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call. On the same day, Adjutant-General Whitthorne wrote him, estimating that fifty regiments were in the field from Tennessee. This must have included the troops in all quarters and in every stage of organization borne upon the rolls, militia as well as volunteers. On November 28th, Governor Rector, of Arkansas, reported five companies and a battalion as organized and ready to go to the support of McCulloch. About the same time, General Polk obtained, as a loan for a few weeks, from General Lovell, at New Orleans, two regiments, 1,500 strong. But the organization, equipment, and condition of these troops were not such as at any time to afford an effective force. It was not possible for the Confederate States to improvise army establishments. It was hard to clothe the soldiers properly. Inspection-reports, official correspondence, and the memories of men, testify how these poorly-clad volunteers bore the chilling nights of autumn and the drenching storms of winter without ov
, and employ skillful surgeons, as he would soon want all his medical skill at Forts Donelson and Henry. The information received throughout January, from both Polk and Tilghman, based on intelligence received through the lines, was positive as to a projected attack on Columbus, and indicated a strong probability of a simultaneous assault on Forts Donelson and Henry. This was the plan proposed by Buell to Halleck, which the latter did not feel strong enough to attempt. At the same time, Lovell recalled to New Orleans two regiments loaned for the defense of Columbus at a critical time. Hence Polk called for reinforcements, which were collected for him from scattered recruiting-stations, and small detached commands. The same relief was sent to Henry and Donelson, and men and artillery were also drawn from Columbus to their aid. On the 20th of January General Johnston detached 8,000 men, Floyd's brigade and part of Buckner's, from his army at Bowling Green. The infantry, artil
had been ordered to East Tennessee, which would make the whole force there some fifteen regiments, and would leave Crittenden's command free to act with the centre. He continues: To aid General Beauregard at Columbus, I send orders to General Lovell to forward to him at once five or six regiments of his best troops at New Orleans. He also promises 2,800 Enfield rifles, and adds: We have called on all the States for a levy of men for the war, and think, in a very few weeks, we shall be able to give you heavy reenforcements, although we may not be able to arm them with good weapons. It is due to General Lovell to say that he used diligence in obeying what must have been a distasteful order to him, and in his letter to General Johnston, evinced a clear perception of the importance of Corinth as a strategic point. To use a homely proverb, the action of the War Department looked like locking the stable-door after the horse was stolen. But, as has already been sugg
at from Bowling Green, ordered Bragg from Pensacola, with his well-disciplined army, to aid in resisting the weight of the attack. Polk had been negotiating with Lovell, in January, to spare him some troops; and in compliance with a telegraphic request made by General Johnston from Bowling Green, February 2d, Lovell sent him RuggLovell sent him Ruggles's brigade. General Johnston telegraphed, February 12th, for these troops to report, by the shortest possible route to Corinth, for orders from General Beauregard. Generals Chalmers and L. Pope Walker were already on the line of the Memphis & Charleston Railroad, with considerable commands. These pages have evinced how mambus, and baffling Grant at Belmont; Bragg's well-disciplined troops, who had been all the fall in training. at Pensacola; Ruggles's reinforcement, detached from Lovell at New Orleans; and Chalmers's and Walker's commands, as stated. To these were added such new levies as the Governors had in rendezvous, who in this emergency we
eneral engagement, when they left headquarters at 6 A. M. on Monday morning. But at eight o'clock, between Mickey's and Monterey, they were embarrassed by a stampede occasioned by five horsemen-one, of considerable rank. At Corinth they found the soldiers straggling through the woods, shooting squirrels. They learned, before they left that night, that Beauregard had retired. On arriving in New Orleans, General Johnston's body was escorted to the City Hall by the Governor and staff, General Lovell and staff, and many prominent citizens. Colonel Jack, in a letter describing the scene, says : The streets were thronged with citizens, and, as the procession moved slowly along, I saw tears silently flowing from the eyes of young, middle-aged, and old. The body was laid in state in one of the public halls, and throngs of people of all classes, rich and poor, the lofty and the lowly, came in mournful silence to pay the last tokens of respect to the dead leader. Ladies wreathe
d returned to the city, well satisfied with his achievements. In the mean time Lovell had succeeded Anderson in the military command; numerous volunteers had joined defence. Worse than all, our generals at Corinth were continually calling upon Lovell for troops; so that our original twenty-four thousand rapidly dwindled down to of feeling was awful. Having narrowly escaped capture in the naval engagement, Lovell rode rapidly by the Levee road, and arrived in town about two P. M. Crowds gath that night prove of use to the enemy, so that within a few hours subsequent to Lovell's official information the whole city presented an indescribable scene of confuunication with the Mayor, and demanded the surrender of the town, together with Lovell's forces; but the latter were now far away, and Mayor Monroe commenced a spirit the simple narration of our fall and lasting disgrace. No blame can attach to Lovell or to other officers in command-all did their duty; but none expected that Farr
ven by the Federals on account of the flow of water into it; and although Donelson was something better, far more eligible sites could have been selected, and the Government grant of half a million put to a better use. Look at New-Orleans, also! Lovell, a man without reputation, was left in supreme command of that all-important place; the batteries below it were insufficient against iron-clads; the construction of new gunboats was given to Northerners resident there, and although their inactivity and incapacity were known to the authorities, they were allowed to shilly-shally until the enemy came, and passed by the forts unscratched-our ships were burned, Lovell evacuated the city; and it fell. Don't tell me, Smithers; every one knows there has been gross mismanagement in several cases; until Lee came in there was no visible head at work, and those that were at work, the fathers of these blunders, had better keep themselves invisible still. Don't say any thing more, Major, said Jo
red at us at the top of his voice; but the handsome young lady (lid not favor us with even a glance. November, 31 It is late. Hours ago the bugles notified the boys that it was time to retire to their dens. I have been reading Thackeray's Lovell, the Widower, and as I sat alone in the silence of the middle night, the scenes depicted grew distinct and lifelike; the characters encompassed me about real living men and women; the drawing-rooms, dininghalls, parlors, opened out before me; theeets, walks, drives, were all visible, and I became a spectator instead of a reader. Suddenly a low, unearthly wail broke the stillness, and my hair stiffened somewhat at the roots, as the fancy struck me that I heard the voice of the defunct Mrs. Lovell. A moment's reflection, however, dispelled this disagreeable thought. Looking toward the corner of the cabin whence the ghostly sound emanated, I discovered a strange cat. My long-legged boots followed each other in quick succession toward
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi. (search)
oned Corinth and its formidable defenses. However much depression all of us showed and felt, he, alone, remained unconquered; and if he could have gotten his forces together, would have tried it again. But seeing that was impossible, he brought Lovell's Division, which, not having assaulted, was unbroken, to cover the rear and moved back to Chewalla, seven miles west of Corinth, encouraging officers and men to re-form their broken organizations as we marched along. No sooner did he halt at Cday but one before. We left in the approaches, and the very central defenses of Corinth, two thousand officers and men, killed or wounded; among them were many of my ablest field and company officers. The Missourians had lost almost as heavily; Lovell's Division alone, not having attacked the works at all, came off with but a trifling loss. It was, therefore, decided to move down to Ripley by the route we had so lately come over in such brave array, and with such high hopes. But before dawn
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Torpedo service in Charleston harbor. (search)
h all kinds of rubbish taken from the burnt district of the city. It was a complete success; a large hole was made in the side of the hulk, the rubbish being blown high in the air, and the vessel sank in less than a minute. Since writing the above, I have been informed by Captain F. Barrett, United States Navy, that he had invented the same spar-torpedo in the first year of the war, but it had not been applied by the Federals. In the spring of 1862, I had also recommended its use to General Lovell, for the defense of New Orleans, by arming river boats with it, to make night attacks on the enemy's fleet-but it was proposed to use it above water. I then determined to employ this important invention, not only — in the defense of Charleston, but to disperse or destroy the Federal blockading fleet, by means of one or more small, swift steamers, with low decks, and armed only with spar-torpedoes as designed by Captain Lee. I sent him at once to Richmond, to urge the matter on the atten