Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 22, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for R. H. Maury or search for R. H. Maury in all documents.

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t — important Cass. --The uninteresting monotony in the proceedings of this tribunal was broken yesterday by the appearance of a case of general interest and of an important character. The style of the case was Christian (colored) ve. R. H. Maury & Co. and R. W. Hughes. It seems, from the records of the Court, that a box, containing bonds and other securities to the amount of some $10,000, was deposited with Maury & Co. for Christian, (as claimed by the plaintiff,) and that R. W. HughMaury & Co. for Christian, (as claimed by the plaintiff,) and that R. W. Hughes, acting as administrator, removed the bonds without competent authority. The argument yesterday arose on a motion made by the defendant to postpone the trial till depositions could be taken in Wisconsin. Judge Crump opened the case by making the motion, and holding that the deposition was necessary. Mr. J. Harmer Gilmer, Jr., followed for the petitioner. He argued that the motion arose simply from a spirit of delay; that the deposition was not necessary, and that if it was, the wi