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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Ward Dean, Lorin L. Dame, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles B. Dunham. Recording Secretary. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Gushing. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Annie E. Durgin, Fannie E. Bemis, A. H. Evans, Geo. S. Delano. Publication. E. A. Start, W. H. Cushing, R. B. Lawrence, C. H. Morss, C. H. Loomis. Papers and a, Eliza M. Gill, Ella S. Hinckley, Hetty F. Wait, D. H. Brown, Allston P. Joyce. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, C. B. Dunham, Dr. J. Hedenberg, F. H. C. Woolley, W. F. Kingman, Dr. J. Edson young. Library and collections. Agnes W. Lincoln, Benjamin F. Fenton, C. B. Johnson, H. D. Hall, Ella A. Leighton, Mary E. Sargent, Catherine E. Harlow, Francis A. Wait, Thomas Wright, Abijah Thompson. Members. Number previously reported, 238. Dalrymple, Willard. F
ssibly a Society building, may be considered the coming year. all members having genealogical blanks on which they are working are requested to hand them in to any member of the committee, for comparisons and information of progress. The papers can be amended or added to, as desired, from time to time. The blanks being in duplicate, one copy can be retained by the member. the new Executive Board of the Society might be designated as an alliterative one: Dean, Dame, Dunham, Dinsmore, Lincoln, Loomis, Lawrence. Gleanings from interviews with the Nominating Committee before election: What shall you do about a Secretary? We shall give them Jessie. How are you getting on with the list of VicePresi-dents? Oh, we've Dunham up! How about your nomination for President? It is one that will give Wait to the Society. Who is to be the Corresponding Secretary? One who in ancient facts is ever pushing— The well-known history teacher, Walter Cushing. A General m