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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
. Larkin, David H. Brown. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, J. Edson young, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Walter F. Cushing, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic Photographs and Portraits. Will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Members. [Those marked with a star (*) are life members.] Allen, Edward F. Allen, Oscar H. Andrews, Gustavus F. Archibaldn, William F. Kummer, Charles E. Langell, E. I. Larkin, Charles E. Law, Asa. *Lawrence, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Hon. Samuel C. Lawrence, Mrs. Carrie R. Leary, Mrs. Fanny S. Leighton, Miss Ella. Leonard, Benjamin C. Lincoln, Miss Agnes W. Loomis, Charles H. Loomis, Mrs. Mary B. Loring, Clifton. Lovering, Frank H. Lovering, lion. Lewis H. Lufkin, Miss E. A. Macomber, W. M. Mansfield, Daniel G. Martin, Miss Martha J. Maxwell, William R.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
N. Jones, John Ward Dean, Charles H. Morss. Historic Sites. Lorin L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing. will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Miss E. L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer. Genealogy. Allston P. Joyce, Miss E. A. Black, Miss E. S. Hinckley, Wm. I. Parker, Charles E. Larkin, Miss Hettie F. Wait. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, F. H. C. Woolley, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. J. Edson young, William F. Kingman. Library and Collections. Miss Mary E. Sargent, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Walter F. Cushing, Miss Katherine H. Stone, Joseph H. Wheeler, Cleopas B. Johnson, Benj. F. Fenton. Historic Photographs and Portraits. Will C. Eddy, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Members. Number previously reported, 192. Alden, Miss E. L. Bissell, Hezekiah. Broderson, N. H. Davis, Miss E. A. Fernald, Mrs. M. T. Fitch, Arthur E. Fitch, Mrs. A. E. Gill, Miss Adeline B. Hatch, George S. Hobbs, Lewis F. Hobbs, Mrs. Victoria B.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Ward Dean, Lorin L. Dame, Rosewell B. Lawrence, Charles B. Dunham. Recording Secretary. Miss Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Gushing. Treasurer. Charles H. Loomis. Librarian and Curator Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Dr. J. E. Cleaves, Annie E. Durgin, Fannie E. Bemis, A. H. Evans, Geo. S. Delano. Publication. E. A. Start, W. H. Cushing, R. B. Lawrence, C. H. Morss, C. H. Loomis. Papers and a, Eliza M. Gill, Ella S. Hinckley, Hetty F. Wait, D. H. Brown, Allston P. Joyce. Heraldry. Benjamin P. Hollis, C. B. Dunham, Dr. J. Hedenberg, F. H. C. Woolley, W. F. Kingman, Dr. J. Edson young. Library and collections. Agnes W. Lincoln, Benjamin F. Fenton, C. B. Johnson, H. D. Hall, Ella A. Leighton, Mary E. Sargent, Catherine E. Harlow, Francis A. Wait, Thomas Wright, Abijah Thompson. Members. Number previously reported, 238. Dalrymple, Willard. F
ssibly a Society building, may be considered the coming year. all members having genealogical blanks on which they are working are requested to hand them in to any member of the committee, for comparisons and information of progress. The papers can be amended or added to, as desired, from time to time. The blanks being in duplicate, one copy can be retained by the member. the new Executive Board of the Society might be designated as an alliterative one: Dean, Dame, Dunham, Dinsmore, Lincoln, Loomis, Lawrence. Gleanings from interviews with the Nominating Committee before election: What shall you do about a Secretary? We shall give them Jessie. How are you getting on with the list of VicePresi-dents? Oh, we've Dunham up! How about your nomination for President? It is one that will give Wait to the Society. Who is to be the Corresponding Secretary? One who in ancient facts is ever pushing— The well-known history teacher, Walter Cushing. A General m
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
iam Stearns1770b. 1749, Lunenburg d. 1784 at Worcester. There was a John Watson from Plymouth class of 1766 1774Mch.-July, ‘74Jona Watson1774from Braintree b. 1754 1774July-Sept. ‘75Moses Taft 1775Sept.-April, ‘77Seth Sweetser 1777Apr.-Nov. ‘78Abel Morse 1778Nov.-Apr. ‘791757Edward Brooksb. 1733 Rev. Edw. was chaplain on the Hancock, returned to Medford 1777, died 1781. 1775from Gloucester 1779June-June, ‘80Samuel Chandler1779from Andover 1780Aug.-July, ‘81Williams Brooks1780from Lincoln 1781Aug.-July, ‘82George Hall1781from Medford 1782Oct.-June, ‘83Artemas Baker1782from Templeton, b. 1759 1783Nov.-Jan. ‘84[Henry] Wight1782from Medfield, b. 1752 1784May-July, ‘84FredericParker Benjamin FromToHarvard ClassNotes 1784July-Oct. ‘84Jonathan Burr1784from Bridgewater 1784Dec.-Mch. ‘85George Holmes Hall1781 1785April-July, ‘85Jonathan Burr1784 1785‘86George H. Hall1781 1786Jan.-Sept. ‘86[Barzillai] Gannet1785from Bridgewater 1786Dec.-Mch.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Medford Historical Society. (search)
cording Secretary. Jessie M. Dinsmore. Corresponding Secretary. Walter H. Cushing. Treasurer. Benjamin F. Fenton. Librarian and Curator. Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Membership. Rosewell B. Lawrence, David H. Brown, Ellen M. Gill, Miss J. M. Dinsmore, Wilton B. Fay, Geo. S. T. Fuller. . L. Dame, Walter H. Cushing, Miss Helen T. Wild. Papers and Addresses. David H. Brown, John Ward Dean, John H. Hooper, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, William C. Wait. Historic Sites L. L. Dame, L. J. Manning, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Warren M. Archibal Benjamin P. Hollis, W. H. Whitmore, Fred. H. C. Woolley, William F. Kingman, Charles B. Dunham, Dr. James Hedenberg. Library and Collections. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, Abijah Thompson, Benjamin F. Fenton, Miss Mary E. Sargent, Geo. S. Delano, William C. Wait, F. A. Wait, Miss Ella A. Leighton, Miss Katharine H.
Notes. the annual meeting of the Historical Society was held in the Society Rooms, March 19. President Wait, who had previously announced his intention to retire from the office which he had held for four years, gave an interesting address, covering the work and needs of the Society. The reports of the various committees showed the organization to be in good working condition. The report of the Librarian and Curator, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln, was of especial interest. Votes of thanks to the retiring President, and the retiring Treasurer, Mr. Charles H. Loomis, were passed. The election of officers was held. The list will be found elsewhere. A brief sketch, with portrait of Mr. J. H. Hooper, the newly elected President of the Society, appeared in the January number of the Register last year.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., Committee on Papers and Addresses. (search)
Committee on Papers and Addresses. Mr. David H. Brown. Mr. John Ward Dean. Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Mr. John H. Hooper. Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin. Mr. William C. Wait. the Register sends greetings to its readers, with good wishes for a jolly Thanksgiving, a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year. Good-by till we meet again.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Historical Society. (search)
easurer. Benjamin F. Fenton. Recording Secretary. Herbert A. Weitz. Corresponding Secretary. George S. T. Fuller. Librarian and Curator. Agnes W. Lincoln. Standing committees. Publication. Chas. H. Loomis, Chairman. Helen T. Wild, David H. Brown, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Geo. S. T. Fuller, Rev. Culler, E. D. brown. Papers and addresses. David H. Brown, Chairman. John Ward dean, Dr. R. J. P. Goodwin, John H. Hooper, Wm. Cushing Wait, Miss Agnes W. Lincoln. Historic sites. L. L. Dame, Chairman. L. J. Manning, Miss Hetty F. Wait, Miss Ella L. Burbank, Mrs. J. M. G. Plummer, Samuel Cushing. GeneKidder. Heraldry. Benj. P. Hollis, Chairman. F. H. C. Woolley, Wm. F. Kingman, Chas. B. Dunham, Dr. J. Hedenburg. Library and Collections. Miss A. W. Lincoln, Chairman. Miss M. E. Sargent, Miss Ella A. Leighton, Miss Katharine H. Stone, Abijah Thompson, Benj. F. Fenton, Geo. S. Delano, Wm. Cushing Wait,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Reminiscences of an earlier Medford. (search)
gyman in Alabama. The name of Swan was also well known and honored sixty years ago. No one bears that name here now. Mr. Samuel Swan had a family of seven children, and of them I have heard this story: Some one asked which of two of his sons, Lincoln or Timothy, was the elder. Let's see, was the answer; there are Sam, Dan, Jo, Han, Lin, Tim, and Ca—Oh, Lin is the elder! The names, properly extended, were Samuel, Daniel, Joseph, Hannah, Lincoln, Timothy, and Caleb. Daniel Swan was the beloLincoln, Timothy, and Caleb. Daniel Swan was the beloved physician of this town, and most pleasantly remembered by our citizens who have passed middle age. One of the most interesting memorials of the past standing in Medford was the Tufts house in the public square, on the western corner of Forest street. It was torn down in 1867. It was a large unpainted wooden building, three stories high in the front, and sloping down to one low story in the rear. Such was the picturesque style of building our fathers affected a century and a half ago.