Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 13, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. H. Maury or search for R. H. Maury in all documents.

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of December at 67f. 20 for the rates. Berlin, Dec. 29.--The Government of Prussia has addressed a dispatch to the Minister of Prussia, at Washington, in reference to the arrest of Messrs. Mason and Slidell, condemning the proceedings of the commander of the San Jacinto. All the London journals of Tuesday, December 24, publish M. Thouvenel's dispatch, on the late breach of international law, addressed to the representative of France at Washington. The London Times says: Mr. Maury, who is so well known to all navigators and to all scientific men, has addressed a long letter to Admiral Roy, containing an apology for the step he has taken of resigning his post at the Washington Observatory, and devoting himself to the cause of his compatriots of the South. The Duke of Devonshire has allowed himself to be nominated for the vacant Chancellorship of the University of Cambridge. The London Times leading article of Monday, Dec. 23, says: The French circul