spoken,—the confusion of the Tower of Babel produced without a miracle or an object. . . . . Rome is still as much the capital as it was in the times of Hadrian or Leo X. . . . .
Among the Germans there is the family of Bunsen, who has married an English woman, and is himself full of good learning and talent; the family of Mad. de Humboldt (in conversation called the Mad. de Stael of Germany), who collects about her every evening the best of her nation, especially the artists Thorwaldsen, Lund, Schadow, etc., and to whose society I owe some of the pleasantest hours I have passed in Rome; Niebuhr, the Prussian Minister, who, after all I have heard in Germany of his immense learning and memory, has filled me with admiration and astonishment every time I have seen him; . . . . Baron Eckhardtstein, who has travelled all over Europe with profit, and was distinguished as an officer in the last war; Baron Ziegenhorn, now in the midst of a course of travels appalling for their length and o
51, 381, 382.
Llangollen, visits, 51, 52.
Lloyd, Professor, 405.
Lockhart, Mrs. J. G., 407.
Lohrmann, W. G., 459, 482.
London, visits, 51, 54-68, 251, 263-267, 289-298, 406-418, 445-449.
London, Tower of, 446, 447.
Long, George, Professor, 348.
Longfellow, Henry W., 399.
Longfellow, Stephen, 14.
Loretto, visits, 167.
Louvois, Marchioness de, 253.
Lovell, Mrs., 286.
Lowe, Rev. Mr., 440, 441, 446.
Lowell, John, 339, 356, 360.
Lowenstein-Wertheim, Princess, 487, 489.
Lund, 177.
Luittichau, Madame Ida de, 476, 481, 482,
483, 485, 491.
Luttichau, M. de, 476 and note, 491.
Luxmoore, the Misses, 432 note.
Lyman, Mrs., Theodore, 10.
Lynch, John, 389 note.
Lyndhurst, Lord, Chancellor, 443.
Macbeth, Henderson's reading of, 55, 56.
Mackenzie, Henry, 279.
Mackintosh, Lady, 290.
Mackintosh, Sir, James, 50, 263, 264, 265, 279, 289, 290, 291, 430.
McLane, Louis, 409.
McLane, Miss, 277, 278.
McNeill, Mr., 417.
McNeill, Mrs., 417.
s, I. 167.
Lough, John Graham, II. 152.
Louis Philippe, King of the French, II. 16, 19, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 121, 122, 135.
Louvois, Marchioness de, I. 253.
Lovell, Mrs., I. 286, II. 166.
Lovering, Professor J., II. 310.
Lowe, Rev Mr., I. 440, 441, 445.
Lowe, Right Hon Robert, II. 380.
Lowell, John, I. 389, 356, 360
Lowenstein—Wertheim, Princess, I. 487, 489
Lubbock, Sir, John, II. 179.
Lucca, visits, II. 94, 95
Ludolf, Count, II. 69 and note, 70, 79, 80.
Lund, I. 177.
Lushington, Mrs., II 72.
Luttichau, M. de., I. 476 and note, 491.
Luttichau, Madame Ida de, I. 476, 481, 482, 483, 485, 491, 11. 334.
Lutzow, Count, II. 76, 342.
Lutzow, Countess, II. 76.
Luxmoore, Misses, I. 432 note, II. 178 and note.
Lyell, Charles (Sir Charles), II. 176, 197, 203, 219, 223, 224, 244 note, 269 note, 294, 313, 329, 357, 358, 359, 363, 364, 365, 367, 369, 370, 429, 437; letters to, 215, 216, 230, 234, 240, 253, 271, 273, 276, 287, 296, 407, 422, 430