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The Daily Dispatch: April 1, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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a dozen little boys, who had been arrested for burglary and stealing. We append the following summary: William Grace, Andrew Perdue, Frank Larmon, George Carter, William Toomey and Charles Timberlake, alias Bell, were charged with breaking into the provision stall of Joseph M. Willis, on the night of Wednesday, and stealing therefrom a large lot of bacon. The evidence was clear against the accused, who were remanded for examination before the Hustings Court. Joseph Lombard, Joseph Lipscomb, and James Hicks, were remanded for indictment by the Grand Jury of the Hustings Court, in May next, on the charge of receiving bacon, stolen from Joseph M. Willis, they well knowing it to have been stolen. Daniel Cavenaugh was required to give security in the sum of three hundred dollars to keep the peace and be of good behavior, he being charged with using insulting and abusive language towards Miss Jane Taylor and William D. Seldon. The case of Thomas Turpin, John A. Johnso