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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Federal Union, the John Fiske (search)
itical training superior to anything else that the world has ever seen. It was something like what the New England town-meeting would be if it were continually required to adjust complicated questions of international polity, if it were carried on in the very centre or point of confluence of all contemporary streams of culture, and if it were in the habit every few days of listening to statesmen and orators like Hamilton or Webster, jurists like Marshall, generals like Sherman, poets like Lowell, historians like Parkman. Nothing in all history has approached the high-wrought intensity and brilliancy of the political life of Athens. On the other hand, the smallness of the independent city, as a political aggregate, made it of little or no use in diminishing the liability to perpetual warfare which is the curse of all primitive communities. In a group of independent cities, such as made up the Hellenic world, the tendency to warfare is almost as strong, and the occasions for warf
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Haven, Samuel Forster 1806-1881 (search)
Haven, Samuel Forster 1806-1881 Archaeologist; born in Dedham, Mass., May 28, 1806; graduated at Amherst College in 1826; became a lawyer, and practised in Dedham and Lowell. His published addresses include a Centennial address; Records of the Company of the Massachusetts Bay to the embarkation of Winthrop and his associates for New England; History of grants under the Great council for New England, etc.; and his longer works include Archaeology of the United States; and an edition of Thomas's History of printing in America. He died in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 5, 1881.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Hessians. (search)
by Parliament for the purpose of paying these troops cannot be identified (see German mercenaries). The best book on the subject of the German auxiliaries of Great Britain in the Revolutionary War is The Hessians in the Revolution, by Edward J. Lowell, from which the following tables are taken: Table of the number of troops sent to America by each one of the German States, and of the number that returned. The numbers originally given in Schlozer's Staats-Anzeigen (vol. VI. pp. 521, 522) sent in April, 1781420 ——— Total1,152 Returned in the autumn of 1783984 ——— Did not return168 Total number sent29,867 Total number returned17,313 ——— Total number of those who did not return12,554 Of the 12.554 who did not return Mr. Lowell's estimate is as follows: Killed and died of wounds1,200 Died of illness and accident6,354 Deserted5,000 ——— Total12,554 estimate of the losses sustained by the Germans in the principal battles of the Revolutionary
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Howe, Eltas 1819-1867 (search)
Howe, Eltas 1819-1867 Inventor; born in Spencer, Mass., July 9, 1819; engaged in manufacturing cotton-mill machinery at Lowell in 1835 and invented the sewingmachine, producing his first machine in May, 1845, and patenting it in September, 1846. Public indifference, violation of his rights, and extreme poverty tended to discourage him, but did not. In 1854 he was enabled to establish his legal claim to priority of invention. Then a floodtide of prosperity flowed in, and by the time his patent expired, in September, 1867, he had realized about $2,000,000. At the Paris exposition that year he received a gold medal and the cross of the Legion of Honor. He had contributed largely to support the government during the Civil War, and, until his health failed, did duty as a private soldier in a Connecticut regiment. He died in Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1867.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Textile fabrics (search)
eeded in introducing that industry, with very imperfect machinery. A woollen factory was in operation in Hartford, Conn., in 1789, and in 1794 one was established in Byfield, Mass. The same year a carding-machine for wool was first put into operation in the United States. It was constructed under the direction of John and Arthur Schofield. Samuel Slater (q. v.) may be considered the father of cotton manufacturing in the United States. But his operations were only in spinning the yarn. It remained for a citizen of the United-States, Francis C. Lowell, a merchant of Boston, to introduce the weaving of cotton cloth here. He invented a power loom, and in 1812 he and Francis S. Jackson erected a mill in Waltham, Mass. The machinery was constructed by Paul Moody. After many failures and alterations, they succeeded in perfecting looms that worked well, and in 1813 they had also a spinning-wheel, with 1,300 spindles. Slater's Rhode Island mill had then only 144 spindles. See cotton.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Underwood, Francis Henry 1850-1894 (search)
Underwood, Francis Henry 1850-1894 Author; born in Enfield, Mass.; educated in Amherst; taught in Kentucky; and was admitted to the bar; returned to Massachusetts in 1850, and was active in the anti-slavery cause; was clerk of the State Senate in 1852, assisted in the management of the Atlantic monthly for two years; clerk of the Superior Court of Boston for eleven years; United States consul to Glasgow in 1885; and wrote Hand-book of American Literature; biographical sketches of Longfellow, Whittier, Lowell, etc. He died in Edinburgh, Scotland, Aug. 7, 1894.