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by surprise, and must involve enormous losses, including unfinished gunboats. Will the safety of your army allow more time? Jefferson Davis. My next step was to request the Secretary of War, General Randolph, and the Secretary of the Navy, Mallory, to proceed to Yorktown and Norfolk to see whether the evacuation could not be postponed, and to make all practicable arrangements to remove the machinery, material, ordnance, and supplies for future use. At the suggestion of the Secretary of Waat would have involved heavy losses in stores, munitions, and arms, I took the responsibility of giving General Huger a written order to delay the evacuation until he could remove such stores, munitions, and arms as could be carried off. . . . Mr. Mallory was with me and gave similar instructions to the commandant of the navy-yard. . . . The evacuation was delayed for about a week. . . . When the council of war met [the conference with the President heretofore referred to], it was supposed that
on the Peninsula was held, it was deemed possible to keep possession of Norfolk. On May 1st General Johnston, commanding on the Peninsula, having decided to retreat, sent an order to General Huger to evacuate Norfolk. The Secretary of War, General Randolph, having arrived just at that time in Norfolk, assumed the authority of postponing the execution of the order until he [General Huger] could remove such stores, munitions, and arms as could be carried off. The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Mallory, was there also, and gave like instructions to the commandant of the yard. To the system and energy with which General Huger conducted the removal of heavy guns, machinery, stores, and munitions, we were greatly indebted in our future operations both of construction and defense. A week was thus employed in the removal of machinery, etc., and the enemy, occupied with the retreating army on the Peninsula, did not cross the James River above, either to interrupt the transportation or to ob
Lovell, and, if the contractors were not doing everything practicable to complete her at the earliest moment, that he should take her out of their hands, and, with the aid of General Lovell, go on to complete her himself. On April 5, 1862, Secretary Mallory instructed Commander Sinclair, who had been assigned to the command of the Mississippi, to urge on by night and day the completion of the ship. In March, 1861, the Navy Department sent from Montgomery officers to New Orleans, with instructes and ordnance equipments of all kinds. On December 12, 1861, the Secretary of the Navy submitted an estimate for an appropriation to meet the expenses incurred for ordnance and ordnance stores for the defense of the Mississippi River. Secretary Mallory, in answer to inquiries of a joint committee of Congress, in 1863, replied that he had sent a telegram to Captain Whittle, April 17, 1862, as follows: Is the boom, or raft, below the forts in order to resist the enemy, or has any part o
ime to rally the citizens to its defense. When I reached there, scouts were sent out on the different roads, and my conclusion was that we had had a false alarm. The Secretary of State, Benjamin, being unaccustomed to traveling on horseback, parted from me at the house where we stopped to breakfast, to take another mode of conveyance and a different route from that which I was pursuing, with intent to rejoin me in the trans-Mississippi Department. At Washington the Secretary of the Navy, Mallory, left me temporarily to attend to the needs of his family. The Secretary of War, Breckinridge, had remained with the cavalry at the crossing of the Savanah River. During the night after my arrival in Washington, he sent in an application for authority to draw from the treasury, under the protection of the troops, enough to make to them a partial payment. I authorized the acting Secretary of the Treasury to meet the requisition by the use of the silver coin in the train. When the next da
. McRae (boat), 186. Madison, James, 4. Maffitt, Captain, 217. Escape of Florida from Mobile harbor, 218-19. Activities of the Florida, 219. Magruder, Gen. John B., 60, 71, 76, 79, 102, 111, 119, 120-21, 124, 126, 127, 131, 196-97, 199, 201, 212, 590, 591. Preparations for McClellan's advance on Richmond, 67-68, 70. Advance, the 68-69, 71-74. Report on recapture of Galveston, 197-98. Report on battle of Sabine Pass, 200. Mahone, General, 300, 544. Major, General, 350. Mallory, S. R., 75, 170, 191, 192, 193, 589. Malone, Patrick, 201. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 122-23, 125-27, 129. Manassas (boat), 186. Manassas, Battle of, 14. Junction, Capture of, 271. Plains, Battle of, 269-75. Maney, Colonel, 48. Mann, —, 311. Mansfield, General, 286. Battle of, 456-57. Marcy, William L., extract from letter concerning private property, 139. Maritime war, Laws of, 235-36, 315. Marshall, Col. Charles, 132-33. General Humphrey, 15-16. John, words on confiscat