Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 14, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Lyons or search for Lyons in all documents.

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Pardoned. --James M. Taylor, who was convicted at the last term of Judge Lyons's Court of the larceny of a gold watch and chain of James F. Bowyer, and sentenced to one year in the Penitentiary, was pardoned yesterday by Governor Letcher. Taylor resides in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
from John H. Scribner, on the 1st of October, was examined and sent on for final trial before Judge Lyons's court. James W. Wood, charged with stealing a gold watch and chain worth $200, belonging to F. W. C. Cook, on the 30th day of September, 1862, was examined and sent on before Judge Lyons for final trial. W. F. C. Gregory and S. S. Weisiger were admitted to practice law at the bar in bodily fear, and stealing $17 in Confederate Treasury notes, was examined and sent before Judge Lyons for trial. Commonwealth vs. Caspar Marston and others on a rule to show cause why an infgs from Jno. Clash, each worth $25, on the 24th of Sept. Gotlieb was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons, and admitted to bail in $500. Mathias Altmeyer bail. Freeman did not answer and a capias was awarded against him. John Goff was examined and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons, for having on the 14th of September stolen from John Brannon, two coats of the value of twenty dollars, a
fusing said notes. Laid on the table. Several memorials, which had been referred to the Committee on Claims, were reported back and laid on the table. Mr. Lyons, of Va., offered a resolution authorizing the publication of five hundred copies of the Journal of the present session. This resolution was agreed to. Mr. the Military Committee, reported back a bill entitled "an act to further protect the country and to drive back the invader." The bill was laid on the table. Mr. Lyons, of Va., offered a resolution that a committee be appointed upon the part of the House, to act with a like committee of the Senate, to wait upon the President and inform him that the House had fixed upon noon to day as the time for its adjournment. The Chair appointed Messrs. Lyons, McQueen, and Garland, to constitute said committee. Mr. Kenner, with the permission of the House, offered a bill making an additional appropriation for compensation of clerks in the various departments.