Browsing named entities in D. H. Hill, Jr., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 4, North Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). You can also browse the collection for Lynch or search for Lynch in all documents.

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munition and stores left Hatteras for the Indiana camp, but Col. A. R. Wright, of the Third Georgia regiment, stationed on Roanoke island, in conjunction with Commander Lynch, of the mosquito fleet, captured this vessel— the first capture of an armed vessel during the war. Encouraged by this success, Colonel Wright and Colonel Shaw, of the Eighth North Carolina, loading their troops on Commodore Lynch's vessels, moved down to attack Chicamacomico. The Georgia troops effected a landing and drove the Indiana regiment some miles down the beach, taking about 30 prisoners. Colonel Shaw, who had moved further down the coast with the intention of landing and cutts, and carving knives in place of bayonets, was transported to Roanoke island to engage the admirably equipped soldiers of Burnside. The catalogue of the names of Lynch's fleet in Albemarle sound—the Seabird, Ellis, Beaufort, Curlew, Raleigh, Fanny and Forrest—sounds imposing enough even now when we remember that with fewer vesse<
ted effectives comes from the fact, that, after the main battle, the Second North Carolina battalion (eight companies) and Major Fry with four companies of the Forty-sixth Virginia arrived on the island and were included in the surrender. When the Confederate vessels retreated from Roanoke they might have escaped to Norfolk, but they felt impelled to obey general orders to defend home waters, and went to Elizabeth City. There, with 200 pounds of regular and 100 pounds of blasting powder, Lynch made what defense he could against the gunboats that followed him, but his ships were destroyed by the enemy or beached and left. So, in addition to Roanoke, Elizabeth City was in the hands of Burnside. Shortly afterward an expedition, commanded by Col. Rush Hawkins, Ninth New York, made its way up to Winton and burned a good part of the town. The five companies, all raw militia, sent to defend it, fled, Moore says, ingloriously in the direction of Murfreesboro. With the fall of Roan