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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 14 0 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Kirby Smith's campaign in Kentucky. (search)
ntucky river. Stevenson occupied Versailles on the extreme right, while Hardie on the left retired slowly upon Perryville, harassed at every step by the enemy. Marshall had come up from Owingsville within supporting distance. Thus the main object of the late movements was accomplished with trifling loss of men or material. Gs division3,000  August 25,General Reynold's brigade3,000  September 6,General Bragg's army23,000  September 7,Colonel Grace's regiment600  September 12,General Marshall's brigade4,000  September 18,General Stevenson's division10,000  September 28,Colonel Hilliard's legion2,000  October 1,General McCown with convalescents e State. with two hundred pieces of artillery. Of these thirty thousand were at Harrodsburg, between thirteen and fourteen thousand at Camp Dick Robinson, while Marshall's brigade, whose exact locality it was often difficult to ascertain, was somewhere between there and Lexington. This was exclusive of a large and excellent body
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 5.44 (search)
. Hill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors: Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robert S. Young, Robert B. McRae, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harris. Adjutants: J. A. Cunningham, John E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, John M. Pearson. Quartermasters; William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries: William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeon: Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons: William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain: M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth regiment. Colonels: James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels: O. P. Meares, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors: George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants: Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster: A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries: Duncan McNeil, Robert Tait. Surgeons: James A. Miller, John Tazwell Tyler, Thomas B. L
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 10. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Newport's News. Nomen non Locus. (search)
uld have done, even at that day, down among the records of the past, they failed to arrive at a decision of the question, and so left the controversy, to give employment to the pens of their successors, of half a century later. As the overthrow of Mr. Grigsby's theory will be the defeat of the theories of all others who held, or now hold, that the name was originally spelled Newport-Newce, whether bestowed as to the last half of the name in honor of Captain Thomas Newce, or of the Knight-Marshall, Sir William Newce, I now proceed, without further preliminaries, to open my batteries on Mr. Grigsby's position. Mr. Grigsby says: Newport was the old Admiral of the Colony, and Sir William Newce, in the character of Marshal, commanded [1621] the fort at or near Newport's News; and in much more verbiage than that I now here use, he pictures Newport and the Marshal going off together, in the latter's pinnace, to board incoming ships, which, as Mr. Grigsby says, backed their topsails and
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Lane's Corps of sharpshooters. (search)
ill, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner. Majors.—Edward D. Hall, Junius L. Hill, Robt. S. Young, Robt. B. McRae, Wm. Lee Davidson, J. McLeod Turner, James G. Harris, Adjutants.—J. P. Cunningham, Jno. E. Brown, Frank D. Stockton, Ives Smedes, Jno. M. Pearson. Quartermasters.—William A. Eliason, John Hughes. Commissaries.—William H. Sanford, Thos. Hall McKoy. Surgeons.—Wesley M. Campbell. Assistant Surgeons.—William Ed. White, Alfred W. Wiseman, J. R. Fraley. Chaplain.—M. M. Marshall. Eighteenth North Carolina Regiment. Colonels.—James D. Radcliffe, Robert H. Cowan, Thomas J. Purdie, John D. Barry. Lieutenant-Colonels.—O. P. Mears, Thomas J. Purdie, Forney George, John W. McGill. Majors.—George Tait, Forney George, R. M. DeVane, John D. Barry, Thomas J. Wooten. Adjutants.—Charles D. Myers, Samuel B. Walters, William H. McLaurin. Quartermaster.—A. D. Cazaux. Commissaries.—Duncan McNeill, Robert Tait. Surgeons.—James A. Mill
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 28. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.5 (search)
Moore, Thomas J., First Sergeant. Morgan, L. Dennis, First Sergeant. Marshall, Hunter H., Jr., killed at Amelia Courthouse, 1865. Marshall, John. MorrMarshall, John. Morris, Macon C., wounded at Appomattox Courthouse, April, 1865. Marshall, John P., died from effects of cannon shot. Marshall, Joel W., Lieutenant and Adjutant of Marshall, John P., died from effects of cannon shot. Marshall, Joel W., Lieutenant and Adjutant of 14th Virginia Cavalry. Marshall, Ben W. Marshall, Joel F. Morton, David H. McGhee, William. McCargo, Samuel, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. MosMarshall, Joel W., Lieutenant and Adjutant of 14th Virginia Cavalry. Marshall, Ben W. Marshall, Joel F. Morton, David H. McGhee, William. McCargo, Samuel, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Moseley, J. B. Morton, John J. Welton, F. Moses, Albert. Morton, J. P. Manns, Daniel. Morton, John A. Noel, Charles P., wounded in Valley of VirginiMarshall, Ben W. Marshall, Joel F. Morton, David H. McGhee, William. McCargo, Samuel, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Moseley, J. B. Morton, John J. Welton, F. Moses, Albert. Morton, J. P. Manns, Daniel. Morton, John A. Noel, Charles P., wounded in Valley of Virginia, 1864. From Pittsylvania county, Va. Nichol, Charles, from Monroe county, W. Va. Pettus, John. Price, Samuel, wounded near Lexington, Va., in 1864. ReaMarshall, Joel F. Morton, David H. McGhee, William. McCargo, Samuel, killed at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863. Moseley, J. B. Morton, John J. Welton, F. Moses, Albert. Morton, J. P. Manns, Daniel. Morton, John A. Noel, Charles P., wounded in Valley of Virginia, 1864. From Pittsylvania county, Va. Nichol, Charles, from Monroe county, W. Va. Pettus, John. Price, Samuel, wounded near Lexington, Va., in 1864. Read, George W. Read, Isaac. Roberts, George H., Third Lieutenant until November, 1861. Randol, Alex., from West Virginia. Rice, Henry C. Rice, David.
ing in the Rev. Dr. Read's church, and was opened with a sermon by Rev. C. M. Atkinson, of Canton, Miss. The roll of the Synod embraces the following names: Ministers.--E. H. Cumpston, of Md.; John W. McMurran, of Va.; Paterson Fletcher, of Va.; A. J. Leavenworth, of Va.; Joseph H. Martin, of Tenn.; John M. Caldwell, of Tenn.; James N. Bradshaw, of Tenn.; Isaac N. Naff, of Va.; James McChain, of Va.; F. A. Ross, D. D., of Ala.; W. H. Vernon, of Tenn.; C. M. Atkinson, of Miss.; M. M. Marshall, of Miss.; Jas. M. McLean, of Ala.; and Addison W. Morrison, of Ark. Elders.--G. M. Watkins, of Md.; J. D. Tullis, of Va.; Charles B. Williams, of Va.; Dr. S. P. Christian, of Va.; Richard I. Wilson, of Tenn.; C. W. Coffin, of Tenn.; P. B. Snapp, of Va.; Isaiah Dill, of Tenn.; Jas. B. Ewing, of Tenn.; Hon. Geo. W. Shelton, of Miss.;--Magley, of Miss.; David S. Delgell, of Ark. Permanent Officers.--Rev. T. D. Bell, stated Clerk; Rev. J. H. Martin, permanent Clerk, and Mr. David