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tars might cry; “You do not feel his worth below; Your petty great men do not try The measure of his mind to know. “Send him to us-this is his place, Not 'mid your puny jealousies; You sacrificed him in your race Of envies, strifes and policies. “His eye could pierce our vast expanse, His ear could hear our morning songs, His mind, amid our mystic dance, Could follow all our myriad throngs. ”Send him to us! no martyr's soul, No hero slain in righteous wars, No raptured saint could e'er control A holier welcome from the stars. “ Take him, ye stars! take him on high, To your vast realms of boundless space; But once he turned from you to try His name on martial scrolls to trace. That once was when his country's call Said danger to her flag was nigh, And then that banner's stars dimmed all The radiant lights which gemmed the sky. Take him, loved orbs! His country's life, Freedom for all — for these he wars; For these he welcomed bloody strife, And followed in the wake of M
red to Cambridge, riding in a single day one hundred miles.--National Portrait Gallery, published 1834. A little beyond, a rebel was ploughing in a field by the roadside: both animals were taken, and the plough left standing in the furrow.--Tribune Correspondence. Threnody. Strophe First: The plough stands in the furrow. Ah! how long? The unbroken sod invites the share in vain, The fertile fields produce not: and among The woods resounds the tramp of armed men. Ceres aye yields to Mars. The warrior-god Over her fields relentless drives his steeds; And when and where he hurls his barbed rod, “Some Athens perishes, some Tully bleeds.” Strophe Second: The plough stood in the furrow. Putnam heard His country's trumpet-call, and left it there. In her behalf, the soul within him stirred To such deeds as few mortals do, or dare. Antistrophe: The plough stands in the furrow. Where is he Who lately guided it with wonted skill? Go, seek him in the camp where traitors be, Armed
aimed The rights the Constitution had defined. Resistance to the statutes was proclaimed The pious duty of a people so refined! And all this madness, tending or intended, To rend the Union--as we've seen it rended. But — Davis, Yancey, Keitt, and Beauregard, Slidell and Mason, Toombs and Benjamin, Et id genus omne!--what reward Were match to your immeasurable sin Against your God and country? 'Twere as hard To measure your offences, as it's been To estimate the wretchedness abounding, Since Mars his brazen trumpet has been sounding. What demon could possess you to abandon The Union--and your rights as Union men? The Constitution was enough to stand on; And on it were arrayed a host of men, Prepared to lay a strong, suppressing hand on The mad fanatics, who assailed you then. But you in frenzy gave us battle's thunder-- A monstrous crime, and worse — a monstrous blunder! 'Twas Talleyrand, French Secretary, said A blunder's worse than crime;--but never Hath any one in earthly annals