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are undone; and this may go nearly to undo the rest. Arriving in the camp of Kalb, he was confirmed in his purpose by Thomas Pinckney, who was his aid, and by Marion. It was the opinion of Kalb, that the enemy would not make a stand at Camden. Kalb's letters, captured by the British. His first words ordered the troops to bhed to the cause of independence, and among whom a post for defence might have been established in case of disaster. But Gates was impatient; and having detached Marion towards the interior of South Carolina to watch the motions of the enemy and furnish intelligence, he, on the morning of the twenty-seventh July 27. of July, putntry. Even then he did not yield, until disabled by many wounds. The victory cost the British about five hundred of their best troops; their great loss, wrote Marion, is equal to a defeat. How many Americans perished on the field or surrendered is not accurately known. They saved none of their artillery, and little of their
near Nelson's ferry on the Santee, on the route from Camden to Charleston, when Marion and his men sprang upon the guard, liberated the prisoners, and captured twenty-six of the escort. Colonel Marion, wrote Cornwallis, so wrought on the minds of the people, that there was scarcely an inhabitant between the Pedee and the Santeeto distress poor women and children. I most sincerely hope you will get at Mr. Marion, wrote Cornwallis on the fifth of November, as he de- Nov. 5. spatched Tarlen's ferry; beat the widow of a general officer because she could not tell where Marion was encamped, burned down her dwelling, laid waste everything about it, and didchildren, once of ample fortune, sitting round fires in the open air. As for Marion, after having kept his movements secret, and varied his encampment every night,tened Ninety-Six. Tarleton was therefore suddenly recalled from the pursuit of Marion, and ordered to take the nearest path against Sumpter. One regiment was sent f
April 6. of April, Greene detached a force under Lee, which joined Marion, and threatened the connections between Camden and Charleston; Sumpit of him; but he skilfully kept his enemy at bay. No sooner had Marion been re-enforced by Lee, than they marched against the fort on Wrighe north side, anxious to save the garrison of Fort Motte, to which Marion had laid siege. To hasten its surrender, Rebecca Motte, the owner h three hundred and fifty-two men surrendered by capitulation. General Marion turned his arms against Georgetown; and, on the first night aft side, Greene, after forming a junction with the men of Sumpter and Marion, pursued him, and on the twelfth of July offered him battle. The o of one from South Carolina on each wing, commanded respectively by Marion and Pickens. The second line was formed of three hundred and fifty Long and gallantly did the militia maintain the action, those with Marion and Pickens proving themselves equal to the best veterans. As they
ng the dead. Self-reliance and patriotism revived in the rural population of Georgia; and its own civil government was restored. On the eleventh of July, Savannah was evacuated, July 11. the loyalists retreating into Florida, the regulars to Charleston. Following the latter, Wayne, with his small but trustworthy corps, joined the standard of Greene. His successes had been gained by troops who had neither regular food, nor clothing, nor pay. In South Carolina, Greene and Wayne and Marion, and all others in high command, were never once led by the assassinations committed under the authority of Lord George Germain to injure the property or take the life of a loyalist, although private anger could not always be restrained. In conformity to the writs issued by Rutledge, as governor, the assembly met in January at Jacksonborough, on the Edisto. In the legislature were many of those who had been released from imprisonment, or had returned from exile. Against the advice of Gads