Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. H. Maury or search for R. H. Maury in all documents.

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Office R. H. Maury& Co., Richmond, Va., Oct, 29. for sale. N. C. Sixes. Va. State Sixes, registered. Confederate States Bonds and stock, Checks on the Southern and Western cities. Gold Coin, Silver, &c. oc 30--ta
R. H. Maury & Co., Richmond, Va. Dealers in Stocks, Bonds. Exchanges,) Foreign and Domestic, Coin, &c., &c. Collections made on all points in the Sou and West. Checks on Charleston, Savannah, New leans, Memphis, Nashville, &c., bought and sold. Wanted — Mobile and New Orleans 81GH Funds. an 6--tm