Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 1, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. H. Maury or search for R. H. Maury in all documents.

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The Meteorological Congress. --The departure of Lt. Maury for England, has been announced. M. Quetelet, the perpetual secretary of the French Academy, says that the enterprise proposed by the United States, under the direction of Lieut. Maury, of a Meteorological Congress, will be accomplished on a large scale. Very distinguished men are disposed to attend. He is about to visit England on account of it. The general Congress of Vienna has charged him with the duty of making up a generalLieut. Maury, of a Meteorological Congress, will be accomplished on a large scale. Very distinguished men are disposed to attend. He is about to visit England on account of it. The general Congress of Vienna has charged him with the duty of making up a general programme for meteorological observations all over the globe. Unity of views is necessary in these observations. Thirty nations have assented to it, and several are already at work. Science has thus accomplished a confederation of nations which politics has attempted in vain.