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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1. 58 2 Browse Search
Colonel William Preston Johnston, The Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston : His Service in the Armies of the United States, the Republic of Texas, and the Confederate States. 51 1 Browse Search
Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, Chapter XXII: Operations in Kentucky, Tennessee, North Mississippi, North Alabama, and Southwest Virginia. March 4-June 10, 1862., Part II: Correspondence, Orders, and Returns. (ed. Lieut. Col. Robert N. Scott) 51 19 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore) 40 0 Browse Search
Frederick H. Dyer, Compendium of the War of the Rebellion: Regimental Histories 40 0 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events, Diary from December 17, 1860 - April 30, 1864 (ed. Frank Moore) 38 0 Browse Search
Col. J. Stoddard Johnston, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.1, Kentucky (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 37 7 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 4 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 22 0 Browse Search
J. B. Jones, A Rebel War Clerk's Diary 22 4 Browse Search
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he Federals, and seven hundred rebels. The rebels were completely routed, with a loss of twenty-one persons killed, the number of wounded not stated. The Federals captured thirty-four prisoners, fifty-two horses, ten or twelve mules, two jacks, and one large bear, and a great number of guns, knives, and other articles. None killed on the Federal side, and only two wounded--one of them a flesh wound in the thigh, the other shot on the end of one of his thumbs. General Nelson, with Colonels Marshall and Metcalfe's commands, took Hazelgreen, routed two hundred rebels, took thirty-eight prisoners, and established his Headquarters in the house of G. Trimble, one of the leading rebels. There was not a gun fired at that place. The troops at both places were acting under General Nelson's orders, the whole belonging to his brigade.--(Doc. 103.) When the Union troops were withdrawn from the Virginia side, near Harper's Ferry, this night, the Sixteenth Indiana, occupying the most
Guard, Twentieth regiment of New York Volunteers, under the command of Col. George W. Pratt, left Kingston for the seat of war. The regiment numbers nine hundred and seventy-five men.--N. Y. World, Oct. 26. Gen. Franklin extended his picket lines a mile beyond Annandale, on the Little River turnpike, which leads direct to Fairfax Court House, Va.--Walter W. Smith, one of the crew of the privateer Jeff. Davis, captured on board the Enchantress, was convicted of the crime of piracy.--Col. Marshall, of the Seventh Maine regiment, died in Baltimore, of typhoid fever. He had been sick two weeks. His regiment started for Washington.--N. Y. Times, Oct. 26. An artillery duel was fought across the Potomac River, at Edwards' Ferry. Firing was kept up by rifled cannon from nine o'clock in the morning until two in the afternoon. A large number of shots were thrown from both parties. Several balls fell in a portion of Gen. Banks's encampment, killing two and wounding two or three.
troops met on the peninsula, above Newport News, Va., and mistook each other for enemies. Brisk firing at once commenced, and a number on each side were killed and wounded before the mistake was found out. Among the killed was Major Bailey, of Mobile.--Memphis Appeal, November 16. The Grand Jury in session at Frankfort, Kentucky, adjourned, having found indictments for treason against thirty-two prominent citizens, among whom were Robert J. Breckinridge, jr., J. C. Breckinridge, Humphrey Marshall, Ben. Desha, and Harry T. Hawkins. Nineteen persons were also indicted for high misdemeanor.--Baltimore American, Nov. 13. Electors for President and Vice-President were chosen throughout the revolted States, and also members of Congress. The Congress is to meet at Richmond on the 18th of February, 1862, and the votes for the two highest offices in the Government will be counted next day.--New York Tribune, November 18. One hundred and twenty Federal troops, under Capt. Shie
under command of Colonel Sill, was sent by a circuitous route to Piketon in the hope to take that place in the rear, and prevent a rebel retreat, while the main body under General Nelson advanced by the direct road along the Big Sandy River. Colonel Marshall's Ohio regiment, the advance of Nelson's main body, near four P. M. was ambuscaded by two hundred rebels in a very strong natural position, about twelve miles from Piketon, when a brisk fight took place, the enemy firing upon the Ohio troopsition, about twelve miles from Piketon, when a brisk fight took place, the enemy firing upon the Ohio troops from each side of the road; but after standing their ground for a time, they gave way and scattered in the surrounding brush, making good their escape. Colonel Marshall's loss was four men killed and twenty wounded. Some skirmishers of the enemy were met and driven in, at night, by the force under Colonel Sill. The rebels lost ten killed, fifteen wounded, and forty missing.--(Doc. 141.)
inevitable. A circular has been sent by the Emperor to the European Powers, declaring that the arrest of Mason and Slidell is contrary to principles regarded as essential to the security of neutral flags, and stating that the French Government deemed it necessary to submit this opinion to the Cabinet at Washington, in order to determine it to make concessions which the French Government deemed indispensable. A detachment of Gen. Pope's forces, under command of Col. J. C. Davis and Major Marshall, surprised a rebel camp at Millford, a little north of Warrensburgh, Mo., this afternoon, and, surrounding the enemy, forced them to surrender. Thirteen hundred prisoners, including three colonels, seventeen captains, one thousand stand of arms, one thousand horses, sixty-five wagons, and a large quantity of tents, baggage, and supplies Were captured. The Nationals lost two killed and eight wounded.--(Doc. 231.) A reconnoitring expedition, under command of Commander Drayton, U. S.
A skirmish took place between a part of the Second Virginia (Union) cavalry, under Colonel Bowles, and a portion of Marshall's forces, under Shaw, three miles west of Paintsville, on Jennie Creek, Ky. The rebels lost six killed, fourteen wounded, and seven prisoners. The Unionists lost two killed and one wounded. Before Colonel Bowles attacked him, Humphrey Marshall addressed his men, advising the surrender of the whole force. The men refused, saying that they preferred fighting to such a cowardly course. After a skirmish Marshall's whole force fled, and three hundred picked infantry and nine Union cavalry pursued.--(Doc. 9.) Colonel J. A. Garfield, with his brigade, consisting of the Forty-second regiment of Ohio Volunteercavalry, which had been left as a vanguard, a distance of five miles, killing three and wounding a considerable number. Marshall's whole army is now flying in confusion. He had abandoned and burned a large amount of his stores. We have taken ten p
the collector, proceeded with the sale until sufficient money had been realized to pay the taxes on Buckner's property in Louisville.--Louisville Journal, January 11. Colonel Garfield left Paintsville, Ky., yesterday, in pursuit of the flying rebels, and came up with them this morning, finding them posted on an eminence, two thousand five hundred strong, with three pieces of cannon. The fight lasted throughout the day, resulting in the defeat of the rebels, who were commanded by Humphrey Marshall. About sixty rebels were killed, twenty-five taken prisoners, and ten horses with a quantity of stores captured. The principal engagement took place at the forks of Middle Creek, Ky., and the road to Prestonburg, only a few miles distant, was laid open.--(Doc. 11.) An expedition under Generals Grant and McClernand, about five thousand strong, left Cairo, Ill., and started down the Mississippi River this afternoon. They went on the following boats: City of Memphis, Belle Memphis
ons, and bring into camp at Bird's Point all citizens, together with their subsistence, and require them to remain, under penalty of death and destruction of their property, until properly relieved. Let no harm befall these people if they quietly submit, but bring them in and place them in camp below the breastwork, and have them properly guarded. The intention is not to make political prisoners of these people, but to cut off a dangerous class of spies. This applies to all classes and conditions, age and sex. If, however, women and children prefer other protection than we can afford them, they may be allowed to retire beyond the limits indicated — not to return until authorized. The Twenty-eighth regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, under command of Colonel William Monteith, left Boston for New York, en route for the seat of war.--New York Commercial, Jan. 13. Colonel Garfield, having defeated the rebels under Humphrey Marshall, occupied Prestonburg, Ky., to-da
hree hundred men and one six and one twelve-pounder and four howitzers. The enemy lost their entire train (sixty-four wagons and provisions) and two hundred and thirty mules; about one hundred and fifty killed, two hundred wounded, and ninety-three taken prisoners, among whom are thirteen officers. Some of the latter held commissions in the volunteer corps of the Territory. Capt. Cook was wounded. His heaviest injury was sustained by his horse falling down and bruising his ankle. Lieut. Marshall, of Cook's company, shot himself while trying to break one of the Texan guns lying in the field after the battle. Lieut. Chambers was wounded severely, and afterward died. Lieut. Baker and Lieut. P. McGrath, were also killed.--Denver News, Extra, April 9. Col. Kennett's cavalry, accompanied by seventy-five mounted men from Loomis's battery, returned to Murfreesboroa, Tenn., from an expedition through the country for many miles south and southeast of that place. During the expedi
r, inviting the citizens of the Commonwealth to join, on Sunday next, in a general Te Deum in honor of the recent victories, and congratulating the Western States upon the valiant deeds of their soldiers in the Valley of the Mississippi. Gov. Andrew ordered a salute of one hundred guns to be fired to-morrow, at noon, in honor of the recent victories.--Boston Courier, April 11. The police of St. Louis, Mo., broke up an extensive counterfeiting establishment in that city, and seized about twenty-five thousand dollars in counterfeit United States Treasury Notes.--St. Louis News, April 11. Two fine batteries of rifled guns were this day found in the woods near the Mississippi river, below Island Number10.--Cincinnati Commercial, April 12. Humphrey Marshall, whose headquarters were at Lebanon, Russell Co., Va., called out the militia of Russell, Washington, Scott, Wise, and Lee, to drive back the National troops threatening to advance by way of Pound Gap.--New York World.