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urnished sixty-one. It has been the same in regard to ambassadors. "To the South belongs Washington, Jefferson, Monroe, Madison, Patrick Henry, Clay, Marshall — men not less distinguished for their exalted character and noble qualities of heart than for their talents and intelligence. These men are not only an honor to their country and to their century, but the glory of humanity. To these are joined others as remarkable, but less known in Europe — Calhoun, Jackson, Randolph, Cabell, Maury, Pinckney, Lowndes, and Taney. "To the eyes of whoever has examined it closely, the South has nothing to envy in any nation in respect to civilization, right-mindedness, and elevation of sentiments. "The women of the South are tender mothers and devoted wives. The Creoles are equal to the French ladies in exquisite grace, distinction, sensibility, generosity, warmth of heart and ideas, with intelligence of all that is noble, beautiful, and good. In the epidemics that have ravaged