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Your search returned 15 results in 8 document sections:
Hustings Court, yesterday.
--Present: R. D. Sanxay, Senior Alderman; Jas. Bray, N. C. Lipscomb, Jno. W. Beveridge, and E. A. J. Clopton, Aldermen.
In the case of Edward Kelley, indicted for misdemeanor, a nolle prosequi was entered.
Michael Mahoney was tried for misdemeanor and acquitted by a jury.
Michael Sullivan gave $300 bail for his appearance at the next term for trial, for a misdemeanor.
Case of Sylvester Griffin and Charles Camp, for a misdemeanor, was called, but continued until the next term, on account of the absence of witnesses.
A case against Granville Montelle, for misdemeanor, was dismissed on payment of costs by defendant.
Stephen Page was tried for a misdemeanor and acquitted by a jury.
R. H. Dibrell was fined $10 and costs by a jury, on a conviction for putting in circulation small notes contrary to law.
Hustings Court--Quarterly term--Oct. 13th.
--Present: Wm. W. Timberlake, James Bray.
N. C. Lipscomb, Charles E. Anderson, and R. D. Sanxay, Aldermen.
Sunday accounts of police officers for criminal charges were allowed and ordered to be paid.
Charles Abbott qualified as Notary Public by giving the usual bond and taking the prescribed oath.
Eighty cents per day was ordered to be paid the jailor of this city for the support of each prisoner in jail, according to the act of Assembly, passed Sept. 24th, 1862.
Meriwether Quarles, charged with stealing $155 in C. S. Treasury and bank notes from John H. Scribner, on the 1st of October, was examined and sent on for final trial before Judge Lyons's court.
James W. Wood, charged with stealing a gold watch and chain worth $200, belonging to F. W. C. Cook, on the 30th day of September, 1862, was examined and sent on before Judge Lyons for final trial.
W. F. C. Gregory and S. S. Weisiger were admitted to practic
Proceedings in the Courts. Hustings Court, Tuesday, October 14th, 1862.
--Present: R. D. Sanxay, Jas. Bray, Wm. W. Timberlake, N. C. Lipscomb, and Chas. E. Anderson.
Joseph G. Griswold and Edw'd. Y. Cannon qualified as Notaries Public.
Beverly Mortis and James Nicholas, charged with felony, were discharged from custody
Michael Buckton, charged with feloniously killing John Delany, on the 5th day of October,was arraigned, and the Court having heard the evidence in the case, remanded the accused to jail for trial before Judge Lyons, on the first day of the next November term of the Court.
John Cook was arraigned, charged with felony, in stealing a watch, valued at $10 and other articles from Patrick Haley.
Nolle prosequi entered by Attorney for the Commonwealth, and accused discharged from custody.
John Pendergast, charged with felony, committed on the 28th day of September, in stealing $450 of Confederate money from John McCartney, was remanded to jai
The Daily Dispatch: April 2, 1863., [Electronic resource], Reported Confederate triumph in North Carolina . (search)