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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Abraham Lincoln or search for Abraham Lincoln in all documents.
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The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource], Spiritualism. (search)
New Jersey.
--The Newark Advertiser claims that one Republican Elector is chosen in that State, and perhaps four.
At Leavenworth, K. T., on the reception of the news of Lincoln's election, the streets were illuminated, salutes fired, and the "Wide Awakes" paraded with full ranks.
Walter F. Leake, of Richmond, delivered the annual address before the Agricultural Society of Cumberland, N. C., on 13th inst.
The reward of $1,000 offered for the recovery of the body of Miss Agnes Garth, lost in the Lady Elgin, has been paid.
Thomas Shoulders was killed in Northampton county, N. C., a few days since, by the falling of a tree.
Judge J. B. Eccleston, one of the Judges of the Maryland Court of Appeals, died on the 12th inst.
Breckinridge's majority in Maryland is now ascertained to be over 800.
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource], Statistics of Lunacy in Belgium . (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 15, 1860., [Electronic resource], Statistics of Lunacy in Belgium . (search)
Military at Lincoln's Inauguration. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 14.
--The Burgess Company, a military company of this city, to-day voted to visit Washington on the occasion of Lincoln's Inauguration.
They will probably carry about one hundred men.
Military at Lincoln's Inauguration. Albany, N.Y., Nov. 14.
--The Burgess Company, a military company of this city, to-day voted to visit Washington on the occasion of Lincoln's Inauguration.
They will probably carry about one hundred men.