chancellorsville; he shouxpressed by some, to inaugurate the triumphs of Lee and Jackson at the portal of the Georgia campaicksburg Railroad crosses the North Anna, to cut Lee's communications. Did Lee strike the force lefd have to be crossed twice. On the other hand, Lee had concentrated his army between the Little Rite upon either of the opposing wings. Some say Lee should have left a small part of his force to hal A. A. Humphreys. Hancock was intrenched, and Lee well knew the advantage that gave, and that he n to march through the Carolinas to the rear of Lee. When the western army went to pieces in hopele assembled in the Carolinas, united to those of Lee; whenever the latter could most effectually witd himself so as to facilitate his junction with Lee, whenever the time should come to unite once mo[4 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Social life in Richmond during the war. [from the Cosmopolitan, December, 1891. (search)
e people were made to bleed. During the time of McClellan's investment of Richmond, and the seven days fighting between Lee's army and his own, every cannon that was fired could be heard in every home in Richmond, and as every home had its son or sons at the front in Lee's army, it can be easily understood how great was the anguish of every mother's heart in the Confederate capital. These mothers had cheerfully given their sons to the southern cause, illustrating, as they sent them forth twon their soldier husbands in this way, so this phase of life during the war near Richmond was prolific of romance. General Lee kissed the girls. General Robert E. Lee would often leave the front, come into Richmond, and attend these starvatiorse, the people had very few greenbacks, and very little gold or silver. The city was invested by two armies, Grant's and Lee's, and its railroad communications constantly destroyed by the Union cavalry. Supplies of food were very scarce and enorm
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Nineteenth of January. (search)
izens: We have met to-day under the auspices of Lee and Pickett Camps to do honor to the memory of of bravery and suffering by the soldiers led by Lee, fighting as they did against all odds for the n to-day is felt the effect of Southern valor. Lee's virtue and matchless generalship are felt. century we look over the field of carnage where Lee and his soldiers met and defeated in successiveld commander. We wept because we all loved General Lee. The Sentinel Song of the poet is the expr'er the ages reach, I would whisper the name of Lee. In the night of our defeat star after star hadnd, Hon. J. Taylor Ellyson; The Undying Fame of Lee was to have been responded to by Rev. Dr. M. D.eutenant-Colonel Crump read an original poem on Lee and Pickett Camps. At a late hour the meetinpatriotic spirit which moved Georgia to declare Lee's birthday a holiday, have perfected a permanenyour bidding hundreds of miles. Sketch of Lee's life. Then giving a brief biographical ske[3 more...]