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gaze of the spectators who were in attendance. In a short time afterwards her counsel, Messrs. Lyons and Randolph, arrived, preceded by P. H. Aylett, Esq., the Attorney for the Government. The examination was resumed by a question from Mr. Lyons of Dr. Powell, as to whether he had received a note from Mrs. Allan on the 24th of June, inquiring if he (Dr. P.) had sent a letter enclosed to he.--During the progress of Gen. W.'s examination some very tart remarks passed between him and Mr. Lyons as to his convictions of Mrs. Allan's guilt; but afterwards agreeable feelings prevailed betwee reporters stating whether Mrs. Allan's conversation was friendly or otherwise to the South. Mr. Lyons was positive that the evidence was strongly in his client's favor. The family of Mr. -- (the received from the accused very material aid and comfort. At this stage of the proceedings Mr. Lyons produced a letter which Mrs. A. had given him since she had been confined at the Asylum of St.
rl, charged with stealing jewelry of Robert Wilson. Case continued till next term, and bailed. Daniel Whalen, and his wife Ellen, charged with fraudulently obtaining money of David Parr, was examined. Whalen was sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. His wife was acquitted. Daniel Ryan, for receiving stolen goods, knowing them to have been stolen. Examined and acquitted. George Jaques, breaking into Mary Stevens's house and stealing $300 in money. Examined and sent on for triing them to have been stolen. Examined and acquitted. George Jaques, breaking into Mary Stevens's house and stealing $300 in money. Examined and sent on for trial before Judge Lyons. William Bethel, charged with misdemeanor. Acquitted. Joe, slave to Charles and James Talbott, found guilty of giving a slave named Taylor a pass to escape from his master, was ordered 39 stripes, and to be sold out of the State. Bob, a slave, charged with conniving at the same, ordered 39 lashes.